Sentences with phrase «of cardiovascular risk»

The study sheds new light on the overall role of physical fitness in the development of cardiovascular risk factors in patients with cardiovascular disease.
People with autoimmune heart disease may not have typical markers of cardiovascular risk, such as diabetes, high cholesterol, or high blood pressure.
It is thus clear that nuts have a beneficial impact on a number of cardiovascular risk factors.
The full assessment of cardiovascular risk requires investigation of any physiological changes in the function of the arteries.
It also raises the likelihood of cardiovascular risk factors such as high blood pressure and an unfavorable blood lipid profile.
One theory credits estrogen, which may protect against the kinds of cardiovascular risks that impact men and can have a harmful effect on the brain.
«Our study shows that depression, stress, anxiety, and anger are associated with atherosclerosis markers, which are known predictors of cardiovascular risk in RA,» concludes Dr. Ying Liu, the first author of the study.
Although the question can not be answered definitively, other analyses have linked lower dementia risk to better control of cardiovascular risk factors such as hypertension and high cholesterol, and by building up «cognitive reserve» with more education.
«Many studies have shown family history to be an independent predictor of cardiovascular risk.
Another potential limitation is that changes in diagnostic thresholds and in the frequency of diagnostic testing between 2000 and 2012 may have affected the self - reported prevalence of cardiovascular risk factors, and the relationship of treatments to both cardiovascular and cognitive outcomes.
It was observed that VCO supplementation attenuated the biochemical alterations, including the indices of cardiovascular risks.
«There's a lot we still don't understand about the accumulation of cardiovascular risks in women,» Countouris said.
Hormonal substitution treatments are often subject to negative publicity, mainly because of the cardiovascular risks associated with them.
High - sensitivity cardiac troponin T (hs - cTnT), a protein that can be measured via a blood test, is a biomarker of cardiovascular risk and could be approved in the United States for clinical use soon.
And even though there is still uncertainty, little evidence is available to indicate that any of the researched drugs are safe in terms of cardiovascular risk, which needs to be considered with the prescription of any NSAID.
* Lipoprotein Particle ProfileTM The most advanced, accurate and comprehensive assessment of cardiovascular risk for better determination of treatment guidance.
In Part II we showed that management for gout should focus on healthy weight loss and reduction of cardiovascular risk factors as identified by metabolic syndrome.
Even just having at least one or two healthy lifestyle characteristics, compared to none, was associated with better levels of some cardiovascular risk biomarkers.
The results contradict a number of studies that show that naproxen has fewer, if any, of the cardiovascular risks of Celebrex.
In addition, women have greater increases of cardiovascular risk, myocardial infarction, and stroke mortality than men, compared with nondiabetic subjects.
«The findings suggest the need for gender - based evaluation and treatment of cardiovascular risk factors in these patients,» says Dr. Farahani.
Prediction of cardiovascular risk factors from retinal fundus photographs via deep learning.
Fortunately, he says, these very early signs of cardiovascular risk observed in the WTCHR children can generally be addressed by diet, weight control, and exercise.
The study excluded patients with diabetes or coronary heart disease, as well as patients who were not taking a statin drug but should have been because of their cardiovascular risk profile.
Significant research is now being done on ways to combat cerebral microbleeds, Zivadinov said, adding that currently, prevention of cardiovascular risk factors was seen as the best way to prevent their formation since there are no currently available target therapies.
Mayo's task force highlights caveats in the use of ankle - brachial index and C - reactive protein for cardiovascular risk assessment — two tests recommended by the ACC / AHA guideline — and recommends that the following additional tests could be considered to refine estimates of cardiovascular risk:
Low levels of total, bioavailable, and free testosterone are associated with increased risk of development of cardiovascular risk factors, atherosclerosis and mortality.
Postprandial glycaemia, a factor known to be an independent determinant of cardiovascular risk, was assessed from the data produced by the CGMS.
Controlling for education, net worth, and race (model 3) explained 9 percentage points of the decrease in age - and sex - standardized odds of dementia between 2000 and 2012 (OR, 0.78; 95 % CI, 0.70 - 0.88), while the addition of cardiovascular risk factors and BMI (model 4) accounted for 4 additional percentage points of the decline in prevalence (OR, 0.82; 95 % CI, 0.73 - 0.92).
Research efforts also include analyses of cardiovascular risk factors, seeking to define the basis for pathogenic activities.
Coeliacs need to be especially wary of cardiovascular risk factors such as hypertension and high cholesterol, experts said.
According to researchers, patients and doctors need to be more aware of the cardiovascular risk when prescribing any anti-inflammatory drug, which includes the new generation anti-inflammatories called COX - 2 inhibitors as well as traditional NSAIDS (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs).
Regardless if you are thin or not, women with PCOS have a higher rate of cardiovascular risk factors.
The largest and longest study to examine this issue documented the effects of a cardiovascular risk reduction intervention that attempted to improve blood pressure and lipid control (Stamler and Dolecek, 1997).
Risk of coronary heart disease is one of the specific types of cardiovascular risks that has been shown to be reduced by regular intake of garbanzo beans and other legumes.
The results of this study suggest that although Actos has been thought to pose less of a cardiovascular risk than Avandia, it may be an equally dangerous drug.
Agonistic interpersonal striving: Social — cognitive mechanism of cardiovascular risk in youth?
Assessment of cardiovascular risk by use of multiple - risk - factor assessment equations: A statement for healthcare professionals from the American Heart Association and the American College of Cardiology
There also was no independent association of MCI and intima media thickness (IMT) or coronary artery calcification (CAC), two other surrogate markers of cardiovascular risk.
Zelikoff's studies found mice exposed in utero to gutkha had a larger number of cardiovascular risk factors.
This pattern is likely related to poorer control of cardiovascular risk factors.»
Men who were single, separated, or divorced at the time of their prostate - cancer diagnosis were at greater risk of both cardiovascular risk and suicide compared to men who were married or living with a partner when they were diagnosed, according to the study.
It was observed that VCO supplementation attenuated the biochemical alterations, including the indices of cardiovascular risks.
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