Sentences with phrase «of cell processing»

This track will focus on aspects of cell processing relevant to manufacturing of cell - based products.
The IFNGR receptor is one of these membrane proteins and undertakes to activate genes involved in a huge variety of cell processes, including defence against pathogens and cancer.
Nucleic acids are not only key molecules for the storage, replication and transcription of genetic information, but also serve as enzymes or regulators of a number of cell processes.
Many of our patients are deficient in magnesium, a broad - reaching mineral that is essential to a myriad of cell processes.

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Adult brains actually do grow new brain cells through the incredible process of neurogenesis, improving your memory, stabilizing your mood, and boosting your ability to handle stress.
The process is fairly simple: Extract the cell's DNA, measure its carbon - 14 levels with a tool called a mass spectrometer, and check the result against tables of carbon - 14 decay in the period since 1963.
«Some of the processes tend to be centralized, and in effort to decentralize them while still retaining the integrity of an Iraqi permission [it] was tweaked by the Iraqi government, not by the strike cells, as to who's the Iraqi giving you the thumbs - up that the government has given permission,» Sofge told Business Insider.
It also speeds the incredible process of neurogenesis, actually helping us grow new brain cells.
Organovo, a start - up in Los Angeles, is working on a process in which a bioprinter will squirt multiple layers of human tissue cells onto special paper.
Going in with Jurvetson was a lineup of household - name investors that includes Bill Gates, Richard Branson, and Jack Welch; their money will be used to build up Memphis Meats» already formidable trove of intellectual property and to fine - tune the process of combining cells to produce the tastiest steaks and patties, and drive down the cost.
Thousands of these guides can be injected into different cells at once, a process known as genetic screening.
The screening tested nearly 500 employees, primarily in search of insulin resistance, a condition that prevents the body from properly processing the hormone that promotes the absorption of glucose from the blood into your cells.
Simply put, it gives the brain what one neuroscientist calls «greater bandwidth,» boosting the processing capacity of the affected brain cells by 3,000 %.
The seemingly more respectable Pharmacy News reported, «White tea contains catechins, which inhibit the process of fat cell generation by stimulating thermogenesis.
This type of solar cell is lightweight and affordable, but requires very careful processing so the materials used mix and crystallize properly into thin films.
Scientists now recognize that intense exercise helps your brain produce brain - derived neutrophic factor, an important protein that helps stimulate the process of neurogenesis, which is the growth of new brain cells.
«Many investors expected a more lengthy FDA review process of the JCAR015 trial (and potentially other CAR - T programs) and feared that a higher - degree regulatory scrutiny could increase the development risk of CAR T cell,» Leerink Research said in a note co-authored by analysts Michael Schmidt, Ph.D., Jonathan Chang, Ph.D., and Varun Kumar, Ph.D. «While it may take several weeks to reopen all clinical sites of the ROCKET trial, we believe the trial shouldn't be delayed by more than ~ 3 months.»
As such, it is uncertain that use of an enhanced cell processing method will yield different results.
As a cancer researcher, do you think the mechanisms of tumor growth are somehow changing to come into line with your perceptions, or is it possible that the process of our learning more about DNA mutations and cell architecture and nutrient exchange and epigenetic effects make it possible for us to inch ever closer to understanding that which is already going on under our noses?
A team led by David Sinclair of the University of New South Wales published a study in Cell, saying that they have actually reversed mice's aging process.
What guides the process in all living things is DNA, which regulates every cell of every plant and animal.
I see living organisms emerge from single cells without something intelligent outside of them directing the process.
Furthermore, successful functioning of a cell, organism or brain is contingent upon the recurrence of the most basic physico - chemical processes in their adherence to the laws of nature.
Thus, at the lowest level, electrons tend to unite and converge in the atom; atoms converge by molecularization, crystallization; molecules unite by polymerization; cells unite by conjugation, reproduction, association; nerve ganglions concentrate and localize to form a brain by what might be called a process of cephalization; the higher animal groups form colonies, hives, herds, societies, etc.; man socializes and forms civilizations as foci of attraction and organization.
Yet God must know the processes within each cell because, as he says here, God feels the feeling of all others.
Conversely, if God is seen primarily as the expressed psychicalization in process of a multiplicity of event - cells, how can there be anything more than just that: psychicalized event - cells?
Hartshorne's sense of «creativity» points to processes of sentient cells, experiences, or monads which appear to constitute the ultimate foundations of reality.
Whether I use the expression «momentary self» or the word «monad,» what I am in fact doing is setting a limit, on no validly argued grounds, to the dissolution of the «total temporary states» into a purely ad hoc combination of inexplicable and inexplicably organized collections of bodily cells, sensations, intentions, thoughts, nervous processes, desires, and the like.
