Sentences with phrase «of bladder issues»

«Our patients have been especially grateful to have a solution to various types of bladder issues related to urinary incontinence without surgery, medication or side - effects.
If the amount of blood seems alarming, or if your baby isn't wetting her diapers, get in touch with her pediatrician right away, as this may be a sign of a bladder issue.

Not exact matches

Did you know that 44 % of Americans with bladder leakage issues are under the age of 50?!
«Chronic pain and bladder dysfunction remain significant quality - of - life issues for many people with spinal cord injuries.
It follows with discussions of the major medical issues that then have to be addressed: the stabilization of the fractured pelvis, the cleaning of wounds and cutting back of excessively damaged soft tissue, the treatment of severe colorectal, genital, and urinary / bladder injuries, and the prevention of potentially lethal bacterial and fungal infections.
These additives can irritate the bladder, Kalb explains, and bladder - control issues affect at least 80 percent of folks with multiple sclerosis.
In my acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) practice, I help countless patients manage the side effects of prostate cancer treatment, and many other men's health issues like bladder problems, Chronic Prostatitis (CP) and Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome (CPPS).
It helps to treat urinary issues by balancing hormones and reducing inflammation of the bladder.
A diet filled with a lot of raw vegetables is beneficial for someone with gall bladder issues, but for someone with IBS, they are better served with steamed or cooked veggies.
Other problems that may be related to the health of the pelvic floor include lumbar spinal problems, sacroiliac, hip or sciatic pain, bladder weakness, prolapsed uterus or bladder, and for men, prostate issues.
However, long - term studies on the effects of fluoride are showing that it can cause a multitude of health issues including cancer (specifically bladder), gum disease, thyroid dysfunction, kidney and liver disease, genetic defects, endocrine imbalance, nervous system disorders and bone disease including fluorosis.
When the sacral chakra is out of alignment, you may experience chronic low back pain, ovarian cysts and other reproductive issues, urinary tract infections, impotence, pain during intercourse, complications with the bladder and kidneys, and other pelvic — lower abdominal issues.
Constant pressure on the bladder and bowels due to your abdominal and pelvic contents being «squished» because of poor posture... This can lead to feelings of urinary and fecal urgency and bladder control issues.
Complications of the bladder, kidney issues, pelvic pain, chronic inflammation, infertility, abnormal growth, and fibroids are all appropriate candidates for ultrasound evaluation.
Simple: D - mannose is extraordinarily effective at helping to prevent the bacteria that causes 95 % of all urinary tract issues from attaching to your bladder wall.
Beyond its allergy - relieving benefits, stinging nettles have also been linked with treating a number of other health issues including arthritis, PMS, dandruff, gingivitis, gout, kidney stones, bladder infections and bursitis.
Vaginal birth can increase risks of having bladder issues, and tearing of the pelvic floor muscles.
To make matters worse, constant pressure on the bladder and bowels — due to your abdominal and pelvic contents being «squished» because of poor posture — can lead to feelings of urinary and fecal urgency and bladder control issues.
Pain in the lower back and areas of the body below this, bladder and bowel issues and circulatory and kidney related issues are all common.
«The issue is typically weakness in the sphincter, which controls the opening to the bladder, or in the pelvic floor,» the muscles and ligaments that hold pelvic organs in place and support the bladder, says Kathleen C. Kobashi, MD, head of the section of urology and renal transplantation at Virginia Mason Medical Center in Seattle.
Heidi Nevala, president and founder of Natura Petz, says that her company's most popular products so far have been created to help address bladder and kidney infections, as well as stone support (Sticks & Stones product); digestive issues (Yummy Tummy); detoxifying and cleansing (Shake Ur Grove Thing); a diabetes adjunctive (Dia - Beat - It); and weight management (Super Model in a Bottle).
It takes a while but they eventually get better control of their bladder, which is one of the issues.
Signs and symptoms of bladder cancer in dogs aren't subtle, as the majority involve obvious urinary issues.
If your spayed female has poor bladder control as a result of her spay, or if your female drips urine due to excitability, old age, or another medical issue, you can use the harness to hold a pad in place.
Other issues may include less developed bladder control, serious dental issues, enlarged heart, heart mumur, 2 types of eye problems with one being quite painful.
