Sentences with phrase «of blog conversations»

And for that matter David has already said that the cruelest thing ever said to him was in this conversation, maybe we should all pull out of blog conversations.

Not exact matches

Following 2008, NGDP targeting has grown from a topic of conversation largely limited to blogs such as Scott Sumner's The Money Illusion, to something discussed openly among central banks, prominent publications, and even Presidential candidates.
We can thank Susan J. Fowler, whose blog post kicked off Uber's year of reckoning, and Ellen Pao, whose trial forced the Valley to stop brushing off conversations about its gender problem as unnecessary distractions.
So from a single conversation he can create a video published on YouTube and SlideShare; a blog post; a podcast (published on iTunes); a syndicated podcast (published on a PR network); social messages (posted on Facebook, Twitter, Google + and LinkedIn); a series of tweets (Twitter); and a collection of key points or messages in the form of a curated e-book.
«We are becoming scared of boredom, scared of solitude, scared of conversations with ourself [sic],» Light's founders wrote in a blog post about how the company got its start.
Whether it's by means of one - on - one conversations, team meetings, blog posts, email messages, phone or Skype calls, or any other medium, leaders don't talk about communicating — they just do it.
If you want to foray into the world of audio, you could try turning a blog post into a podcast on Soundcloud, replying to some customers through voice messages or starting some conversations with followers on Anchor.
More importantly, the conversation reinforced what I concluded in my original blog post — that while Canadians are indeed prolific users of the internet, they certainly are not the «third biggest consumers of gigabytes on the planet,» as claimed elsewhere.
In a fascinating post on The Conversation blog, Maynard makes an argument that won't surprise anyone who has read any fictional account of human's interplanetary future — colonizing other planets probably won't bring out the better angels of our nature, and any attempt to put people on Mars will require overcoming serious social and political problems, such as:
New York Magazine's Science of Us blog published an in - depth conversation with Amy Rose Price, a graduate student in neuroscience, who participated in the UPenn research.
CUNY professor Jeff Jarvis, who will direct the project as part of the Tow - Knight Center for Entrepreneurial Journalism, said in a blog post that the idea came from conversations he had with Newmark about the need to fight back against the rise of fake news and misinformation.
In a blog post, Amit Singhal, senior vice president of Google Search, explained how comparison and filter tools built into Google's «Knowledge Graph» will let users ask questions that don't necessarily have simple answers in a way that feels less like a search and more like a conversation.
If all you are doing with your SEO blog is copying SEO headlines from one of the above, prominent SEO news websites, than it probably means you will not get a lot of value out of your SEO blog, as it relates to new traffic, quality conversation and improved readership.
Facebook posted the four - part plan in a blog post that was a transcript of a conversation that was had between Facebook leadership and members of the press.
The same is true of the conversation that surrounds a well - articulated blog post.
That spring, before anyone had ever heard of Satoshi Nakamoto or Bitcoin, Mr. Szabo revived his bit gold idea on his personal blog, and in an online conversation about creating a live version of the virtual currency, he asked his readers: «Anybody want to help me code one up?»
My hunch is the next phase of media, like the blogs themselves, is going to come out of the idea of an authentic, chill conversation about things that matter.»
A handful of citizen volunteers digging up the correct information and piping it through blogs, social media, letters to the editor and conversations at coffee shops and on door steps to protect what we value — drinking water, schools, parks, key natural habitat and recreational areas.
Email open rates, the number and quality of blog comments and social media conversations about your content are a few ways that you can track engagement.
All of a sudden the level conversation, the responses to the blog is amazingly high level.
The loyalty of iPhone users has been the butt of the joke on tech blogs and in dinnertime conversations for years.
1 - do you have your own blog where you can engage in conversations 2 - how long did you journey through all this 3 - what was the key thing you were looking for as you re-examined the doctrines of your faith
I have had many private conversations with people from this blog e-mailing me to ask questions because of what NP has projected on this site.
There can be a point of real conversation over these issues instead of what is always on these blogs.
You said «There can be a point of real conversation over these issues instead of what is always on these blogs.
