Sentences with phrase «of cancer stem cells»

Ever since, there has been no more doubt about the general existence of cancer stem cells.
In the present study, the researchers show that the actual number of cancer stem cells decreases.
Their stem cell - like properties enable them to maintain a pool of cancer stem cells within the tumor, as well as to produce new mature tumor cells.
Such diets provide a broad approach to cancer prevention because they contain many different compounds that can attack the multiple pathways of cancer stem cell survival.
However, there are currently only a few models available to study the biology of cancer stem cells.
The concept of cancer stem cells has been a compelling but controversial idea for many years.
The concept is important, because it suggests that only by developing treatments that get rid of the cancer stem cells will you be able to eradicate the cancer.
However, scientists disagree on whether the phenomenon of cancer stem cells extends to different kinds of cancer and what is the best way to target them.
According to Semenza, «Chemotherapy may kill more than 99 percent of the cancer cells in a tumor but fail to kill a small population of cancer stem cells that are responsible for subsequent cancer relapse and metastasis.»
Many characteristics of cancer stem cells — formation of self - renewing cells, clonal growth capacity and formation of spheres — were suppressed when miR - 34a was overexpressed in prostate cancer cell lines.
They found that regrowth of cancer stem cells actively contributes to therapy resistance between drug treatment cycles.
They found that ONC201 alters the gene expression of cancer stem cell markers and signaling pathways prior to killing the tumor cells, providing pharmacodynamic biomarkers of response.
Gabriele Cerrone, Chairman of Tiziana Life Sciences, said: «We are very excited to help drive forward this project in the promising new field of cancer stem cell therapeutics, and delighted to have extended our relationship with Cardiff University.
Semenza says previous studies have shown that resistance to chemotherapy arises from the hardy nature of cancer stem cells, which are often found in the centers of tumors, where oxygen levels are quite low.
The study shows that a protein called Nanog, which is normally active in embryonic stem cells, promotes the growth of cancer stem cells in head and neck cancer.
However, she argues that the results are a breakthrough in cancer research as it may be the first step towards effective treatment of cancer stem cells, i.e. the cells believed to cause metastases.
To hunt for drugs that target these cells, Piyush Gupta, a molecular biologist at the Broad Institute at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and colleagues genetically engineered ordinary human cells so that they acquired some of the properties of cancer stem cells, including being impervious to chemotherapy.
The Salford team set out to assess the bioenergetics of cancer stem cells — the processes which allow the cells to live and thrive — with a view to disrupting their metabolism.
He holds the Canada Research Chair in Stem Cell Biology and is Director of the Cancer Stem Cell Program at the Ontario Institute for Cancer Research.
Previous trials of retinoids against breast cancer have been conducted only after anti-estrogen treatments, at which point, «we were already getting expansion of cancer stem cells — treating with a retinoid after that was already too late,» Fettig says.
A new study published in the Oct. 9 issue of the journal Nature Medicine demonstrates, for the first time, that glioblastoma (GBM), the most common and most lethal brain tumor, is driven by two distinct subsets of cancer stem cells.
In addition, the KDM4 inhibitor induces a change of the molecular make - up of the cancer stem cells and drives them out of stemness.
Scientists at The Institute of Cancer Research (ICR) found that three different features of the tumours were important indicators of relapse risk: the levels of a molecule called CXCL12, the percentage of the tumour with an appearance of cancer stem cells and whether or not blood vessels were present in the tumour.
This discovery builds on earlier published research from other Princess Margaret scientists, Dr. John Dick, the pioneer of the cancer stem cell field, and Dr. Catherine O'Brien, whose 2007 study established that not all colorectal cancer cells are equal; rather, they are organized in a hierarchy sustained by a subpopulation of stem cells that initiate disease, resist treatment, then self - renew to regrow tumours (Nature).
«There are still many questions left to answer but we now know that oxygen poor environments, like those often found in advanced human breast cancers serve as nurseries for the birth of cancer stem cells,» says Gregg Semenza, M.D., Ph.D., the C. Michael Armstrong Professor of Medicine and a member of the Johns Hopkins Kimmel Cancer Center.
When they prevented the cells from making ALKBH5, NANOG levels and the number of cancer stem cells decreased.
He was inspired to look at the effects of antibiotics on the mitochondria of cancer stem cells by a conversation with his daughter Camilla about his work at the University's Institute of Cancer Sciences.
If the stem cells lose Numb, however, p53 levels plunge and the cells proliferate uncontrollably, leading to the emergence of cancer stem cells that drive the growth of breast tumors.
«These findings suggest that BLBC cells have an innate ability to establish a local microenvironment that is supportive of cancer stem cells,» explained Thiagalingam, associate professor in Genetics & Genomics, Medicine, and Pathology & Laboratory Medicine, at BUSM.
Antibiotics are cheap and readily available and if in time the link between their use and the eradication of cancer stem cells can be proved, this work may be the first step towards a new avenue for cancer treatment.
«Both the natural and the synthetic substances inhibit the growth and spread of cancer stem cells in breast cancer cell lines.
The aggressive nature of this subtype of breast cancer may be due to the fact that these tumors often harbor a higher content of cancer stem cells (CSCs).
Finally, the authors suggest that a pre-treatment gene expression signature of cancer stem cells might be able to help predict the response to ONC201.
In a new study published in Scientific Reports, Tokyo Medical and Dental University (TMDU)- led researchers investigated photodynamic detection of cancer stem cells in a glioma cell line, a model of a highly aggressive type of brain cancer.
These findings provide further evidence of ONC201 as an inhibitor of cancer stem cells and support ongoing clinical trials in prostate cancer and glioblastoma that have shown evidence of tumor shrinkage.
The discovery is significant because the drug halts the propagation of cancer stem cells without causing the toxic side - effects normally associated with more conventional chemotherapy.
While further research is needed to understand the effectiveness of H1.0 protein in preventing the spread of cancer growth, this research advances significantly the study of the mechanisms of cancer stem cells and the relatively new epigenetic approach to cancer research.
«Many chemotherapy drugs leave a small amount of cancer stem cells that cause a renewed outbreak of the disease after a few years.
In the new study, the researchers cultured mouse skin - cancer colonies on various 2 - D and 3 - D environments of different shapes and patterns to see if the tumor shape contributes to activation of cancer stem cells, and to see where in the tumor the stem cells appeared.
Using genetic tools to establish in which cells cancer - driving mutations originated and then propagated into other cancer cells, they demonstrated that a distinct and rare subset of MDS cells showed all the hallmarks of cancer stem cells, and that no other malignant MDS cells were able to propagate the tumour.
Since the specific inducers of cancer stem cells, which are key drivers of metastasis, remain elusive, our current findings are a significant advancement in this area.»
In the future, mtDNA and the factors involved in mitochondrial signaling may serve as markers of metastatic potential and novel points for therapeutic intervention of cancer stem cells.
Interestingly, Yu and colleagues recently showed that knockdown of KLF4 decreased the proportion of cancer stem cells, whereas overexpression of this gene led to an increase in the cancer stem cell population, suggesting that KLF4 plays a strong oncogenic role in mammary tumorigenesis likely by maintaining stem cell - like futures of breast cancer cells (29).
Moreover, tumors contain a small portion of cancer stem cells that are believed to be responsible for tumor initiation, metastasis and drug resistance.
Our laboratory is interested in exploring the molecular mechanisms that drive the production of cancer stem cells and specifically in dissecting the microRNA / transcription factor circuitry that connects such differentiation metastability to tumour aggressiveness.
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