Sentences with phrase «of black struggle»

In the histories of black struggle in the United Kingdom, Nottingham features significantly, not least of which for the role that young artists have played in promoting conversations, works and exhibitions related to «radical black art» and the Black Arts Movement.
«Black Is Beautiful,» «Black Lives Matter,» «I Can't Breathe,» all made under duress in times of black struggle.
It's a much deeper dive into preconceived notions of Black men, into the venality of suburbia, the apparent futility of the Black struggle and an unflinching look at race relations, all masterfully written, sharply directed and fantastically acted.
His current research focuses on the history and politics of the black struggle for education in the United States.
Martin Luther King, Jr., and the civil rights movement helped me to take another look at the theological meaning of the black struggle for justice.

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One company Plasticity currently works with has employees around the world, Moss says, and its data has revealed what he calls a «black hole»: a cohort of staff in a region that's suffered a significant economic downturn who are struggling with morale.
But that leaves retailers struggling to replicate the Black Friday magic during the rest of the year.
Moreover, B.C. already has a refinery serving the domestic market, and its current struggles offer a hint of those Black's project might face even after raising the enormous capital cost and obtaining approvals.
Black Elk struggled financially after a November 2012 explosion on a Gulf of Mexico rig killed three workers and caused an oil spill.
He wrote so honestly and powerfully about the struggle of being black and wearing blue in today's America.
The struggling retailer's stock rose as much as 20 % on Tuesday after Bloomberg reported that Sears» Craftsman tool business has attracted bidders, including big names like Stanley Black & Decker and Hong Kong's Techtronic Industries, the maker of Dirt Devil vacuum cleaners.
These shows presented a range of black lives just as series of the 70s did, but they treated prosperity as a matter of course as opposed to an uphill struggle that might discourage black audiences from emulating in their real lives.
Don't ever point out the similarities to black people; they get really worked up and insist their struggle for equality isn't like those of gays.
It's not a negation of truth or absolute truth, it's just a recognition that we might be as confused over things as our kin in the faith who chained up Bibles, burned the bones of reformers, tossed bombs into the basements of black churches and burned crosses on the front yards of black people, who ignore the plight of the homeless and the poor while we struggle to decide between the 36 and 72 inch plasma screen tv.
As such, Walker's central challenge to process thought becomes his own theological struggle for coherence in a metaphysical scheme that denies what he affirms as fundamental to a black liberation theologian, i.e., that the most inclusive concept of God is the God of the oppressed.
That struggle entered one of its critical stages in the summer of 1964 when young black civil rights workers in Mississippi, aided by about 800 white college students from the North, tried to bring blacks in the Magnolia state to a new level of political and social awareness.
A movement for national reconciliation in a color - blind society had been seized by race - baiters who preached a gospel of victimization and identified the struggles of black America with the revolutionary theories of such Third World ideologues as Frantz Fanon.
Black Narcissus (1947), one of the twentieth century's most visually stunning films, tells the story of nuns in northern India struggling with isolation and temptation.
When the bishops of Athens and Jerusalem turned deaf ears to struggles of social and moral importance, Jakovos committed the American Orthodox church to the black civil rights movement and marched with Martin Luther King, Jr., in Selma, Alabama.
The conflict between Thomas» black supporters and his critics recalls the epochal struggle among blacks that raged at the turn of the century between the followers, respectively, of Booker T. Washington and of W. E. B. DuBois.
Working diligently to overcome the profound pathology to be found in some quarters of contemporary black life establishes what too often is only asserted» that we are indeed a great people struggling under terrible odds to overcome the effects of profound historic wrongs.
It's easier (and I find the tendency in myself almost every day) to fall back onto the black and white rules that we're often offered as answer to our struggles instead of doing the hard work of encountering our own desires and longings in relationship with God and others.
For me, it was a choice between satisfying the theological values of white people's racism and saying a word of encouragement for the black freedom struggle.
Women of all cultures have much to teach black men about theology and the human struggle to be free.
I had to ask: What is the relation between the struggles of black people in the U.S. and the struggles of people in the Third World?
Cheryl Boone Isaacs, who is the president Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences and a black woman, has struggled to enforce a change in diversity in film.
