Sentences with phrase «of bum notes»

Not exact matches

THE BASEBALL FAN»S estimate of a player may range from a mental note in shorthand («That bum») to a string of batting averages and RBIs admiringly learned by heart.
The big bum - note is a curiously stodgy screenplay, penned by director McQuarrie, who is also credited with writing one of the finest thriller films ever made with The Usual Suspects.
The list of indelible ensemble players could go on; suffice to say that only Juston Street, as hotheaded Jay, strikes a bum note in a role that bears too close a cosmetic resemblance to both Napoleon Dynamite's Uncle Rico and Dodgeball's White Goodman.
If there's a bum note here, it's the introduction of Rose: it's certainly praiseworthy for the Skywalker saga to include such a prominent Asian character — particularly since Kurosawa's «The Hidden Fortress» was such a key influence — but she's shamelessly a fan avatar.
«Personally, as a spectator, I'm little bummed that we won't get to see the dadaist theater of a lawyers, experts, and a judge calculating the infringiness of these last five Prince paintings, which were supposedly so different from the 25 others that they were declared fair use,» Allen notes.
Damien Hirst's 1993 cabinet We've Got Style (The Vessel Collection — Blue / Green), with an asking price of $ 800,000, struck a bum note however, failing to sell.
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