Sentences with phrase «of black mangrove»

The flowers of the black mangrove produce abundant nectar that bees can convert into excellent honey.
The propagule of the black mangrove is shaped like a lima bean and is up to an inch long.
Family Combretaceae The white mangrove also lacks the prop roots of the red mangrove and sends up pneumatophores which are smaller diameter (often pencil diameter and less abundant than those of the black mangrove.
The river is closely lined with swamps of black mangrove, which are protected by law and provide stability for the banks as well as habitat for many species of animals and birds.
The pneumatophores of the black mangrove which are always (at maturity) taller than the high tide level allow oxygen exchange under normal circumstances.

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The official citation pays tribute to the island's «exceptional natural beauty» and refers to «over 250 km of sandy beaches with long, uninterrupted sweeps of ocean beach, with more than 40 km of strikingly coloured sand cliffs, as well as spectacular dune blowouts and ocean surf beaches; tall rainforests growing on low nutrient sands; perched dune lakes including both clear «white water» lakes and dark «black water» lakes; banksia woodlands, heath, patterned swampy fens and sheltered mangrove areas in a spectacular «mosaic landscape.»
On shore you will explore the lush fringing mangrove forests, seasonal lagoons and littoral forests of red, white and black mangroves; the unique ecosystem which bridges the land and the ocean.
On shore you will explore the lushforests of red, white and black mangroves; the unique ecosystem which bridges the land and the ocean.
Black mangrove is not as tolerant of ranges in salinity and prefers higher salt concentrations than found in the fresher waters sometimes tolerated by the red mangrove.
The black mangrove (Avicennia sp.), recognized by its many pneumatophores sticking up from the roots through the mud flats or supratidal to intertidal sands which generally surround it, usually forms «forests» along more sheltered areas of the shore.
These backwater areas are also subject to occasional freshwater runoff and flooding requiring great phycological adjustment on the part of the plants, so frequently white mangrove dominates since it manages adjustments better than the black.
In the months of northers, (Nov, Dec) large «swims» of the black or mangrove snapper (Lutjanus griseus) average 1 to 3 lb) move from Chetumal Bay southward towards the reef.
The boat first crosses through mangrove channels at the southern tip of Ambergris Caye offering opportunities for sighting Belted Kingfishers, Great White Herons, Little Blue Herons, Great Blue Herons, Roseate Spoonbills, Black - Necked Stilts, as well as the common occurrence of Brown Pelicans, Frigates, Cormorants, Ospreys, Plovers, Pipers and Terns.
Extending north from Punta Nosara, this beautiful black sand beach offers visitors a fantastic variety of flora and fauna and is backed by a mangrove swamp.
Safari boats creep along the river searching for these elusive Black River crocodiles, all the while allowing visitors the chance to breathe in the fresh air and cool climate of the surrounding mangrove forests.
22) Four different species of mangrove grow on Belize: the red mangrove, the white mangrove, the black mangrove and the buttonwood.
The leaves of the white mangrove are elliptical, usually pointed, and midway in size between those of the red and black mangrove.
Black mangrove: locally «mangle negro»: Avicennia germinans (formerly A. nitida): Family Avicenniaceae The black or honey mangrove does not have prop roots like the red mangrove but sends a line of numerous vertical pneumatophores (they look like small flexible bare sticks) tip through the mud from its shallow root syBlack mangrove: locally «mangle negro»: Avicennia germinans (formerly A. nitida): Family Avicenniaceae The black or honey mangrove does not have prop roots like the red mangrove but sends a line of numerous vertical pneumatophores (they look like small flexible bare sticks) tip through the mud from its shallow root syblack or honey mangrove does not have prop roots like the red mangrove but sends a line of numerous vertical pneumatophores (they look like small flexible bare sticks) tip through the mud from its shallow root system.
There are three species of mangroves growing on Ambergris Caye and throughout Belize, the red, the black and the white.
In these areas there are three types of mangroves: red, black and white that live in saltwater wetlands.
Enjoy a Zodiac ride through Black Turtle Cove, drifting silently through this area of mangroves.
More than 95 species of birds have been recorded at Cerro Hoya, including the threatened scarlet macaw, great green macaws, king vultures, keel - billed toucans, ospreys, and mangrove black hawks.
The terrestrial part of the reserve comprises mangroves, described as buttonwood, white mangrove, black mangrove, and red mangrove with Thalassia and Syringodium seagrasses heavily covering silt / sand channels in the mangroves.
From the river boat you will see, huge crocodiles up - close in their natural habitat, up to 50 different kinds of exotic birds, such as the brilliantly colored scarlet macaw, black and green iguanas, Jesus Christ lizards, monkeys, anteaters, and other jungle wildlife, tropical mangrove forests, a breathtaking crocodile feeding show!
I discovered a white sandy beach, scattered coconut trees and mangroves and a number of interesting plants like the spider lily, seaside purslane, morning glory and black mangrove in the 1.4 acre island.
At some dive sites you have hard corals, at others it's mostly soft corals, and with such a large number of islands you find many different ecosystems including seagrass beds, mangroves, shallow reefs, deep drop offs, black sand, plus there are more recorded species of fish in Raja Ampat than anywhere else.
Every dive is a new adventure into caves, shallow reefs, mangroves, white and black sand, drop - offs, seagrass beds and a banquet of coral.
More than 350 different species of sharks can be found along the barrier reef, coral atolls, and mangrove estuaries, including the elusive hammerhead shark, black tip shark, bull shark, nurse shark, reef shark, lemon shark, nurse shark, and the enormous whale shark, the largest fish in the world's oceans.
Twisted and contorted fingers of mangroves roots are holding onto a rich, black «climate - stabilizing» treasure, according to just - published research in the latest Nature Geoscience.
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