Sentences with phrase «of blond hair»

I meet an amiable, far less threatening Johansson at Crosby Street Hotel in Soho, in the city where she grew up, and she's sporting a tightly cropped shock of blond hair.
Chris Hemsworth plays the English bounder James Hunt, a dashing head of blond hair whose daring - do and high - class accent turn women into mush.
Leon Lubbio, a halfback with toppling waves of blond hair, was their leading ground gainer.
It was Jill who nicknamed Cal crew head coach Dave O'Neill the Coif for his gravity - defying puff of blond hair and did a perfect imitation of the «jiggle - jaw» face he made when exasperated.
And fans of the team have taken notice, as suddenly, there's a shortage of blond hair dye across Puerto Rico, with its citizens showing their support of the baseball team's WBC championship chase by dying their own heads and faces.
His mane of blond hair is still damp from the shower, his teenage skin extra blotchy from the heat, yet he signs every shirt, hat, photo and scrap of paper that gets waived in his direction.
He appears strikingly young — almost cherubic, with a mop of blond hair, blue eyes and full cheeks.
Bradshaw, bald except for a fringe of blond hair, looking like a TV evangelist in his gold Hall of Fame sport coat, gazed up to the gray skies and cried: «One more time, let me put my hands under Mike Webster's butt!»
Human hair color is a trait usually governed by many genes, but study author Sean Myles, a geneticist at Nova Scotia Agricultural College in Truro, Canada, suspected things might be simpler in the Solomon Islands because he saw almost no variation in shades of blond hair.
Researchers found that the new genes explain 35 percent of red hair, 25 percent of blond hair, and 26 percent of black hair.
He keeps some of the child's belongings hidden around the house as mementos, including a helmet with strands of blond hair still stuck among the padding.
Rating: Hoopla Factor: Continue reading Eccentricities of a Blond Hair Girl →
A strange, 12 year - old boy, Oskar (Kåre Hedebrant, with an odd - shaped helmet of blond hair), struggles through his lonely existence at school, friendless and picked on by bullies.
Handsome, boyish Barton there across from me, no more than thirty years old, a tousle of blond hair, blue Irish eyes, pale skin glowing like it had been scrubbed.
said Kayla, pulling a long piece of blond hair from her lunch tray.»
Marcus Rappaport was leaning back in his cushioned seat, his full head of blond hair crowning the round boyish face that made him look much younger than he actually was.
Then two more old men in shabby suits, a gangsta in a wifebeater shirt swearing in Spanish, an Indian couple with three bawling children, a tall black man in a Sonics T - shirt, then a pretty young woman with a tangle of blond hair, a black eye and a bathrobe around her.
In the hollow lay a dried pool of blood and a matted tuft of blond hair.
With his shock of blond hair, dodgy dentistry and vengeful M fixation, Javier Bardem's Silva is that rarest of creations: a cyber-terrorist who genuinely terrifies.
David Hammons, for example, painted the Reverend Jesse Jackson with a shock of blond hair to show the lieu commun of racism that builds a wall between Jackson and white American politicians.
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