Sentences with phrase «of burden on society»

Financially fit people are less of a burden on society.

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If you think these ideas are outdated or irrelevant, I suggest you take a look at the damage that has been wrought on society by rampant divorce, abortion, our of wedlock pregnancy, falling birth rates, and a general view that life is NOT sacred, family is NOT important, and that children are more a burden to be avoided than anything.
I also recognize the reality of what happens when unwanted babies are born; most become a burden on society, if their unwitting parents don't kill them (accidentally or deliberately) first.
5) Increased stress on individuals in a society that demands constant improvement, coupled with increased financial burden and the 24/7 barrage of violence, violent images, news and other stimuli
As Scaperlanda notes, Chip appears to argue that the United States should curtail immigration because of the burdens that existing immigrant flows place on society.
To dismiss this by saying that God will take care of you is really to say that someone else will provide for your needs, that you are planning on luck or on being a burden to society (or to some group or individual), and that you are planning not only on not being able to help the poor but on taking resources yourself that otherwise could have gone to help others.
You say that I am «putting the burden of expectation on society that it will not all of a sudden condone homicide.»
Everything in society is now viewed through that very instrumentalized lens and unlike a lot of other people who hold the kind of job that I do, it's totally understandable that that would be the orientation, because higher education has done a spectacularly poor job of delivering on its promises: It has racked up over $ 1.4 trillion in student loan debt, putting an immense burden upon the next generation, not only financially, but dampening their ability to innovate and create.
Considering the vast array of geopolitical issues with which a Supreme Pontiff is burdened in his solicitude for the whole of the universal Church, that Benedict should choose to close his pontificate (or Francis to open his own) with anencyclical on the theological virtue of faith indicates a very pointed discernment of the signs of the times made by the papacy in our age; namely, that what is most lacking in the century in which we live — what is most crucial to today's society and what this era of history most requires, therefore, from the Church — appears to be faith.
These accommodations arguably impose a burden on third parties, yet courts have always viewed such burdens as necessary to the protection of a free society.
The burdens and expectations society places on all of us are too much to bear.
Many to most members of crunchy - mom mafia tend to identify as «feminist,» which has proven to be a remarkable shield that largely prevents observers from noticing that each new item on the must - do list increases the burdens and demands on mothers, who already have a full plate living in a sexist society that doesn't really do much to make it easier for women raising small children.
Nick's message echoed the SLF amendment to his economy motion that was passed at the Party conference in September that called for the burden of fiscal consolidation to be shifted towards fairer taxes, especially on wealth and land while improving provision for the most vulnerable in society.
The Blairite tendency (Peter Mandelson etc) would have Labour move rightwards, with a greater burden placed on the poorer sections of society, which would further undermine Labour support.
To curb the trend, he said, the initiative would place the burden of a fair and just society on all sections of society, instead of always pointing accusing fingers and waiting for solutions from the government.
Privacy campaigners argue that despite being one of the most watched societies on earth, British law places little burden on town halls and private companies who install and run the cameras.
Osborne has shifted the burden of the bank levy from large banks with global balance sheets such as HSBC and Standard Chartered, who can easily get up and leave, and on to smaller banks and building societies, who can't leave.
The paper names delays to plans for a new Public Data Corporation, legislation to allow loans to be paid to people in further education, a white paper to reduce regulatory burdens on industry and the full establishment of the «Big Society» bank.
However, the Conservative and Liberal Democrat government is ultimately responsible because their economic policies have unnecessarily delayed economic recovery, and they have unfairly put the burden of austerity on the most vulnerable parts of society, and on those least able to bear it.
However, despite the burden of insomnia on our society, only few studies have addressed this issue non-pharmacologically.
IBS accounts for 10 per cent of visits to GP surgeries and the condition has a significant and escalating burden on society as a consequence of lost work days and time spent on regular hospital appointments.
They note that diseases imposing a relatively small burden on U.S. society, such as AIDS, can get a larger share of NIH funding than those that cause greater harm, such as heart disease.
Non-rechargeable batteries already created significant amount of landfill, imposing serious environmental burden on industrialized societies.
Dr. John Krystal, Editor of Biological Psychiatry, commented, «Alzheimer's disease presents such a terrible burden on individuals, families, and society that if BACE1 inhibitors produce beneficial effects on the course of this disorder, it is well worth the effort to try to understand and circumvent this new risk.»
The question is what can be done to make a positive difference by protecting the mental health of personnel and decreasing the burden of mental illness on individuals, their families and UK society as a whole.
The aging of society needs new, more cost - effective solutions to improve the life quality of patients and cut the burden that is placed on the social welfare system.
The payoff — on everything from better school performance to holding a job, raising a family, staying out of jail, and contributing to, rather than being a burden on, society — can be as much as $ 16 saved for every dollar spent.
Brain disorders represent an enormous burden on society in terms of human suffering and economic cost.
A heavy burden is placed on society by the common cold, accounting for as much as 40 percent of time away from work and countless days of school skipped by kids every year.
