Sentences with phrase «of caloric excess»

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These apparently evolved not to store but to burn energy — quickly, as a way of generating heat and keeping the body warm in cold conditions, as well as possibly to get rid of excess caloric intake.
If you have a lot of excess fat, it's highly recommendable to eat less than your body uses, i.e. create a caloric deficit.
Cutting out excess sugar, fat, and processed foods in your diet along with eating at a caloric defect is a completely sustainable and healthy way to eat, and I've maintained such eating habits for most of my adult life at a healthy BMI for my height.
Your body fat is the accumulation of all the excess calories you've ingested, and they're stored as a backup source of energy to be used in cases of caloric deficit (that's when you burn more calories than you consume).
They aren't going to hinder your fat loss unless you are eating an excess amount of them and exceeding your daily caloric needs.
That's great if you put yourself through hell when your sick just to attempt to stay in shape, but I'd rather just supply my body with what it needs, a caloric excess, plenty of sugar, and lots of rest. In her link, she point out possible confounding factors in the china study regarding the association of dairy and htn, (Lack of vegetables, excess sodium, high body weight, and high caloric intake, to name a few.)
Gaining weight, a.k.a. building muscle, requires a caloric intake in excess of what it takes to maintain your current bodyweight.
Step 2) Instead of eating at a caloric deficit, you will aim to eat at a caloric surplus, at a maximum of 500 calories (excess) a day.
A reduction in «fidgeting», a lower likelihood of getting up from the couch, a tendency to avoid excess movement - these daily reductions in overall caloric burn can end up being quite significant.
Excess fat — fat that exceeds caloric requirements — does increase the chance of fatty liver.
In a context of a mostly whole foods diet without caloric excess, even large amounts of sugar are benign.
The problem, of course, is that indulging too heavily might increase your caloric intake and the excess sodium can make fluid retention (a common symptom of PMS) worse.
Part of this reversal in guidelines is based on the fact that replacing protein or carbohydrates with healthy fats in excess of the current 35 % of the daily caloric fat limit reduces risk of cardiovascular disease (Appel et al., 2005; Estruch et al., 2013).
What this means is, while a caloric surplus is still absolutely required, if there are any excess calories consumed in addition to the number of calories that your body can actually put towards building muscle, these calories will end up going through the «Fat Storage» door.
It has been hypothesized that the reported beneficial health effects from caloric restriction on excess body weight, cardiovascular risk factors, glucose metabolism, tumor physiology, neurodegenerative pathology and life span can be mimicked by alternating periods of short term fasting with periods of refeeding, without deliberately altering the total caloric intake.
You present no studies to back up this claim and are throwing out years of research linking saturated fat and excess caloric intake with obesity.
Excesses over your needs - particularly in the intake of isolated, «favored» nutrients, or in caloric intake - are as bad as deficiency.
Does the example of Diabetesville illustrate a diet high in carbohydrates, percentage wise, or a diet excess in carbohydrate, caloric wise?
The ultimate cause of weight loss (or weight gain) is caloric restriction (or excess).
During times of growth, a caloric excess is necessary, but unintentionally eating more than you need leads to unwanted weight gain.
A well documented relationship exists between chronically elevated levels of stress hormones and deposition of excess fat in the abdomen leading to obesity as well as increased caloric intake, particularly increased ingestion of fats and sugars (Bjorntorp, 2001)
You used a single study in your brief discussion — did the study factor in basal metabolic rate of the participants and put them on a diet in order ensure adequate caloric excess to induce growth?
This is the Hormonal Obesity Theory, as opposed to the Caloric Theory, which holds that excess calories is the cause of obesity.
Have started hitting the gym for a little more than a month now, still in noobgains phase, and trying to cut out some of the excess fat (started with 20 % bf, but lost some waist size already... Actually, as soon as I started fasting I started losing waist without any caloric variation to the diet)
Consistency in the timing and caloric content of meals also minimizes the fluctuations in blood glucose levels, while reducing excess weight.
In general, as the fat content of a diet increases, so does the caloric density and palatability, which promotes excess calorie consumption and obesity.
Food may be used in excess as a tool for consoling or pacifying emotional needs of the child by the parent31 or to self - soothe by the child.32, 33 Alternatively, family violence is distressing and may cause affective dysregulation, leading to decreased impulse control and excessive caloric intake.34 More direct biological mechanisms are also plausible.
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