Sentences with phrase «of bodily parts»

Alongside these works, the exhibition features a selection of new paintings that range from monumental nude figures to intimately scaled canvases that present details of bodily parts and facial features.
Affected dogs typically exhibit a condition of cerebellar dysfunction in which voluntary muscular movements tend to result in the movement of bodily parts beyond the intended goal and the loss of the abilityto coordinate muscular movement.

Not exact matches

The dress was part of an actual investigation and the FBI later determined to a high percentage of accuracy that Clinton's bodily fluids were the source of the stain.
Her latest novel, The Handmaid's Tale (Houghton Mifflin, 1986), is commanding attention as a considerably more ambitious book, part of a new phase of her work that includes the poems in True Stories and the novel Bodily Harm (both published in 1981) Exposing male / female power games within an alarmingly widened field of vision, Atwood bears prophetic witness to the largest, most subtle and most violent manifestations of power in our time.
[4] «cf. Meilaender, Gilbert, The Giving and Taking of Organs, First Things, March 2008, where he emphasises that humans are called to live their bodily life as a personal gift to others and that «presumed consent... does go a long way toward treating persons as handy repositories of interchangeable parts to others.»
A Resurrection of his physical body, such as is implied by the empty tomb and by some of the stories in the Gospels of his appearances, would point towards a docetic Christ who does not fully share the lot of men; unless, indeed, bodily corruption were to be regarded as being bound up with the sinfulness of man which Christ did not share (but, unless we accept an impossibly literalistic interpretation of Genesis 3 as factual history, it is impossible to hold that physical dissolution is not part of the Creator's original and constant intention for his creatures in this world).
The evil occurs in and to God's body; the pain that those parts of creation affected by evil feel God also feels and feels bodily.
It is to say that bodies are worth loving, sexually and otherwise, that passionate love as well as attention to the needs of bodily existence are part of fulfillment.
I consider it a natural part of the discovery of bodily joys.
Its reality can be denied only by obscuring the fact that ideas and attitudes determine the decisions by which the greater part of life is regulated, and exercise much control over bodily acts.
Even though Whitehead says «the novelty received from the aggregate diversities of bodily expressions... requires decision» to reduce it to a coherent expression (Modes 36), still the diversities once received are determinate object / parts logically required to remain as they are in order to retain the self - identity of the process / whole.
«Daesh fighters have been systematically perpetrating mass atrocities, including killing members of religious groups such as Yazidis, Christians, Shia Muslims and others, causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of these groups, deliberately imposing conditions of life calculated to bring about their physical destruction in whole or in part
a man can not reasonably, and by himself he can not possibly, be regarded as merely a system of cells acting upon one another, for he is directly aware of «himself» as, at the given moment, a single unit of action, a single mind or will, exerting force upon his bodily parts and thence upon the world.
The bodily act of begetting, by which parents transmit their humanity to their children, can become an act of technical mastery over that part of nature which happens to be the human body.
But besides recognising the elusiveness of the meanings people attach to psychological words, we must recognise that the mental phenomena to which speakers refer are not really discrete from one another in the same way as bodily parts.
«I am a bodily process, but I am also a consciousness, with a will and a history and capacity to focus my thoughts and energies,» with a mind that «gives meaning to what happens in the body,» that «thinks through the body it is a part of
Presentational immediacy, on the other hand, can be considered as a propositional feeling with its speculation centered on the presented duration, derived from bodily efficacy; and it involves the kind of propositional feeling called «perceptive,» for the most part, but not exclusively.
The theory of traditional theology has, of course, been that of a bodily resurrection... This conception is quite clearly present in parts of the New Testament, particularly in the Synoptic Gospels, and may be called for convenience, the idea of «reanimation».
A related area of problems arises in connection with the probable increase of organ transplants, the use of artificial bodily parts, and the probability of growing human embryos in the laboratory.
He also notes that in the evolutionary process bodily functioning developed to highlight for conscious awareness events in some parts of the body and not others.
This stratum of animal being — private bodily need, privately satisfied and enjoyed — is an ineradicable part of human being.
In the voice of Mary Magdalen it offers a strong critique of the separation of flesh and spirit: «All loves are bodily, require / that the lips part, and press their trace / of secrecy upon the one / beloved...» The poem notes «the damage Greek / has wrought upon your tongue.»
All sexuality includes such an element, one that can best be «explained» on the hypothesis that its goal (unbeknownst to the participants) is the restoration of some «lost» bodily wholeness, that the seemingly other is beloved because he or she is really just a missing part of oneself.
