Sentences with phrase «of bitches of»

Not exact matches

Carissa interviews Lynn Higgin of Crazy Bitch Tea, herbal tea infusion bringing harmony to the world around us.
Instead, viewers will likely be treated with moments like Ray Kroc telling an employee, on the topic of the McDonald's brothers, «I'm not normally a vindictive man, but this time I'm going to get those sons - of - bitches
The Apple icon — and notorious crank — was so indignant over the fact that the board of directors listed him second to co-founder Steve Wozniak, on their employee badges system, that he bitched and moaned until they finally made him «0» because it came before «one».
Denise Duffield - Thomas, author of Lucky Bitch and Get Rich, Lucky Bitch, agreed.
They're «the dreamers, visionaries, megalomaniacs, and arrogant sons - of - bitches» whose businesses «change lives and do more to lift thousands out of poverty than most government programs or nongovernmental organizations.»
If you've got a group of people who are anxious or frustrated about an issue, this exercise — named for the initials in Bitch, Moan and Whine — helps manage that stress.
You'll notice that I haven't yet mentioned the «小伟哥» part of Ying Jia's trademark — more on that later, it's a bitch of a story to explain.
During an appearance on «Squawk Box,» McCarthy, R - Calif., was responding to a question about Trump calling NBC's Chuck Todd a «son of a bitch» at a weekend rally.
McCarthy's comments were in response to a question about Trump calling NBC's Chuck Todd a «son of a bitch
So it was easy, I just kind of go up when nobody else was looking I'd go up, ah you dirty son of a bitch.
«The best thing to ever happen to the Vancouver indie scene is that those big, fat, bloated old bitches left town,» says Jason Bailey, the CEO of East Side Games, a local mobile startup, of the traditional console giants.
This policing of masculinity is the reason why the vast majority of fist fights I've witnessed between men were preceded by trash talk in which the men called each other «little bitches» or «pussies.»
«Bitch, I turned into Patti,» he says, before launching into a series of stunning vocal riffs.
If you think that people would judge you for trying something new or that if you created a tribe you'd be surrounded by a lot of bitching — if you let fear hold you back, you will never be able to truly disrupt things and create something better.
Statements within the guidelines about violence towards women, for example — such as «To snap a bitch's neck, make sure to apply all your pressure to the middle of her throat» — are considered okay because they are not specific threats.
«People need something to bitch about, it's part of sports,» Toronto Blue Jays manager John Gibbons told Fox Sports.
Now have a variety of themed tours including «Badass Bitches of the Met» that celebrates female art and artists and «Political Scandals,» which is what it sounds like.
Carissa Dunphy interviews Lynn Higgin of Crazy Bitch Tea, herbal tea infusion bringing harmony to the world around us.
«that's Hon. Bitch, P.C. M.P. to you») and recently received an anonymous letter speculating about whether she wears a bra in the House of Commons.
He put out a PSA one week before the student march for gun control and asked, «What if our politicians weren't the bitch of the NRA?»
«I'm a big advocate of negotiating,» said Lapin, author of «Rich Bitch
One of my bitch points is the lack of transparency that comes from the obfuscation and stealing of the English language by the broker - dealer world to their benefit and at the expense of the consumer.
I've been thinking about it since it started falling since end of October month, a bitching month many says, when news of accounting issues start pouring out.
I bitch about the folly of link bait and pagerank, I whine about sandboxes and anchor text schemes.
From blaming the victim to the way lyrics which glorify rape and smacking or killing your «bitch» seem to go unnoticed by people who should be in an uproar about it, to the ridiculously light sentences handed out to perpetrators of rape and even murder of a woman or child, our culture is tacitly condoning this mind - set by their very silence.
I realized that I don't like when women are called a bitch and the unedited version of that song says «You're the hottest bitch in this place.»
In Updike's view, the ineluctable disappearance of religion in the life of Americans has been replaced by the ersatz religions of devotion to the bitch goddess of material success, and to the excitements of a degraded popular culture (the cult of the silver screen figures large in Lilies).
Otherwise none of us have a right to bitch about believers.
Saying women whine like bitches is rather sexist and like the rest of your cult shows you have no respect for women.
