Sentences with phrase «of blood loss»

She died of blood loss from a large cut inside her vagina inflicted by a sharp object.
Another health complication in premature babies is low blood pressure, which occurs as a result of blood loss, fluid loss, or infection.
Some vets will spay a puppy even though she's in heat, although it isn't an ideal situation because it can result in a lot of blood loss.
Some studies even point to a lower period of blood loss after breastfeeding.
In rare cases, natural childbirth can have an increased risk of blood loss.
In addition, the precise source of blood loss in such wounds is not always easy to find.
Since fleas can consume 15 times their own body weight in blood, they can cause anemia or a significant amount of blood loss over time.
Especially for women who had a large amount of blood loss, an iron supplement may help the body to replenish the lost blood.
Animals who survive a fight often die of blood loss, shock, dehydration, exhaustion or infection, hours, or even days after the fight.
A low red blood cell count can be the result of blood loss, the destruction of the red blood cells, or an inadequate production of new red blood cells.
Your blood gets thicker, readying itself for rapid clotting in case of blood loss.
Those with heavy parasite loads and with gastrointestinal ulcers are at increased risk of blood loss anemia.
I, apparently, had a lot of blood loss with the birth, and had to be given a shot of heparin to stop the bleeding.
I accredit it for being the reason for my super fast recovery as well as my shortened period of blood loss.
Obviously, if you look at the anatomy, the placenta which delivers the oxygen and blood flow to the baby can not be delivered first, or the baby would not survive and there could be a great deal of blood loss for the mother.
To treat anaemia, the source of blood loss is found and further loss is controlled.
The vacuum - powered device assists the body's natural response after childbirth by gently contracting the uterus which promotes cessation of blood loss.
I waddled in, dizzy because of the blood loss at this point.
A transient ischemic attack is defined as a temporary episode of blood loss to the brain, resulting in symptoms like temporary loss of vision, tingling or numbness, weakness on one side of the body or difficulty speaking.
The most common cause of iron deficiency this way has to do with some sort of blood loss — anything from a heavy menstrual cycle to an internal bleed (from a nasty accident) can cause this kind of deficiency.
Another cause of blood loss — especially in dogs — is the administration of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications including aspirin, ibuprofen, phenylbutazone and naproxen and pyroxicam.
These tiny external parasites can carry a variety of diseases, including bubonic plague, and severe infestations may cause deadly levels of blood loss in very small or young pets, according to national animal welfare organizations.
Shock (fast heart beat, acting confused) is another sign of blood loss anemia in those cats having recently experience an injury, trauma or accident.
Treatment to reverse shock includes replacing the volume of blood loss by giving intravenous fluids loss.
The diagnosis of Leptospirosis should be suspected when there is evidence of blood loss, kidney disease or elevated liver enzymes, singly or in combination.
Indeed, the Tribunal noted that the applicant's GCS scores fluctuated between 13 to 19 prior to her transfer to the trauma centre, which supported Dr. Becker's opinion on the effects of the blood loss.
Fleas can consume 15 times their own body weight in blood, which can cause anemia or a significant amount of blood loss over time.
Cesarean sections became more common and did occasionally save women who would have died of obstructed labor, but often the mother died of blood loss or infection.
Research has shown that glycine helps to protect the body against shock as a result of blood loss; it also helps to prevent free radical formation and hypoxia8.
A Dublin based fitness fanatic has praised emergency services who rushed to his aid on O'Connell Street some time ago, after he collapsed with a suspected case of blood loss to the brain caused by wearing a t - shirt which was several sizes too small for him.
CHRISTINE STEWART - FITZGERALD: So there is more to it, as soon as we hear about moms of C - section saying oh I feel sore, I feel really tired and moms doing virginal delivery saying oh you know I had energy so it's not just the hormones, but it literally could be lots of blood loss, I didn't know that.
You might like: Fitness Fanatic Collapsed Because of Blood Loss to the Brain Caused By a Too Tight T - shirt Continues on next page...
Breastfeeding releases the hormone oxytocin into a mother's body which helps her uterus contract and return to its pre-pregnancy size faster, this often reduces the amount of blood loss after labor and delivery.
If the clotting process is slowed down, rabbits who are injured or recovering from surgery may be at an increased risk of blood loss or slowed healing.
yeah I have a diagnosis for you., Apathydumbeddownitis., also known as Liberalism or Communism., both severe mental disorders treated with lead and large amounts of blood loss., It's costly too.
Although an excessive amount of blood loss can be dangerous, your body is working to get rid of blood as soon as you've delivered your baby.
The next month, I ended up in the hospital because my hormone levels had dropped so low, and had extreme amount of blood loss and passing large blood clots.
Take vitamin E for 2 to 3 days before and for 2 to 3 days after bleeding which decreases the pain, severity, and duration of menstruation, as well as reduces the amount of blood loss.
However, the three men don't count on her phoenix - like rebirth, which Fargeat orchestrates not as a supernatural feat of zombification but the result of a fierce human survival instinct, with reserves of strength and mental focus that no amount of blood loss can extinguish.
Be aware that hookworm infection can be very dangerous to young puppies due to the amount of blood loss that can occur.
Other harmful effects fleas could inflict on your cat include tapeworms and anemia as a result of blood loss.
As a result, these dogs frequently die of blood loss, shock, dehydration, exhaustion and infection.
If the patient is showing symptoms of severe dehydration or of blood loss, your pet may be checked into the animal hospital for supportive treatment such as IV Fluids or pain mitigation.
Others die of blood loss or anemia from worms and fleas.
Dogs who survive a fight often die of blood loss, shock, dehydration, exhaustion or infection hours or even days after a fight.
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