Sentences with phrase «of carrot cake»

This smoothie combines the delicious flavors of carrot cake with nutrient - rich Greek yogurt for a filling breakfast.
These are practically like having a slice of carrot cake for breakfast, but not quite.
I'm a big fan of carrot cake and a big fan of breakfast muffins.
Is this carrot cake smoothie exactly like a rich, decadent piece of carrot cake?
A traditional crumb coffee cake is mixed with the flavors of carrot cake for a delicious twist on brunch.
Hello, I love the look of the carrot cake recipe so will try it out!
I've got to try your version of carrot cake muffins!
I was testing a batch of carrot cake muffins and they didn't rise enough creating that perfect golden muffin top I was looking for.
In these muffins, carrots add moisture and color, and when you bite into one, the familiar taste of carrot cake will please and delight you.
Full of carrot cake flavors, but made without refined sugar, flour, and oil!
If I wanted to make this a pumpkin cake instead of a carrot cake, would the amount for the puree be the same as the amount of shredded carrots?
I remember having lots of carrot cake throughout childhood, as it is one of my mother's favorite cakes.
This sugar free carrot cake recipe is perfect for baking a big batch of carrot cake which you then can freeze in small portions.
You'd think it was my love of carrot cake that made me want to make this recipe.
So naturally, I'm baking up mini gluten - free chocolate cupcakes and dreaming of carrot cake!
As someone allergic to nuts, I really do hate how many times I've seen a wonderful slice of carrot cake only to discover is have nuts.
If we're being honest with each other, the best part of carrot cake is the cream cheese frosting, right?
Seriously though, I am a sucker for any kind of carrot cake.
The cream cheese filling is similar to what you'd find on top of a carrot cake.
I posted a picture of my carrot cake on your FB page... now to wait until tomorrow for tasting results....
I guess they're kind of like a big family of carrot cakes.
I've made a few variations of carrot cake before, but as yet they have not appeared on my blog.
These carrot cake pancakes have that spot on flavour of carrot cake thanks to the cinnamon, ginger and nutmeg in the batter.
This fun twist of carrot cake and zucchini bread, is the best way to sneak some vegetables into your festive dessert.
Experiment with combinations of nuts; adding some walnuts give them more of a carrot cake flavour, but I prefer the texture of cashews.
The carrot pancakes are reminiscent of carrot cake, yet with a more rustic appeal.
I came across this recipe on a website called just a pinch, and the photo itself reminded me so much of carrot cake... and I love carrot cake.
This recipe has all the delicious spices of carrot cake and is packed with nuts, raisins, and shredded carrots.
The thing is, I had been an eater of carrot cakes, but never a maker.
I know that pineapple isn't a component of all carrot cake recipes, but the carrot cakes I liked the most were always those that included it.
Oh wow, I love any sort of carrot cake and adding the caramel too?
So, pretty much we're taking all the «nutrition» out of carrot cake — I'm just borrowing the best part — The frosting!
I'd love to try this recipe, it really has all the right ingredients and I miss that dense consistency of carrot cake so much.
Who wants a slice of carrot cake for breakfast?
I am a huge fan of carrot cake, but I'm an even bigger fan of hazelnuts!
These carrot cake cookies have all of the warm and delicious flavors of carrot cake baked into a soft and chewy cookie!
Thank you thank you for developing a healthy version of carrot cake.
I had thought of carrot cake, but had not yet got around to trying to adapt a recipe - I will give your advice a try.
So let's venture into that world together with this coffee cake that is full of carrot cake deliciousness.
So naturally, I'm baking up mini gluten - free chocolate cupcakes and dreaming of carrot cake!
I can almost guarantee that after making one batch of these carrot cake muffins, you will make them again within a weeks time (or less).
They're kind of like a big family of carrot cakes?
This fun twist of carrot cake and zucchini bread, is the best way to sneak some vegetables into your dessert.
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