I trust it isn't over... perhaps not here, but in the hearts of those who care about this, and in the fruitful conversations of those outside this particular blog.
But humility, mercy, poking at the question of whether a blog forum can really serve as a place for such intimate pain and extraordinary accusations of abuse... especially when, again, parties are apparently asking for direct, private conversation... just doesn't seem all that outrageous to offer as thoughts to the conversation.
wrt other significant blogs picking this up and discussing it, I know of a few who have not posted specifically because they didn't want to draw the conversation away from this thread.
I think one of the most important aspects of this entire thread is that, while some argue that a blog is an unsuitable forum for such a conversation to take place, the silenced are thrilled that they have finally found a venue that gets their voices out there.
I have been contacted outside of this conversation by many, mostly leaders, who have provided advice to me on how to manage this blog post and comments.
Anyone who is that blind to their own bigotry, who is that narrow minded and holds that much hatred and contempt for other people, just because of who they are, can't possibly come to their senses in a short blog conversation.
So which of these rules of engagement interests you the most (for future conversations here on the blog)?
When I'm not penning chapters for books or travelling to preach or blogging my heart out here, my work has also appeared in Huffington Post, The High Calling, Conversations Journal,, Her.meneutics — Christianity Today's Blog for Women, Converge Magazine, SheLoves Magazine, RELEVANT Magazine, Today's Christian Woman, and a handful of other places.
She blogs at More Than Serving Tea and partners with other bloggers and pastors to highlight and move the conversation forward on issues of race, ethnicity, and gender within the Church.
(The only one of which I MIGHT support is the character assassination) David has had a policy very different than the one on your blog (which drove me away from any desire to ever participate on you blog again) and that is one of allowing the conversation to flow freely.
In addition, the «About this blog» section above states as part of its purpose,»... fostering a global conversation about the role of religion and belief in readers» lives,» and like I said before, unfortunately for me and others like me, your beliefs and the beliefs of others like you can play a role in our lives, so we are involved already.
I'd love to have an intelligent conversation with you about our fundamentally different views and why I'm a Republican but don't waste your breath on a blog with wide spread, unfounded claims of racism.
I once had a conversation with a male acquaintance of mine in which I told him that one of the things that I do via my blog is base my devotionals solely on the women of the Bible.
Wrong, the nature of the conversations on this blog are both philosophical AND scientific however, this paticular story regarding proof of god completely ignore the scientific method.
I come to the blogs to try to have an exchange of ideas good conversation and learn from others ideas.
I just has an «interesting» conversation on the personal blog of a leading evangelical leader here in Scotland.
Last week, Kent Shaffer at Church Relevance released his list of Top 200 Church Blogs, igniting multiple conversations across the faith - based blogosphere about why 93 percent of the bloggers listed were white men, and why prominent, high - traffic bloggers like Ann Voskamp and Jen Hatmaker somehow didn't make the cut.
I was in just such a quandary as Vinny started out this blog about... I found many interesting things on the internet - but one of them was a «conversation» community which I partook of called THE OOZE.
Between our three guests — an atheist, a Catholic, and an Orthodox Jew — we've had over 500 questions come in, generating all kinds of interesting conversations on the blog and in the comment section.
Instead, Dark advocates «keeping everything talkaboutable» — a phrase I love, and a phrase I hope describes the nature of our conversations on this blog.
The ensuing conversation of video blogs (vlogs) entitled «VlogBrothers» drew an unexpectedly huge audience.
But instead it turned into fantastic conversation in the comment section, just a good old fashioned blog chat of yesteryear without anyone cursing anyone out — great theories, so many connections I had missed, so much goodness there.
Based on the comments I received from my blog posts on the science and religion debate, I want to point Evangel readers in the direction of some resources that would inform the conversation because ---- with the exception of a few interlocutors ---- pervasive ignorance and fear seem to....
Sam, click on; go read his blog on Jeremy's e-mail then on the end of his post there are two audio conversations you can listen too and I listened to the recent audio and found this post.
Wendy posted a quote from a post I made earlier on this blog (the one that drew her into the conversation) on her own blog and I, of course, felt the need to respond to it.
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