Sentences with phrase «of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere»

We have increased the concentration of carbon dioxide in our atmosphere by about 40 percent — and this enormous increase in carbon dioxide has warmed our planet.
In previous studies, increasing levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere led to a reduction in ocean pH and carbonate ions, both of which damage marine ecosystems.
The best estimates say that if the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere doubles, temperatures will rise by between 2 and 4.5 °C.
The largest single factor contributing to modern climate change is the increase of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.
The researchers estimate that this effect could cut by two - thirds the projected increase in global temperatures initiated by a doubling of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.
Their core conclusion is that without a direct, sustained and aggressive push on technological innovation, there's no way to avoid an enormous buildup of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.
We should adopt a target of 350 ppm concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere as soon as possible.
But talking about 2020 is crucial to climate scientists, who see quick emission cuts as important as the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere in four decades.
This time they have looked at the steady future accumulation of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere from power stations.
This post explores the «sticky» nature of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, and what this implies for how society responds to climate change.
Simple: ignore the rising levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere from burning fossil fuels.
For more than a century, climate scientists have known that higher levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere mean higher atmospheric temperatures.
Today, 30 percent of the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is directly due to humankind's careless lifestyle.
Despite the pause, the long - term projection that the world is likely to warm by about three degrees if the proportion of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere doubles was still on course.
Plus, man - made emissions of the crucial molecule represent a mere fraction of all carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.
The first 20 parts per million of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere provides 1.6 °C of warming, after which the effect drops away rapidly.
Just six months ago, the world entered a new danger zone when concentrations of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere passed 400 parts per million for the first time in recorded history.
What will it take to get to a point where the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere starts getting smaller?
However, he understood that the impact of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere was a tricky issue.
The new solar farm will prevent the release of 40,000 tons of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere annually — the equivalent of taking 8,000 cars off the road.
And at that point, you really aren't talking about climate sensitivity any more since climate sensitivity would hold the level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere constant.
Human activities like the burning of fossil fuels contribute to the release of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.
The sensitive measurements showed that the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere increases and decreases in an annual cycle.
Scientists believe there is a correlation between the increase of carbon dioxide in our atmosphere and the increase of water vapor.
Since the beginning of the industrial revolution, humans have increased the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere by over 30 %.
Two major groups of plants have shown a surprising reversal of fortunes in the face of rising levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.
The second study meanwhile looked at how aerosol emissions impact the Earth's temperature through a phenomenon the researchers call «transient climate sensitivity,» or how much of the Earth's temperature will change when the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere reaches twice its level during the pre-industrial times.
Published in the journal Tellus under the title, «Atmospheric carbon dioxide variations at Mauna Loa observatory,» the paper documented for the first time the stark rise of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere at the Mauna Loa observatory in Hawaii.
However, substantial research indicates that contemporary carbon emissions, even if stopped abruptly, will sustain or nearly sustain near - term temperature increases for millennia because of the long residence time of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and inertia in the climate system, e.g., the slow exchange of heat between ocean and atmosphere (2 ⇓ ⇓ — 5).
On May 9, the daily mean concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere of Mauna Loa, Hawaii, surpassed 400 parts per million (ppm) for the first time since measurements began in 1958.
Are you saying that the industrial revolution was just happened to coincide in time and magnitude to the build - up of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, but there is some other, unidentified geochemical phenomenon that is responsible?
«One argument suggests that indigenous population collapse in the Americas resulted in a reduction of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere because of forest regrowth in the early colonial period.
In the case of maize ethanol it leads to a higher abundance of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere for the first 15 years of its production, compared to gasoline.
Stefan and I pointed out that the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change's Fifth Assessment Report (AR5) says we could stay within 450 ppm of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere at a cost of a mere 0.06 percent in lost growth a year.
Research published in Science found that increased levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere cause soil microbes to produce more carbon dioxide, accelerating climate change.
Ohio State University soil scientist Rattan Lal says the agricultural soils of the world have the potential to soak up 13 percent of the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere today — the equivalent of scrubbing every ounce of CO2 released into the atmosphere since 1980.
Photosynthetic processes are accelerated with the increased availability of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and, hence, it is conjectured that ring growth would also be correlated with atmospheric carbon dioxide; see Graybill and Idso (1993).
For instance, models with different parameterization strategies give very different estimates of the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere necessary to raise Earth's surface temperature by 2 °C — with critical implications for policy decisions.
The long lifetime of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, and the long lifetime of sources like coal - burning power plants once built, mean that the «faucet» for CO2 is getting cranked open just when it should be going in the opposite direction.
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