But I include my bodily parts rather vividly, and they include light rays, etc, and these include in their meager Isic] way the quality of their source.
For if the sub-atomic constituents are not particles, little parts, i.e., little material bodies, but are nevertheless implicitly conceived as having bodily characteristics, in particular as having as a basic feature that of locomotion, change of place, it would not be surprising if difficulties ensue.
The parts of the body are really portions of the environment of the total bodily event, but so related that their mutual aspects, each in the other, are peculiarly effective in modifying the pattern of either.
The final part of the explanation of the effectiveness of anticipation and bodily unity in motor - intentionality demands that I qualify, though not totally repudiate, the last two paragraphs.
It is defined in Article 2 of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (CPPCG) as «any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such: killing members of the group; causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group; deliberately inflicting on the groups conditions of life, calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part; imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group; [and] forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.»
The origin we choose and to which we refer our sensible perceptions of things «we call here: our location in a particular part of space round which we group the whole Universe is the essential fact of our bodily existence» (IM 91).
But if the decision is not part of the flow, how does it affect that flow to produce a bodily action?
Manchester United legend Keane loved to rough it up on the pitch but that was part and parcel of a truly fantastic midfielder who did on more than one occasion cross the line from hard tackle to bodily assault.
I was once an occupational therapist so, a) bodily fluids don't frighten me, and b) I am used to - and feel honored to - be a transitory part of people's lives during BIG times.
Due in large part to a lack of control over bodily functions, babies tend to get dirty quickly and, in general, require a good deal of help with hygiene.
As part of the package, we've had to survive tears, tantrums and tiredness, what to speak of copious amounts of bodily fluid from just about every direction — how did it get right up his back, again?
A waterproof mattress protector is essential to protect your mattress from urine, spit - up, sweat and other bodily fluids that are part of life.
Like so many other parts of parenting, the reality isn't pretty and involves way more bodily fluids than you would have ever imagined.
As University of Toronto psychologist Spike Lee puts it, bodily states «aren't some extraneous thing — they're part of the thinking process.»
The repression part is still debatable, but Eastwood has found that students who scored high on scales of alexithymia — difficulty in describing or identifying feelings, distinguishing between bodily sensations and feelings, and an inhibited inner emotional and fantasy life — also tended to be bored.
Moreover, a certain degree of natural immunological protection for certain body parts — the central nervous system, eyes and gonads — makes it difficult for virus to exit those bodily parts, which may lead to the virus continuing to be present even after the virus was cleared from the blood, according to Bausch.
The GABAergic neurons project from the ventral part of the medulla, which sits at the top of the spinal cord, into many regions of the brainstem and hypothalamus, and thus are able to affect many bodily functions.
Recent studies of built environment microbes have largely focused on direct human contact with surfaces, and demonstrated that people can leave behind bacterial signatures indicative of particular body parts and types of bodily contact (Flores et al., 2011; Flores et al., 2013; Meadow et al., 2014).
By enabling communication between distant parts of the body, they coordinate complex and vital bodily processes like growth, metabolism, fertility, immune responses and even behavior.
Drinking too much water is hazardous to your health for the same reason that it can be good to drink water while working out — the blood plasma (the part that makes blood liquid and able to flow) rises while the amount of sodium in your bodily fluids drops.
In fact, a fever is a good sign as it means that the body is responding to fight the infection, and in most cases it is part of a natural bodily response that should be allowed to continue.
The fear signal then zips to an ancient part of your brain called the periaqueductal gray, responsible for the fight - or - flight response, and speeds on to the hypothalamus, which controls the classic bodily fear responses: thumping heart, skyrocketing blood pressure, and rapid breathing.
One part of bodily cleansing that is often not addressed in commercial detoxification plans is the importance of spiritual detoxification or mental cleansing.
For both Yantra Yoga and Trul - Khor, meditation is an integral part of the practice; the bodily movements are designed to be experienced with the meditations that are part of each tradition's lineage.
So what other normal, living, healthy, otherwise permanent bodily part or tissue do we perform a risk - benefit analysis of excising at birth?
It is non-invasive and relatively easy to measure with an app and a monitor, and provides a tool to measure your autonomic nervous system, or the part of your nervous system responsible for control of the bodily functions not directed consciously, such as breathing, the heartbeat, and digestive processes.
Water plays such an immense role in your bodily functions, making it an essential part of your everyday life.
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