Sentences with phrase «of bluefin tuna»

The U.S. has pushed for strong international action to stop overfishing of bluefin tuna by eastern harvesters in the Mediterranean and the eastern Atlantic Ocean.»
Lee Crockett, who directs the U.S. Oceans program of The Pew Charitable Trusts, sent a compelling «Your Dot» piece on addressable problems with United States fishing regulations that are perpetuating wasteful catches of bluefin tuna on longlines set for other species.
NOAA is formally designating both the western Atlantic and eastern Atlantic and Mediterranean stocks of bluefin tuna as «species of concern» under the Endangered Species Act.
«That means efforts to bring about a recovery of bluefin tuna populations will require increased cooperation among all nations fishing for bluefin tuna.»
First, Sam Sifton's assessment of the bluefin tuna at Masa, an extraordinary (both for its food and prices) Japanese restaurant in midtown Manhattan, elicited a storm of feedback on Twitter and blogs, prompting him to seek reader comment on the Diner's Journal blog.
David Schalit, a commercial tuna fisherman from New York, posted an invaluable comment below clarifying the real price of bluefin tuna and offering an important view of the conservation / exploitation balance on this species.
But if N.O.A.A. really wants to stop the waste of bluefin tuna on surface longlines it needs to expand protections.
Related The status of bluefin tuna in the Pacific is tracked by the International Scientific Committee for Tuna and Tuna - like Species in the North Pacific Ocean.
In short, N.O.A.A.'s solution to the incidental catch of bluefin tuna by surface longline fishermen is to allow them a larger share of the quota.
A surefire way to do that is to end the waste of bluefin tuna.
The desperate plight of bluefin tuna has been well - known for years and, while some restaurants have rightly removed it from their menus, others continue to serve it.
Finally, N.O.A.A. needs to keep its new proposed enforceable cap on the amount of bluefin tuna that can be caught on surface longlines to ensure that this sector stays within its quota.
Mitsubishi, Japanese mega-conglomerate, was alleged to have started hoarding thousands of tons of bluefin tuna just as stocks of the fish plummet worldwide.
You are looking at thousands of bluefin tuna that are six feet long and all are auctioned off and gone by 10 in the morning.
UPDATE: Tuna boats in the eastern Atlantic and Mediterranean will be allowed to catch a total of 13,500 tonnes of bluefin tuna next year, down from the provisional quota of 19,950 tonnes.
The story has also been modified to reflect the fact that not all populations of the three species of bluefin tuna are threatened with collapse.
The dramatic footage of bluefin tuna swimming freely in the sea will take your breath away and make you never want to order another slice of tuna sashimi again, especially when you see the case the film presents.
A 2014 stock assessment of bluefin tuna showed that the species» numbers have dwindled to only 4 percent of historical highs.
This month marks the beginning of the Bluefin Tuna and Albacore fishing season, when the two species of fish are attracted to the waters around the island due to the increasing sea temperature.
The fraud, which could involve organised crime groups, was carried out via the avoidance or falsification of the Bluefin Catch Documents (BCD) that are obligatory according to EU law concerning the fishing and trading of bluefin tuna - an endangered species.
Politico also reported in December 2011 that Pew Charitable Trusts, a funder of the «Looting the Seas» report, hosted a screening of a CPI documentary and then organized a call to action with other NGOs for the protection of bluefin tuna.
In hopes of preserving one of the most rapidly dwindling fish, the activist group Sea Shepherd is heading to the war - torn region to fight for the survival of bluefin tuna.
Because the poaching of bluefin tuna is pretty much in the hands of the Mafia operating out of Sicily, Corsica, Malta and Libya.
Mitsubishi has built big refrigerated warehouses and they're stuffing those things full of bluefin tuna.
VIDEOS: SAN FRANCISCO TUNA TOUR KEY DOCUMENTS • 2017 rejection of petition to list bluefin tuna under the Endangered Species Act • 2016 federal petition • 2010 federal Endangered Species Act listing petition • Map of bluefin tuna essential fish habitat and Gulf oil spill RELATED CAMPAIGNS • Bluefin tuna • Oceans • Fisheries • The Endangered Species Act
The plumes are also direct evidence that the oil is mixing at every level of the ocean, from the fragile coral reefs at the bottom of the Gulf to the shallower spawning grounds of the bluefin tuna.
If there is any benefit to be salvaged from the disastrous overfishing of the bluefin tuna (see «The Bluefin in Peril,» by Richard Ellis), it's the spotlight that it shines on the plundering of the world's marine life.
The price of bluefin tuna has soared this year to over US$ 170,000 for just one fish.
«NOAA is concerned about the status of bluefin tuna, including the potential effects of the Deepwater Horizon BP oil spill on the western stock of Atlantic bluefin, which spawns in the Gulf of Mexico,» said Jane Lubchenco, Ph.D., under secretary of commerce for oceans and atmosphere and NOAA administrator.
«Ask Before You Eat» is a great call to action for those of us consumers who care about the plight of the bluefin tuna.
Despite a global quota on the amount of bluefin tuna that can be harvested, poachers throughout the Mediterranean continue to exceed those limits, particularly in the area off the coast of Libya.
One hundred metric tons of bluefin tuna is caught on long lines annually in the Gulf of Mexico, Wheatley said.
The regulations proposed by NOAA could drastically reduce the unintentional catch of bluefin tuna and protect its spawning ground.
Stocks of Bluefin tuna are plummeting from over fishing.
Japan was guilty for years of illegal overfishing of bluefin tuna, and nearly always resists regulation of fishing.
Their fate is like that of the bluefin tuna: both fish grow very slowly, to the point where the populations are dominated by juveniles, most of whom are not yet of reproductive age.
Virtually all of the bluefin tuna discussions, however, are continuing behind closed doors.
It's no secret that the world population of bluefin tuna is declining rapidly.
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