That name was recently suggested because, according to Gregory F. Grauer in the November / December 2013 issue of Today's Veterinary Practice, «[t] he syndrome does not identify any specific cause or organ [and it] captures the dismay and dispute associated with the identification of many problems beyond the bladder / urethra.»
Older dogs like humans find it difficult to control their bladders for long periods as they enter their twilight years and one of the more common causes for adult dogs who won't stop peeing in the house are behavioural issues.
Low - grade urinary tract infections and bladder stones can cause discomfort and dogs can go a while with these issues and not show signs of sickness that we easily recognize.
The Royal Canin Veterinary Diet can help pets with a wide range of ailments, including organ issues, renal disease, kidney disease, diabetes, chronic diarrhea and bladder stones, to name a few.
For certain types of urinary tract issues, such as bladder stones, you may not want an alkaline urine.
A number of medical issues - including a urinary tract infection (UTI), a weak sphincter, hormone - related problems after spay surgery, bladder stones, diabetes, kidney disease, Cushing's disease, neurological problems and abnormalities of the genitalia - can cause urinary incontinence.
Hill's, Royal Canin and Purina Veterinary Diets — These diets offer support for your pet for a variety of diseases and conditions, including age related behavioral disorders, bladder health, skin conditions, kidney problems, heart conditions, hypertension, digestive problems, limping or mobility issues, weight control and more.
He had severe arthritis, spinal issues, as well as some type of bladder and possible colon disease.
Issues that prevent success include the diameter of the urethra, hemorrhage obscuring the view of the stone or hampering the laser's contact with the stone, accidental damage to the bladder from the laser, and prolonged anesthesia time because it is taking so long to fragment the stone (s).
Orange or yellow — this can be an indicator of a biliary issue, which means bile is leaking from the gall bladder into the abdomen, and coming out as excrement.
Some dogs with a history of messes don't have any bladder problems, but have a diverse list of behavior issues such as fear, separation anxiety, territorial aggression, etc..
Annie had a list of medical issues; thyroid, heartworms, bladder cancer, spondylosis, and later high blood pressure.
However, if vomiting, upper intestinal inflammation or pancreatic, liver or gall bladder disease are part of your pets health issues, it may not be able to absorb or tolerate fats as well as healthy dogs and cats (those pets may need a multivitamin supplement because of their reduced ability to absorb vitamins).
On the other side, although it meets most of the needs of elderly dogs, it doesn't consider the need for water - resistant cover for dogs with bladder issues.
Other health issues to be aware of include canine hip dysplasia, patellar luxation, and a weak bladder.
If you dog has an infection, then other problems could occur such as the formation of bladder stones, issues with the bladder wall, kidney problems (pyelonephritis) and a bacterial infection in the blood (sepsis).
For instance, litterbox issues can occur because of bladder health problems, a urinary tract infection, arthritis or metabolic diseases such as diabetes.
In this talk you will learn how to recognize early signs of cognitive dysfunction, identify «brain» foods to boost immune systems, look for warning signs of urinary infections, bladder stones and other issues from the litter box and outside potty breaks, and finally identify ways to aid senior pets with mobility issues.
To further complicate the issue, something as seemingly harmless as large doses of this water soluble vitamin are one of the potential causes of bladder stones in animals.
A number of medical issues - including a urinary tract infection, a weak sphincter caused by old age, hormone - related problems after spay surgery, bladder stones, diabetes, kidney disease, Cushing's disease, neurological problems and abnormalities of the genitalia - can cause urinary incontinence in dogs.
A veterinary visit for lower urinary tract issues will start with a physical examination and usually will include examination of the kidneys and bladder, a urinalysis and possibly urine culture, blood work, radiographs or ultrasound.
Felix, now Chunk, was left in a shelter because of landlord issues, but we soon discovered he needed bladder stone surgery too.
Another issue to consider is the stress involved for some cats when oral antibiotics are administered but, as stated above, 99 % of young cats exhibiting clinical signs of urinary tract disease do not have a bladder infection and, therefore, do not need to be treated with antibiotics.
Some of the more common urinary tract issues veterinarians see in cats are urinary tract inflammation (also known as cystitisInflammation of the urinary bladder.
Turk was our rescue dog whose diet was neglected and came to us needing surgery on his leg because of the infection in his leg during this time he developed gall bladder issues.
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