Sentences with phrase «of bulging muscles»

Within that time - span, Duke has become exceedingly wealthy and popular, to the point he owns most of Las Vegas and women have orgasms at the sight of bulging muscles.
Montages of bulging muscles, angry faces, and whimpering women in revealing clothing are meant to act as the narrative stitching between stages.
• If you wan na a back sprouting wings that in a Tank or T - shirt emphasize a massive «V» and a thick carved back made up of mountains and valleys of bulging muscle density, don't forget chins.

Not exact matches

It makes our arm muscles bulge and that look of heroic wisdom cross our faces.
Slimmed from 250 bulging pounds to 220 pounds of solidly packed muscle, Foreman was awesome.
The original Xbox was a behemoth by today's standards, a muscle car of a console with a bulging top.
Inspired by cephalopods — squid, octopus, and cuttlefish — which use ring - shaped muscles to squeeze small bumps on their skin into large bulges that mimic rocks and algae, researchers created similar reversible protrusions with sheets of stretchy silicone.
You may also wish to relax your masseter muscles (the ones that bulge at the sides of your face when you clench) with a jab or two of Botox — especially if clenching is causing daytime headaches.
Why would you want to have great development in your chest muscles if you have a bulging lump of fat just a little south of them?
According to the first one, after you reach your initial objective of considerably bulking up, you can progress to adding more isolation techniques to your routine to let's say, sculpt some finer detail onto your bulging muscles.
Diastasis recti might cause a bulge in the middle of the abdomen where the two muscles separate.
From a simple muscle strain to slipped or bulging spinal discs, there are a number of things that can cause lower back pain.
In addition, the piriformis muscle dysfunction may overlap with a variety of other problems, such as gluteus medius dysfunction, herniated or bulging disks, pelvic stress fractures, tight adductor muscle group, limb length difference, tight medial hamstrings and the aforementioned ineffective gluteus maximus.
Ironically this can actually make your belly appear BIGGER if you have lots of belly fat, because your abdominal muscle will not be visible — it'll just make your fat bulge out more.
Using exercises to get rid of fatty bulges in our body can be futile even though sometimes it can be effective to remove some fat and build muscle tissues.
On the flip side, with good posture, the bones move into elongated positions, putting just the right amount of tension on slack tissues to erase unwanted bulges and firm up muscles that were previously floppy and on slack.
One of the common hallmarks of Graves» disease are bulging eyes and eye issues, stemming from inflammation of the muscles surrounding the eyes.
Contest Preparation — The images of women with muscles bulging on stage are the result of months of perfect dieting and severe dehydration, leading up to the day of contest.
I see a lot of ladies at the gym lifting weights that are too light, don't be scared to lift heavy (you are not going to suddenly have big bulging muscles and look like a man), by picking the right weight you will see results faster.
The traps are among the most visible muscles of the back... having a thick set of traps bulging out from the neck of a T - shirt is like a badge of honor among serious trainers!
I am sure some guys out there will tell you how hard it is for them to put on a lot of muscle mass so to think that women can lift a few heavy weights and suddenly they have huge bulging muscles is just not true, it «s not going to happen.
This is because muscle is much more dense than fat, it takes up a lot less room in the body So out with the fat, that's taking up a lot of room and causing bulges in places you don't want, and in return add some densely packed muscle which will give you a lean and toned body.
Before the treadmills, the weights, and the men admiring their bulging muscles in the mirror, you probably have to pass the array of protein powders and supplements for sale.
The most common symptoms of Diastasis Recti are the appearance of a belly bulge, a feeling of core «weakness», and compromised function of the deep core and pelvic floor muscles (which stabilize the pelvis and the spine) leading to hip, pelvic, and back pain or pelvic floor issues.
Nothing can replace the upper body thickening effect of big, bulging lats and a set of wide, tall trapezius muscles.
A diet based on these types of refined carbs is responsible for many bulging stomachs and fat rolls in thighs and chins, and even worse, high insulin levels that lead to diabetes and suppress two other important hormones — glucagons and growth hormones — that are responsible for burning fat and sugar and promoting muscle development, respectively.
Holding gentle pressure while the patient performs a contact / relax of the muscles or a pelvic floor bulge.
If you feel bulging of the abdomen, butt gripping or spinal movement then you are not properly contracting just your pelvic floor muscles.
Fitness is not just rippling muscle that's waiting to bulge out of your t - shirt.
It utilizes every part of the arm while also working the chest and back muscles, so you get all - around toning (including the bra - bulge region).
A lurid, bludgeoning, and ultraviolent (i.e., routine) turn - of - the - millennium story about a hapless misfit who joins the crew of a bulging - muscled, tattooed, but savvy dealer bent on seizing control of the Reykjavik drug trade, it's sleazily enjoyable and completely amoral fare, and should make a nice calling card for Axelsson when he makes the rounds in Hollywood.
The start of filming also coincides with Josh Brolin's transformation into the role of Cable a few weeks ago, complete with bulging muscles and a sleek new haircut.
You can see the muscle bulging right out of those conventional A3 clothes.
Off - road wheels come standard with Mopar model and bulge out to add to the aesthetics of this muscle truck.
The wheels lie at the extremities of the body, with the wings sculpted to make them look like powerful, bulging muscles.
When the muscle tissue around the hiatus becomes weak, the upper part of the stomach may bulge through the diaphragm into the chest cavity.
was a musical art performance piece featuring a band of superman clad musicians with fake bulging muscles in blackface (and redface).
Open surgery: A cut is made and the bulge of the hernia is pushed back through the weak spot before the muscle is reinforced with a mesh patch.
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