Sentences with phrase «of black violence»

Century editors feared the eruption of black violence in response to the intransigence and stupidity represented in the actions of Birmingham's Public Safety Commissioner Eugene «Bull» Connor.
Why do they not take the way of repentance and conciliation in the face of black violence — repentance for the violences the whites committed in the past?
Why, in the face of the black violence they provoked, do they not now seek peace at any price?

Not exact matches

We saw this in errors taking down newsworthy videos related to Black Lives Matter and police violence, and in removing the historical Terror of War photo from Vietnam.
Indeed, we have seen a large increase of reported incidents of violence against Muslims, Hispanics, blacks, ethnic minorities, and the LGBT community since the election last week.
A protest against violence attacking black communities, the parade was one of the first public marches for civil rights.
Actor Michael Ian Black took to Twitter on Sunday, a day after thousands of students marched in favor of gun control, and claimed that a solution to gun - related violence is «to repeal and replace and the Second Amendment.»
The Kind of Violence Americans Ignore: Air pollution is poisoning the residents of a poor, historically black neighborhood in Orlando, Florida.
on behalf of black women and girls who have been the victims of gun violence.
In recent weeks, racial justice activists and civil rights groups have noted that gun violence in black communities, rather than inspiring reform legislation or prompting national outcry, is often framed as the result of black people being unable to control themselves.
I think it really will take something like 80 % for gun control, and tragically, I'm convinced it will take a lot more senseless deaths — and not just the death of black teenagers, but the deaths of children of powerful people through gun violence.
Since non-black ladies already know the domestic violence and crime statistics, the community of colour had little to worry about black men running off wit dem uppity white women... but now that da black man is startin to get a taste for the DARK OAK... the community is getting hit hard... the ONLY way to presevere and keep the dark ladies from dyin» virgins is to condemn to hel l any black man who dares to dream (realistically of course) of coming home to anything but Thunder Thighs.
We can and should do everything we can to improve police practice, discourage racial stereotypes, and prevent any equation of black skin with violence and crime.
I once tweeted something like, «As a white man I'm not always sure how to respond to instances of police violence against black men.
In all my reporting during the riots I never saw — or heard of — any violence by Jews against blacks.
BLACK «CULTURE» is VIOLENCE, ABSENCE of A FATHER, RAP BULLCRAP and they GO TO CHURCH ON SUNDAY?????? I'll continue to work my ass off, better myself and they can ROT IN HELL.
And white supremacist violence was used to dissuade black Americans from starting their own ventures or moving out of the rural South where persecution was most vicious.
Sociologist Doug McAdam reveals in his book Political Process and the Development of Black Insurgency: 1930 - 1970 that there was a direct correlation between racial violence and the cotton market before The Great Depression.
They remembered the courage and determination of the young civil rights workers («The real heroes were the black «Snick» [SNCC, or Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee] personnel, who faced the worst dangers and took more than their share of the violence.
If the FBI's own agents did not directly carry out murder plots, the bureau intensified the climate of violence in which black leaders were slain — just as the CIA set the stage for the kidnapping and then the shooting of General Rent Schneider in Chile and the bloody overthrow of Salvador Allende three years later.
Depressed that violence was becoming «a part of the terminology of the [black freedom] movement in some segments.»
(Characteristically, Pastor Albert B. Cleage, Jr., of Detroit, one of the leading spokesmen for black power in the U.S.A., declared that violence is redemptive.
But it prompted the violence of the forces of order, whose Commission of Inquiry declared (February 12, 1968) that the black riot was not justified.
Who can forget the historic Emanuel AME Church of Charleston, SC, a black church that welcomed a young white man into their midst — a welcome that was unfortunately met with unspeakable violence.
Black music used to mean the blues and jazz; now it is more often identified with the staccato verbal violence of trash - talking rapper plutocrats like Snoop Dogg.
Television, in particular, was found to have presented violence in simplistic terms — depicting «a visual three - way alignment of Negroes, white bystanders, and public officials or enforcement agents,» which tended to create the impression that the riots were predominantly racial confrontations between blacks and whites, while factors such as economic and political frustration were pushed into the background.
There is enough evidence that antidepressants cause increased risk of suicide and violence for the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and its Canadian counterpart to require that drug companies include a «black box» warning to that effect on their packages.
