Sentences with phrase «of capital flight»

The solution to the serious and very real problem of capital flight sounds so simple doesn't it?
Surely the use of corporate subsidiaries and distinct legal personalities should not shelter against accountability in these cases, especially where there is some form of capital flight before proceedings can be brought.
Owosanoye said available research records showed that about 60 per cent of capital flight from Africa came from Nigeria because of the size of its economy.
Elsewhere, both OKCoin and BTCC distanced themselves from reports that suggested they were under additional scrutiny due to the potential of capital flight.
This is what's happening within the American economy at the moment and will, if unchecked, result in my prediction of a capital flight storm from 2015 onwards.
Sovereign debtors must agree to IMF «conditionalities» in order to get enough credit to enable bondholders to take their money and run, avoiding haircuts and leaving «taxpayers» to bear the cost of capital flight and corruption.
The stated objective was to streamline management of these companies, and also to induce oligarchs to begin bringing their two decades of capital flight back to invest in the Russia economy.
Part of the decline in reserves since mid-2014 reflects the paying down of external debt, JEM, and most of the rest reflects the funding of significant amounts of capital flight.
The large volume of capital flight out of Russia poses the natural question of whether it is legally the property of the Russian people.
The Bitcoin exchanges suspended withdrawals just about four months prior after the expanded investigation from Chinese experts in the midst of worries of capital flight and illegal tax avoidance.
In 2016, China unpegged the Yuan from the US dollar which prompted a degree of capital flight to Australia, and Chinese landownership in our country increased tenfold within a year.
«[Landed immigrants] are not of particular concern given the economic contributions they bring, but the latter (think vacant homes in tight markets, potential risk of capital flight, etc.) do deserve the attention of policymakers.»
China is experiencing the largest episode of capital flight in history, encouraged by the slowdown in economic activity, the plunge in the stock market and the surprise devaluation of the currency — the Chinese yuan (also called the renminbi) last August.
Through an analysis of documents between 1970 and 1996, the authors of the book discovered that for every dollar of money loaned to African countries, as much as 80 cent departed the country in the form of capital flight that very year.
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