Sentences with phrase «of burning gas»

Actually, they are very large balls of burning gas very, very far away.
Help children begin to understand that stars (the sun included, of course) are huge balls of burning gas (for very young children, «balls of fire»).
A new study, commissioned by Friends of the Earth Europe from the Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research and the Teesside University, shows that EU countries can afford just nine more years of burning gas and other fossil fuels at the current rate before they will have exhausted their share of the earth's remaining carbon budget for maximum temperature rises of 2 °C.
A multistage (or multi-stage) rocket is, like any rocket, propelled by the recoil pressure of the burning gases it emits as it burns fuel.
Nightly recharging likely helped with that fuel economy bump, but I'm sure that with more careful trip planning and use of public charging stations, one could get even more mileage out of every gallon of burned gas.
According to industry experts, if coal loses out in utilities» decisions on what to build, it would be because the economics of burning gas are simply better than burning coal.
More quietly (but in many ways worse), leaking wells, pipes, and storage reservoirs are estimated to emit enough greenhouse gases to cancel out the climate advantages of burning gas over coal, and increase smog.
For instance, the benefits of burning gas leaking from landfills — something waste management companies would be selling anyway — are not on par with the societal benefits from building new sources of clean energy and displacing older, dirtier sources.
A star is a massive ball of burning gas whose main function is fusing hydrogen into helium.
A recent study for Friends of the Earth Europe by the Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research found that EU countries can afford just nine more years of burning gas and other fossil fuels at the current rate before they will have exhausted their share of the earth's remaining carbon budget for maximum temperature rises of 2 °C.
And may what comes up tomorrow be the sun and not merely a ball of burning gas.
The list comes two weeks after new research showed that EU countries can afford just nine more years of burning gas and other fossil fuels at the current rate before they will have exhausted their share of the Earth's remaining carbon budget for maximum temperature rises of 2 °C.
EU countries can afford just nine more years of burning gas and other fossil fuels at the current rate before they will have exhausted their share of the earth's remaining carbon budget for maximum temperature rises of 2 °C.
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