Sentences with phrase «of branes»

In this new view, time didn't have a beginning, and the Big Bang resulted from a collision of branes, sheetlike spaces that exist within a higher - dimensional reality.
«It was clear that a collision of branes would be a dramatic event,» Turok says.
Look up the collision of branes, virtual particles and an expanding singularity.
Open strings are anchored to the surface of a brane, so the particles associated with them are stuck on the brane.
In the process, it shed another kind of brane into the 11 - dimensional gap.
But a putative particle called the sterile neutrino, which interacts with other particles only through gravity, would be able to travel in and out of the brane, taking shortcuts through the extra dimensions.
We could manufacture larger versions or mass - produce thousands of Brane Crafts and send them out to deflect incoming asteroids.
P.L. McFadden, N. Turok, P.J. Steinhardt, Solution of a Brane World Big Crunch / Big Bang Cosmology, Phys.
I've got the wrong kind of brane perhaps.

Not exact matches

[3][4] One new cyclic model is a brane cosmology model of the creation of the universe, derived from the earlier ekpyrotic model.
As was already pointed out by Edward Feser in the June / July issue of First Things, even if one grants that string theory is true, Krauss has already conceded the very medieval axiom he thought he was dispatching, since, after all, a «brane» (assuming it exists) is something.
If there is no rebound in the universe, this lends to the brane collision origin of the Big Bang, versus a cyclic universe.
The valve consists of two separate parts, including a hard plastic piece and a removable mem - brane.
Maybe, string / brane / M theory would explain the amount of that mysterious «dark» energy in space and all would be well.
In keeping with this two - dimensional analogy, string theorists describe our observable universe as a membrane — «brane» for short — flapping in the breezes of the actual 10 - dimensional cosmos.
If the interaction between branes was a collision, it would trigger a fantastically powerful reaction, Steinhardt guessed, given the immense amounts of matter and energy in each one.
«Much to our surprise, after doing these enormous, intricate calculations, we found out colliding branes would produce exactly the same pattern of temperature fluctuations,» says Turok.
That didn't mean the branes were voids: Quantum theory asserts that even the total vacuum of empty space is seething with «virtual» subatomic particles that constantly wink in and out of existence.
So a crash between two empty branes would still be a collision of gigantic proportions.
Calculations suggested that the crash would generate a universe - wide fireball of pure energy within each brane.
Just as two sheets of paper could be blown together in a storm, different 3 - D branes could collide within the bulk.
One reason is that at the moment of collision, the extra dimension separating the two branes goes from vanishingly small to literally zero.
Some versions of string theory, an all - encompassing theory of particle physics, suggest that our three - dimensional universe could exist within a four - dimensional sheet called a brane.
Most of the particles in our universe stick within the brane, but theorists have proposed that some neutrinos might be able to travel through the bulk as well.
While the electromagnetic and nuclear forces are stuck inside a «brane» made of four dimensions, gravity leaks out into the fifth.
But describing black branes requires Einstein's equations, which are complex and unwieldy, says Joan Camps at the University of Cambridge, who was not involved in the new work.
Particles could be stuck to a three - dimensional brane, sort of like things could be stuck to the two - dimensional surface of a shower curtain in our three - dimensional space.
Now Jay Armas of Copenhagen University in Denmark and colleagues have shown that black branes can behave like solids as well.
So when the authors claim that our 3 - D universe is part of a 10 - dimensional «brane» and that cycles of expansion and contraction result from collisions between our cosmic brane and a neighboring one, the best most readers can do is visualize two giant hands clapping the universe into existence over and over again.
At galactic scales, matter within branes will have a range of distributions of orbits and velocities about a given barycentre.
Over cosmological timescales, matter will gravitationally collapse around common centres of mass (barycentres) that are shared across branes.
Joseph Polchinski, Firewall Institution: University of California, Santa Barbara Year: 2012 Known for: Discovering D - branes, explaining what D - branes are (a string theory thing) Idea: Once a black hole has lost about half of itself to Hawking radiation, the event horizon can no longer store enough encoded information to tell the story of what's inside.
«So what looks sort of disastrously singular, when you describe it as a brane collision, is not very singular at all,» Turok explains.
Early in 2001, cosmologists Justin Khoury and Paul Steinhardt of Princeton, another inflationary pioneer, Neil Turok of the University of Cambridge, and Ovrut put their branes to work on the big bang.
This attractive force between branes would in fact be a special case of the kind of force that inflationary cosmologies posit to explain the early universe's blowup.
Our brane and its counterpart would bounce off each other as usual, but instead of going their separate ways, they would smack each other again and again as if connected by a spring.
They collapsed one of these dimensions mathematically into a minuscule line, yielding an 11 - dimensional spacetime, flanked on either side by two 10 - dimensional membranes, or branes, colorfully dubbed «end of the world» branes.
Then later last year, the group discovered in collaboration with Nathan Seiberg of the Institute for Advanced Study that the singularity could be interpreted as a collision between the two «end of the world» branes, in which only the gap dimension separating them shrinks down to zero for an instant.
It will still be quite some time before Brane Crafts are unleashed upon the hordes of space junk orbiting our planet.
J. Khoury, B.A. Ovrut, P.J. Steinhardt, N. Turok, The Ekpyrotic Universe: Colliding Branes and the Origin of the Hot Big Bang, Physical Review D64, 2001, 123522
Orally ingested plant lectins remaining at least partially undigested in the gut may bind to a wide variety of cell mem - branes and glycoconjugates of the intestinal and colonic mucosa, leading to various deleterious effects on the mucosa itself as well as on the intestinal bacterial flora and other inner organs (26, 27).
Brane anticipates the film will be completed by the end of 2017.
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