Sentences with phrase «of blood stem cells»

They are particularly responsible for the self - renewal of blood stem cells.
In turn, the niche cells control the production and also the differentiation of the blood stem cells.
This image shows the formation of blood stem cells inside the embryonic vessel called dorsal aorta.
Kenichi Miharada discovered that bile acid supports the production of blood stem cells in the fetal liver, and enables them to develop normally.
The notion that SIRT1 is a powerful regulator of aging has been highly debated, but its connection to the health of blood stem cells «is now clear,» says Dr. Ghaffari.
However, that is less surprising as ordinary bone marrow transplants — which are a source of blood stem cells — also carry that risk.
Around 2000, then - postdoc Wagers and other researchers in Irving Weissman's and Thomas Rando's labs at Stanford revived the method, known as parabiosis, to study the fate of blood stem cells and muscle cells.
In two papers published online 16 November by Nature Medicine, Margaret Goodell of Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, Texas, and her colleagues and Fabio Rossi of the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada, and his colleagues report that the progeny of blood stem cells can indeed contribute to mature muscle tissue.
In the case of blood stem cells (also called hematopoietic stem cells or HSCs), this can lead to blood cancers, a loss of blood cells and an impaired ability to fight disease.
Wartman has a chronic form of graft - versus - host disease (GVHD), a debilitating consequence of blood stem cell transplants.
«The study itself was incredibly exciting because it suggested that there are circulating factors that could play a role in influencing the aging process of blood stem cells,» says Kenneth Chien, a stem cell researcher also at Harvard Medical School who was not involved in either paper.
The new Mount Sinai study reveals how loss of a protein called Sirtuin1 (SIRT1) affects the ability of blood stem cells to regenerate normally, at least in mouse models of human disease.
Howard Hughes Medical Institute researchers have discovered the first regulatory molecule that puts the brakes on the proliferation of blood stem cells.
Contrary to an entrenched view that blood stem cells generate most blood cells, Camargo found that the surprisingly long - lived descendants of blood stem cells, called progenitor cells, give rise to most cells in blood.
Until now, blood cell production was ascribed solely to bone marrow, but studies on mice have found that the majority of the body's platelets are produced in the lungs, as is a backup reservoir of blood stem cells that can step in when those in the bone marrow run dry.
The therapy successfully edited over 90 % of blood stem cells removed from patients, which were retransfused.»
Recently, working with many colleagues, the Penn team published in Nature the first application of 2PLM to directly quantify the physiological environment of blood stem cells, called haematopoietic stem cells, or HSCs.
In leukemia cells it is often the case that genes are reactivated that, in physiological terms, mediate the self - renewal of blood stem cells.
Prostaglandin E2 regulates the formation of blood stem cells and is known to influence the choice between the formation of the liver or pancreas.
«Our data shows that SIRT1 is a protein that is required to maintain the health of blood stem cells and supports the possibility that reduced function of this protein with age may compromise healthy aging,» says Saghi Ghaffari, MD, PhD, Associate Professor of Developmental and Regenerative Biology at Mount Sinai's Black Family Stem Cell Institute, Icahn School of Medicine.
The new treatment removes more than 98 % of blood stem cells, making it as effective as chemotherapy and radiation.
Using a model of the blood forming (hematopoietic) system, researchers at the Technical University of Munich (TUM) have now been able to precisely determine, which signaling pathways play an essential role in the self - renewal of blood stem cells.
In van Andel - Schipper's case, it seemed that in the twilight of her life, about two - thirds of the white blood cells remaining in her body at death originated from just two stem cells, implying that most or all of the blood stem cells she started life with had already burned out and died.
The researchers say the special «plasticity» of the blood stem cell that allows them to be transformed to a heart cell, holds important clues about how leukemia and other blood diseases develop and how they can be controlled.
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