By contrast, the South African Council of Churches (SACC) which represents approximately 22.5 per cent of all South Africans, and the Roman Catholic Church, which claims 9.5 per cent of the population, have recently endorsed the use of violence as a «necessary evil» to «free» black South Africans.
The politicians, bankers, and realtors, Levine and Harmon claim, believed that Jews would put up less resistance to this incursion of blacks, and that the violence associated with the later busing of blacks into the Irish area of south Boston could be avoided.
The media (both white and black) portrayed him as a teacher of hate and a promoter of violence.
His efforts led many blacks and a few whites to endure suffering and death in the face of white violence.
Now, thankfully we do not see people beating each other up at the grocery store for the last package of Oreos on a regular basis (only on Black Friday sales for cheap TVs), but we can see in our movies, television shows, books, and overarching culture that violence is still seen as a somewhat legitimate — often glamorous — method for achieving one's goals, whether it be overt or covert in nature.
The conquest of the political culture of the black community by the culture of the left has allowed someone like Farrakhan to gain an acceptance and support that far exceeds that of any comparable black demagogue in the past including Malcolm X, who in his lifetime, it should be remembered, was condemned and isolated by the leadership of the black civil rights movement precisely because of his rhetorical violence and racial politics.
We need to understand the legacy of lynching more honestly and carefully, we need to even revisit segregation and the legacy that it's created if we're going to make progress I think there is a continuing presumption of dangerousness and guilt that gets assigned to people of color, I think it would break Dr. King's heart to know that black youth in New York are getting stopped and frisked, that this police violence that has been such a problem for over a century continues, that we haven't made the commitment to overcoming bigotry and race discrimination in the way we need to.
The goal toward which Alwyn's life moved is embedded in the same social conventions which constrain and direct the lives of many other black Australians — a life of continued violence, hopelessness, and early death.
Violence and protest was a fairly common occurrence at Donald Trump's campaign rallies, at one in particular, many may remember video footage of a black man at the rally, later...
Believing victory against apartheid to be inevitable, he also spoke against black violence — even threatening to leave the country should it get out of hand.
Thanksgiving, a day set aside in the United States to commemorate God's provision in lean times through the generosity of new friends, is immediately followed by Black Friday, which is routinely characterized by chaos and even violence.
The use of violence was, of course, a desperate measure — but blacks, he said, were desperate.
I observed that young black males attract the «special attention» of law enforcement, and that any population focused on by people with guns — even law enforcers — will suffer a disproportionate amount of police violence.
But there are cultural differences in many black communities, especially in the inner city, that may account for the atrocious levels of violence.
Once there were gatherings in church basements around the country of blacks and whites, all repenting together of the hatred they possessed and violence they could do to the white people who would attack them during street demonstrations.
Once in Spain, women living in captivity and were forced into prostitution under threats of black magic rituals, as well as by physical violence, rape and death threats to the girls themselves and their families in Nigeria.
Black men were 67 percent of those killed by CMPD since 2013, according to data collected by Campaign Zero — a data - driven platform that presents solutions to end police violence in America.
Imagine that your first day on the job was in 1957 in Little Rock, where you're assigned to search lockers for bombs while busloads of white people prevent nine black children from walking through the doors of your high school, requiring the 101st Airborne to occupy the school for the rest of the year to prevent violence... and to burn your high hurdles at night to stay warm.
Trump has been highly critical of the Black Lives Matter movement, denouncing them on several occasions for «inciting» violence toward police and routinely rebuking the movement with the phrase «All Lives Matter.»
«You'll see on the backs of our shirts that we're highlighting a longtime problem of racial profiling and unjust violence against blacks in our country,» said Maya Moore in a pregame press conference.
If you read or listen to what black Americans have to say about police violence, chances are good that at some point you will see the names of the dead repeated.
Most of us determined his guilt or innocence based on our broader views of black people, celebrities, athletes, women, violence, L.A., cops.
It consisted of about 50 men with Salafist black banners advocating for more anti-Western violence.
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