Persistent disparities in educational achievement and lifelong health as a result of significant adversity early in life impose enormous burdens on individuals, communities, and societies.
Given the extent of poverty in our society and the heavy burden that has been placed on the schools to alleviate its impact, it is astounding how much educational progress has been made.
Poor mental health places an enormous burden on society by creating suffering, lack of enjoyment in daily activities, and social withdrawal.
(2) Tailor its regulations to impose the least burden on society, consistent with obtaining regulatory objectives and taking into account — among other things and to the extent practicable — the costs of cumulative regulations;
«Spay / neuter protects pet health, improves pet behavior and lessens the burden on animal shelters and taxpayers,» says Gina Gardner, President of the Humane Society of Tulsa.
This puts the burden of discipline on the whole society and, as will be indicated, collective discipline is not always forthcoming.
The» push - pull» resistance between the character and his «carry - on» bag evokes notions of transnational movement and the burdens of identity, highlighting the relationship between the individual figure and society.
Andy Warhol, Campbell's Soup Cans, 1962, synthetic polymer paint on thirty - two canvases, each 20 x 16 in., gift of Irving Blum; Nelson A. Rockefeller Bequest, gift of Mr. and Mrs. William A.M. Burden, Abby Aldrich Rockefeller Fund, gift of Nina and Gordon Bunshaft in honor of Henry Moore, Lillie P. Bliss Bequest, Philip Johnson Fund, Frances Keech Bequest, gift of Mrs. Bliss Parkinson, and Florence B. Wesley Bequest (all by exchange); The Museum of Modern Art, New York, NY, U.S.A., © 2011 The Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts, Inc. / Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York, digital image © The Museum of Modern Art / Licensed by SCALA / Art Resource, NY, Campbell Trademarks used with permission of Campbell Soup Companycontemporary art.
Most of the science and economics community would dispute 3 — tax shifts away from goods like capital, income, or labor and towards bads like CO2 would not pose a great burden on societies, rich or poor.
Other compelling reasons to begin taking action include the potential for catastrophes that defy the assumption that climate change damages will be incremental and linear; the risk of irreversible environmental impacts; the need to learn about the pace at which society can begin a transition to a climate - stable economy; the likelihood of imposing unconscionable burdens and impossible tasks on future generations; the need to create incentives to accelerate technological development the address climate change; and the ready availability of «no regrets» policies that have very low or even no costs to the economy.
«There's been a long process, over the past I would say 10 to 15 years, where China has migrated from a position where they initially saw the U.S.'s requests to have cooperation with China as efforts to derail China's development — to foist the burden of carbon emissions equally on China and the U.S., even though China's, historically and per capita, were way lower,» said Orville Schell, a scholar of Chinese history and director of the Asia Society's Center on U.S. - China Relations.
There is a real risk that negotiators and civil society groups will continue to consider the early entry into force of the Paris Agreement as the pinnacle of necessary action on climate change, when in reality the Parties to the Agreement must increase their ambition to cut carbon emissions and support the massive mitigation and adaptation financing of developing countries who bear a disproportionate burden of climate change impacts.
Yet, while assuring growth, we can not allow energy use to impose unacceptable burdens on any part of global society or on the natural environment.
While it's important not to overstate the case — again, improved health care can be a double - edged sword, if people are able to live longer because of it but at greater financial cost — one way to interpret this study is that if more people are not economically old, that is they are still contributing to society on their own and not collecting pension or requiring increased health care, there is less burden on falling population levels from an otherwise aging population.
As follows from earlier case law (as translated into guidelines by the Commission in COM (2009) 313 final), when assessing whether the residence of an individual constitutes an unreasonable burden on its social assistance system, national authorities are required to take account of «social factors» such as the level of connection of the EU citizen with the society of the host Member State and any considerations pertaining to age, state of health, family and economic situation.
One way to lessen the burden of due diligence in this context would be if a certifying authority (like a law society or professional association) did due diligence on a number of SaaS providers based on a jurisdiction's rules or guidelines, and then certified that provider.
a distinction, whether intentional or not but based on grounds relating to the personal characteristics of the individual or group, which has the effect of imposing burdens, obligations, or disadvantages on such individuals or groups not imposed on others, or which withholds or limits access to opportunities, benefits, and advantages available to other members of society.
Instead of dealing with these shortcomings head on, politicians are opting for new «Patriot Act» powers that dilute civil liberties, place burdens on the private sector, and conjure up fears of a surveillance society.
Dormant client accounts place a recognisable administrative burden on firms of all sizes and by donating them to charity, this burden is eased at the same time as providing help to the most vulnerable members of society.
We can help illustrate that eroding the presumption of innocence, lowering the burden of proof in criminal trials, or allowing the state to compel the testimony of an accused, would likely have far broader and insidious effects on society, well beyond the intended offenders.
February 21, 2018 (Toronto, ON) Today the John Howard Society of Ontario (JHSO) revealed the hidden but ruinous burden the criminal justice system places on police targetON) Today the John Howard Society of Ontario (JHSO) revealed the hidden but ruinous burden the criminal justice system places on police targeton police targets.
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