Sentences with phrase «of campaign finance»

Because of the timing and nature of the payment, it could constitute a violation of campaign finance laws.
While legal, such gifts are worrying to advocates of campaign finance reforms, especially when the donations are made by individuals or companies doing business with the government.
But the payment might have been a violation of campaign finance rules.
He said any reforms of the campaign finance system need to be more comprehensive and address several other issues, too.
But a review of campaign finance disclosure forms shows that gay and lesbian advocates have become a quiet but potent force this election season.
The commission's preliminary report found some suggested wrongdoing by groups tied to lawmakers, and recommended tighter enforcement of campaign finance laws.
A coalition of environmental advocacy groups is swinging their weight behind an effort that's making end - of - session push for an overhaul of campaign finance laws this year.
It will increase investigations of campaign finance violations, and strengthen penalties for bribery and corruption.
Read or listen to any news report on the topic of campaign finance reform, and you're likely to find someone blasting political action committees as the root of much evil.
The governor's support of campaign finance reform is not new.
On the positive side, the bill goes a long way to adding transparency to state government, specifically in the areas of campaign finance, access disclosure and lobbying.
The fate of campaign finance reform now is in the hands of the governor.
That widespread sentiment is one of the principal reasons why the public funding of presidential campaigns, long a goal of campaign finance reform activists, is dying.
Neither challengers have made political donations in the last decade, a search of campaign finance contributions showed.
I mean, why not after already reversing 100 years of campaign finance laws and its own rulings?
«I'm a big believer in low - donor matching fund models of campaign finance,» she says.
That's what you get when the commissioner of investigations is the chairman of your campaign finance committee.
He is a proponent of campaign finance reform, term limits, greater focus on education and a «balanced» effort to address climate change.
Earlier this year, the collapse of campaign finance reform presented another struggle between the governor and the governing alliance he helped create.
He's talking about the possibility of campaign finance reform, election reform, even possible changes to state lobbying laws.
If you're an incumbent, then the present system of campaign finance gives you an advantage.
All three candidates ran on similar platforms of campaign finance reform, support for LGBT rights and the protection of affordable housing.
The only way to account for the increasing of the budget allocation for charter schools is to recognize the role of campaign financing.
A DNAinfo New York analysis of Campaign Finance Board records shows that nearly two dozen people who hosted fundraisers for de Blasio during the 2013 election cycle ended up with lucrative jobs in his administration or high - level appointments to city boards.
First, it is an attack on America's threadbare system of campaign finance regulation; one of the few remaining laws on the books bans corporations from giving gifts to a candidate.
«It has come to may attention that Mr. Monserrate has made expenditures that he failed to report and is improperly soliciting donations through the East Elmhurst Democratic Club in violation of campaign finance board rules and regulations,» Victor Rodriguez, who is backing rival Francisco Moya, wrote in the July 19 complaint.
New York City real estate moguls are covering their bases on the upcoming mayoral election, giving donations to more than one candidate, an analysis of campaign finance reports by the New York Daily News shows.
Ganim, who is conducting a petition drive in case he doesn't reach the 15 percent, said the state party could be running afoul of campaign finance laws by charging candidates.
Bolton's super PAC has paid Cambridge Analytica more than $ 1.1 million since 2014 for «research» and «survey research,» a Center for Public Integrity analysis of campaign finance filings shows.
The four - member Independent Democratic Conference has a package of campaign finance law changes that includes a ban on the housekeeping accounts.
Nothing there to address... even when you take out of the equation that we are stuck with a PIG for our country's leader the clear issue of campaign finance violations will need to be addressed.
The group had challenged the regulations adopted in 2004 by the Federal Election Commission, the agency in charge of campaign finance rules for congressional and presidential elections.
Nevertheless, the sites described by The Intercept and Inc. expose the limits of campaign finance laws passed in an earlier era of media, before anyone anticipated the rise of platforms like Facebook.
Thompson said Amedore is in favor of campaign finance reform of some sort, but «but not on the back of taxpayers.
In just two months, Consumers for Smart Solar has received more than $ 473,750 from outside groups, including some that have ties to the Koch brothers, plus $ 325,000 from Florida utilities, according to an analysis of campaign finance data reviewed by the Center for Media and Democracy and the Energy and Policy Institute.
In events across New York, state lawmakers joined community activists and labor leaders Tuesday in calling for passage of campaign finance reform in Albany.
Liu, who is continuing to pursue a run for mayor, has seen his rising star tarnished by allegations of campaign finance fraud.
The truth is, PACs are the most disclosed, highly regulated, citizen - intensive part of the campaign finance system, according to NAR lobbyists.
Under mounting pressure from good - government groups, unions and the Working Families Party, Governor Andrew Cuomo met with advocates of campaign finance reform to discuss passing publicly financed elections before the end of the state legislative session in June.
Cohen's hush payment, for purposes of campaign finance law, might have been a contribution to the Trump campaign even if it were a loan.
City Comproller John Liu's poll numbers have sunk after allegations of campaign financing fraud.
The Senate Republicans have seized on yesterday's conviction of two former aides to NYC Comptroller / Democratic mayoral hopeful John Liu on charges of campaign finance fraud as proof that a publicly financed system is «an invitation to more corruption and wrongdoing, and will only result in politicians taking taxpayers for a ride.»
«Lending money to your own campaign lets you create a war chest that might or might not scare off potential opponents without having to raise the money from donors,» said Michael Malbin, executive director of the Campaign Finance Institute, a nonpartisan research group in Washington.
Michael J. Malbin is a professor of political science at the University at Albany and executive director of the Campaign Finance Institute, a nonpartisan think tank in Washington.
The governor, who has a re-election war chest of more than $ 20 million, has also participated in a conference call with supporters of campaign finance changes, an unusally public show of support for an indepedent campaign being run under the banner of Fair Elections for New York.
If the newly created Special Enforcement Counsel to the Board of Elections is now interested in cracking down on abuses of the campaign finance system, then she needs to look beyond just the mayor.
Common Cause / NY is an active member of the Fair Elections Coalition, working for the passage of a broad package of campaign finance measures, built around a core of small donor matching fund public financing of elections.
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