Embryonic stem cells are produced during development by the same process of epigenetic programming that later will produce adult cells such as skin and brain.
One proposal that has received considerable scientific support has been to generate non-embryonic entities that can serve as a source of stem cells through a process termed Altered Nuclear Transfer (or ANT).
No complete light has yet been thrown on the secret processes taking place in the microscopic recesses of the cell.
@Chad: I. Mutations in DNA sequences generally occur through one of two processes: A. Environmental factors: DNA damage from environmental agents such as ultraviolet light (sunshine), nuclear radiation or certain chemicals B. Mistakes that occur when a cell copies its DNA in preparation for cell division.
From single - cell fertilized egg to baby to teenager to adult to old age to death is a single process of one individual, not a series of different individuals replacing each other.
In The Liberation of Life: From the Cell to the Community, one of the most creative encounters between science and the relational vision, John B. Cobb, Jr., a process theologian, and Charles Birch, an Australian biologist and quite a lay theologian of the process persuasion in his own right, develop an ecological, relational view of reality and the sciences.
The cells in my index finger are quite limited in terms of what they may achieve on their own, for their individual activity is restricted to processes of growth, oxygen exchange, homeostatic adjustment, and the like.
The second question has in fact two facets: (a) how does it arise in the development of the individual organism during the process of growth from the moment of fertilization of the egg; and (b) how does the egg itself come to get that way — that is to say, how can we conceive of evolution as having «designed» the cell?
If the process is so well understood that it leaves no room for doubt or for alternative explanations, then when was the last time the scientists were able to create artificial life, i.e. assemble a living cell out of a bunch of chemical elements?
To ensure survival of the cells, the blood vessels must be manufactured by the printing process.
From the point of view established in Process and Reality, if prehensions are attributed to organs and cells and molecules, then there are actual occasions at these successive levels.
We need no further evidence, in my view, to prove scientifically that the social in - folding which we are undergoing is nothing other than the direct and logical extension, over our heads, of the process of cosmic in - folding which gave birth to the first cell and the first thought on earth.
If life can evolve from a single cell to complex humans, why couldn't a similar process effect life outside of this dimension?
In order to supply the proper number of chromosomes to the offspring, each parent's reproductive cells undergo a remarkable process called meiosis, whereby cells from each parent are left with half the usual number of chromosomes.
If one proposes to take science even a little seriously, some «percipient events» must involve «external» electromagnetic and electrochemical occurrences that elicit coordinated processings in multitudes of interconnected and interacting «internal» cells.
Consider also his claim that «the right way to think» about a visual experience is that «photons reflected off objects attack the photoreceptor cells of the retina and this sets up a series of neuronal processes (the retina being part of the brain), which eventually result, if all goes well, in a visual experience that is a perception of the very object that originally reflected the photons» (MC 64).
Solve for us the question of the reasonableness of athiesm, where you get something (big bang) from nothing — there must be a first cause of everything; explain implications of the anthropic principle and the wildly unprobablistic likelihood that our universe could even form in such a fashion as to be capable of sustaining life (which has, interestingly, your athiest heavy hitters (i.e. Dawkins, Schwartz, etc.) necessarily positing multiple universe theories to get around the near probablistic impossibility of all conditions be present at time of big bang for life to be possible without acknowledgement of a divine designing hand guiding the process); explain The probablistic impossibility of non-irreducibly complex basic cells (life) coming together spontaneously (DNA, cell membrane, etc), even the most basic, simple forms of life allowing for reproduction, metabolism, etc...
If, on the other hand, we define evolution in the Darwinian sense — as a process of random mutation and natural selection by which all living beings have arisen by chance from single - celled organisms over 100's of millions of years — we may not be on equally firm ground from a scientific perspective.
«Cells have not selected against dynamic oscillations in their control circuits, but have made use of them to organize the staggering complexity of cellular dynamics into a well - ordered rhythmic sequence of biochemical processes.
Under Child's theory there is complete continuity from the reaction of the cell with its environment, which constitutes the primary metabolic gradient, and from the later reactions, by which the pattern of the developing embryo is laid down in accordance with the changing gradient pattern, to the intellectual processes by which the adult organism adjusts its relations to the outside world.
Since in the rest of the world besides ourselves processes of «taking account of» are going on, be it in electrons or atoms or cells, then it is logical to suppose that this subject - object relationship involves subjectivity for these other entities.
For most purposes, then, we are quite safe in regarding physiological processes as dominated by patterns of physical feeling, and in expecting that research will reveal the «machinery» of living cells to be more complex than we have yet imagined.
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