The philosophy of black power insists that, given the reality of oppression, there will be struggle against oppression.
If neoclassical theism, like classical theism, is unable to present its vision of God in a way which indicates that God favors the struggle of the oppressed, then the neoclassical alternative will be unacceptable to black theology.
The model suggested by black theology should remind these Christians of the reality of their heritage, and help them become proud of the struggles that their parents and forebears endured.
Accordingly, black theology understands that a liberating answer to questions pertaining to the circumstance of oppression and the struggle for freedom is essential to the Christian witness.
In challenging process theology to state explicitly that God sides with the oppressed, and to do so in a way that does not rule out the possibility of righteous counterviolence, I understand Jones to be challenging process theology to explicate the social - ethical consequences of accepting certain metaphysical truths in order that black theology might measure its ethical content against the needs of the struggle for liberation.
This lack of solidarity with the masses obscures the struggle for freedom and unnecessarily dichotomizes the black church and community.
It is characteristic of black theology to be unforgivingly critical of any theology which fails to affirm that God favors the struggle for liberation.
Hartshorne's theological ethics is consistent with such expressions of black theology which, drawing upon the philosophy of black power, maintain that, under certain circumstances, the oppressed may be compelled to engage in violent struggle against an oppressor.
Broadly conceived, black theology asks not only about the metaphysical status of process theology, but also, and more importantly, can process theology illuminate social - political ethics in a way that contributes favorably to the liberation struggle?
Moreover, it is characteristic of black power philosophy to insist, with Hartshorne, that, under certain conditions, those who support the struggle may rightfully engage in armed resistance to oppression.
Thus Vincent Harding, Kwame Ture, Winnie Mandela, and many others have spoken in accordance with the philosophy of black power in maintaining that where there is oppression, there will also be some form of protest and struggle for liberation.
We might add that the meaning of liberation and the character of the struggle were yet and again different for young Huey Newton (co-founder of the Black Panther Party) as be lay hand - cuffed and under armed guard even while in surgery as the result of being shot by two policemen in 1967.
These publicists are aware of the irony of their position — that their own «upward social mobility was, in large part, made possible by the struggles of those in the civil rights movement and the more radical black activists they now scorn.
That struggle entered one of its critical stages in the summer of 1964 when young black civil rights workers in Mississippi, aided by about 800 white college students from the North, tried to bring blacks in the Magnolia state...
Two such schools of thought have been North American process theology based on the philosophy of Alfred North Whitehead and liberation theology which originated in the struggles of Third World peoples for economic, political, and social independence but now has broadened to include the aspiration of minority groups (e.g., women and blacks) even within affluent First World countries.
The struggle of the Blacks in South Africa against apartheid took a serious turn during the decade.
Wherever black people gather to talk about their struggle for justice, the ghost of Malcolm's presence is there, reminding us of the strengths and weaknesses of our past and present efforts.
If he had done so, perhaps American white theologians would not have ignored the black freedom struggle and would have been less hostile toward the rise of black liberation theology.
[The] report served the time - tested purpose: Whenever the system is in crisis (or shows signs of becoming transformed); whenever blacks get restless (or show strength); whenever whites in significant numbers show signs of coming together with blacks to confront their mutual problems (or enemies), the trick is to shift the focus from the real struggle for political and economic empowerment to black «crime,» degeneracy, pathology, and — in Moynihan's innovative twist — the «deterioration» of the black family.
I do not mean his Nobel Prize, but his contribution beyond the particularity of the black American struggle.
Many of its members still insist on dressing up on Sunday because of the historical struggles of blacks.
But a with BS - NN struggling for ratings, I'm sure they'll say Jesus was a black alien from Sirius, but they won't say jack about other religious figures whose holidays are also happening around this time of the year.
I've got stacks of black journals, the summary of all my joys, sorrows, victories and struggles over the years.
Theodore Walker, in «Hartshorne's Neoclassical Theism from the Perspective of Black Theology,» evaluates the role of black power in the on - going struggle for freedom against oppresBlack Theology,» evaluates the role of black power in the on - going struggle for freedom against oppresblack power in the on - going struggle for freedom against oppression.
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