One of the things I'm taking away from this epic conversation is the level of personal damage that can be inflicted when people start making their living by making the bible their bitch.
The women of our world aren't looking for a safe place to bitch about housework and ooh - and - ahhh over centrepieces.
Like the American Negroes who adopted the word «black» from the enemy and flung it back, or the feminists who accept «witch» and «bitch» as badges of honor, Dobson and Hindson are in a mood and movement that take fundamentalism back as a banner for pride and boasting and wave it in the faces of the, in their view, waning evangelicals.
Because I can't count the number of times I've been called a whore, bitch, cunt, slut, or feminazi because of my theological or political views.
You have 4 more years of bitching about black people coming.
William James warned us about the pitfalls of this compulsive preoccupation, what he called he called the bitch - goddess SUCCESS, around the turn of the century.
«Sir Thomas More, kinsman, saint, best dearest merriest of Englishmen, pray far us and drive this son of a bitch hence.»
That Truth revealed allows all the rest of the world, the normal people to put so called sad bitches» comments in proper perspective.
So, until the day comes... And it will be not long from now, YES, SATAN / EVIL / BAD RULES THIS WORLD, AND SOON OUR LORD AND SAVIOR WILL BE LOCKING THAT BITCH UP IN A PIT AND BRING HEAVEN HERE ON EARTH Not trying to yell, just put the full emotional value of how happy thinking of that day makes me... Like my mom always said: If your not happy dummy, what are you doing?
It is very much like our term «son of a bitch»... only even more «vulgar».
The operative question is whether the African - American entrepreneurs who perform, produce, distribute, and display the «music» that has the made the trashing of «bitches» and «hos» tolerable will clean up their own collective act.
nope: Let's invite pagans to put up a pentagram and see how quickly you christards bitch or how about a giant star of david?
If all he wants to do is bitch and moan then he certainly is playing a game, and I don't have time for that... never did, never will... but I'd rather give someone the benefit of the doubt than let someone slip by undealt with.
I can transform a woman person, a Jewish person, a black person, a gay person, an oriental person, a precious child into A bitch, a kike, a nigger, a bull dyke, a faggot, a chink, a selfish little bastard I bring pain that is chronic A pain that will not go away I am the hunter that stalks you night and day Every day everywhere I have no boundaries You try to hide from me But you can not Because I live inside of you I make you feel hopeless Like there is no way out MY NAME IS TOXIC SHAME
Yes, and this diversity will always be the source of MANY backroom bitching sessions for people who want to live in LALA Land and prefer the Bride to be without the gnarly flaws that are so obvious where diversity is encouraged.
Non-Muslims know it's best to let the sons - of - bitches who want to die for their beliefs do all the dying.
As «enlightened» as mankind would like to think itself, there are still way too many individuals (and not all of them are men either) who still think strong minded, thought provoking women are either bitches, or lesbians (why sexual orientation has anything to do with the ability to think for ones self is still beyond me)-- possibly both.
May it's the only place where he can get a good night's sleep or a peaceful moment of rest without his wife bitching at him about everything that's wrong with the «church.»
So, they choose «life is a bitch,» instead of the freedom of forgiveness, peace and joy in Christ.
We muslims don't call our women: Bitches, hores... and the majority of muslim women actually have the choice to choose to wear the veil (if you go to a Catholic church women are asked to wear the veil... nuns are fully covered... even Marry the mother of Jesus used to cover and that is because these women know they are diamonds and you have to really deserve her to be able to see more and that is only gonna be her husband, and parents... If you have a precious and very expensive diamond in your possession don't tell me you would leave it outside of your house but you would leave your trash outside of your house... same thing with women especially and by the way this apply to men as well in Islam... A woman actually is the queen of her household, and when they are so aware of their status within her community, as more like a mother, she is committed to her husband, kids and parents exclusively... she is busy taking care of her loved ones and enjoys it and happy so why you ask her to show you her cleavage if she doesn't think you deserve her... Muslim women are not any different than all women, they only like to wear the veil and not show their beauty to you... what?
Luther was a «leper and a loathsome fellow... a false libeller and calumniator... a dog and the son of a bitch, born to snap and bite at the sky with his canine mouth... with a brain of brass and a nose of iron.»
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