Sentences with phrase «of breastfeeding information»

While my head was spinning with tons of breastfeeding information upon leaving the conference, the part that stuck with me most was about weaning.
I have known most of the breastfeeding information for a mother - writer, so now I want to help other mothers.
I'd arranged for a public nurse to visit me during pregnancy, and she'd given me tons of breastfeeding information.
SOURCES: Carol Huotari, IBCLC, certified lactation counselor, manager of the Breastfeeding Information Center at La Leche League International, Schaumberg, Ill..
Whilst the majority of mothers are provided with some form of breastfeeding information in Australian hospitals, in antenatal classes and breastfeeding clinics, the content and delivery is not uniform (Zareai et al., 2007).
Kellymom and other reputable sources of breastfeeding information recommend oats as a potential galactagogue (i.e. a food that will increase milk production in a nursing mother).
Written by an International Board Certified lactation consultant and mother of two, this website is a treasure chest of breastfeeding information.
In response to accusations about the company's aggressive promotion of infant formula, Nestlé often quotes the fact that it is the largest private disseminator of breastfeeding information, as if this were something breastfeeding advocates should be happy about.
Here we are now in 2014 where many more women initiate breastfeeding (over 90 % here in Australia where I am living now) and we have page after page of breastfeeding information we can look up on the web.
The NICE guidelines for antenatal care for uncomplicated pregnancies: recommend the provision of breastfeeding information from the Unicef UK Baby Friendly Initiative, including technique and good management practices that would help a woman succeed.
Lactation advocates must be dynamic with their presentation of breastfeeding information.
If you are a first time or expectant mom who is in need of breastfeeding information and support, I encourage you to visit La Leche League's web site.
The Breastfeeding Friendly Workplace Program is an initiative of the Australian Breastfeeding Association, Australia's leading source of breastfeeding information, education and support for over 50 years.
The survey assessed: 1) demographics, 2) prenatal and postnatal care, 3) sources of breastfeeding information, 4) timing of decision, 5) preference, 6) type of feeding selected, 7) duration of breastfeeding, 8) factors influencing decisions to breastfeed and / or to bottle - feed, and 9) factors that would have encouraged bottle - feeding mothers to breastfeed.
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