Sentences with phrase «of cell reproduction»

For people with insulin resistance, glucose absorption by the body's cells becomes a problem, compounded more so when a decline in HGH levels reduces the level of cell reproduction; this can have a drastic effect on insulin and glucose in the body.
They act like a «molecular clock» and become shorter with every cycle of cell reproduction.

Not exact matches

Benedict argued that non-conjugal reproduction such as in vitro fertilization had created «new problems» ¯ the freezing of human embryos, for instance, and the selective abortion of medically implanted embryos, together with pre-implantation diagnosis, embryonic stem - cell research, and attempts at human cloning.
@Rachel, Many Atheists are simply trying to counter-act the influence of Christians in their lives, such as science in science class, gay marriage, stem cell research, women's choices on reproduction.
Only whole cells may contain all the necessary machinery for self - reproduction... Not only is DNA incapable of making copies of itself, aided or unaided, but it is incapable of «making» anything else... The proteins of the cell are made from other proteins, and without that protein - forming machinery nothing can be made.»
Thus, at the lowest level, electrons tend to unite and converge in the atom; atoms converge by molecularization, crystallization; molecules unite by polymerization; cells unite by conjugation, reproduction, association; nerve ganglions concentrate and localize to form a brain by what might be called a process of cephalization; the higher animal groups form colonies, hives, herds, societies, etc.; man socializes and forms civilizations as foci of attraction and organization.
2) scientifically death is the result (natural death) of the imperfect reproduction of cells within our bodies causing organ failure over time.
This independence can be directly demonstrated by an analysis of the mechanism of cell division and combination in sexual reproduction.
Why do cells have «laws» of reproduction, development, growth and decay?
Solve for us the question of the reasonableness of athiesm, where you get something (big bang) from nothing — there must be a first cause of everything; explain implications of the anthropic principle and the wildly unprobablistic likelihood that our universe could even form in such a fashion as to be capable of sustaining life (which has, interestingly, your athiest heavy hitters (i.e. Dawkins, Schwartz, etc.) necessarily positing multiple universe theories to get around the near probablistic impossibility of all conditions be present at time of big bang for life to be possible without acknowledgement of a divine designing hand guiding the process); explain The probablistic impossibility of non-irreducibly complex basic cells (life) coming together spontaneously (DNA, cell membrane, etc), even the most basic, simple forms of life allowing for reproduction, metabolism, etc...
Asexual whiptails have a special trick for making spermless reproduction work: The egg cells in other animals first double their choromosomes once and then divide twice, leaving them as haploid cells, with half the normal number of genetic material.
The basics of sexual reproduction appear to be very simple: sperm plus egg cell equals embryo.
Conventional wisdom has it that genes vital to the life or reproduction of a cell are likely to be highly conserved, yet these crucial regions appear to be diverging rapidly.
The researchers believe the hammerhead shark reproduced by a type of asexual reproduction called automictic parthenogenesis, whereby an unfertilised egg is activated to behave as a normal fertilised egg by a small, nearly genetically identical cell known as the sister polar body.
«The loss of these marks puts the cell in tremendous danger, especially at critical times like reproduction,» says CSHL postdoctoral fellow Kate Creasey, Ph.D., lead author on the paper appearing in Nature.
Dying cells leak carbohydrates, amino acids and lipids, causing a frenzy of microbial feeding and reproduction.
But University of Wisconsin — Madison researchers reported in May that the virus has the ability to take over a cell's braking mechanism and cause uncontrolled reproduction.
Their method now allows researchers to create unlimited PGCs, which were previously difficult to obtain, and this regular supply of treasured cells has helped to drive the study of mammalian reproduction.
From tissue and cell samples from five glioblastoma patients, the scientists obtained 33 individual cancer cells capable of reproduction, which grew into very different tumors in the lab.
The frenzied reproduction of cancer cells is also a key part of their ability to evade our assaults, because it is essential to their capacity to evolve new solutions to the challenges that we throw up against them.
Mating, however, was a mystery — even whether choanos engaged in sexual reproduction — until her team discovered in 2013 that starvation could trigger mating, although only a small percentage of cells would mate.
For yeast, reproduction is life, so both methods measure a yeast cell's life span by the number of progeny it generates, rather than how long it remains metabolically active.
Unlike the offspring of asexual reproduction, the fertilized cells have hard cell walls that allow them to lie dormant on the bottom of ponds as they dry out for the summer.
Dr Saraswat explained that the impact of endometriosis — a relatively common condition in which cells from the lining of the uterus (endometrium) are found elsewhere in the pelvic area — is relatively unknown in pregnancy in general populations of women, with most studies performed in infertile women having assisted reproduction.
The result would not be a clone because of the way cells divide during sexual reproduction — the fertilised egg would not be genetically identical to the original iPS cells — but it would be something very strange and dangerous.
Researchers report today that they grew prostate glands — important for reproduction in male mammals — in mice using a single stem cell transplanted from the prostates of donor mice.
Embryos that develop from fruit fly eggs lacking the normal amount of Oskar protein are unable to form germ cellscells that allow reproduction — and so the resulting flies are sterile.
Not only do many of the ethical challenges posed by embryonic stem cells remain, but the relative ease and low cost of iPS techniques, combined with the accessibility of cells, accelerate the need to address futuristic - sounding possibilities such as creating gametes for reproduction.
Somatic cells reproduce by dividing — genetically mirroring themselves — but they can not contribute their specific genomes to the formation of new creatures through sexual reproduction.
The team also found that the flightless cormorants have an abnormally high number of genetic mutations affecting cilia — small, hair - like structures that protrude from cells and regulate everything from normal development to reproduction.
A low - threshold acti - vation of Fas, however, can trigger cell reproduction or an inflammatory response without cell death occurring.
They add: «One reason this may occur is that father's nutrition status may somehow influence the health, quality and function of their germ cells, which are involved in reproduction.
On laboratory dishes, these stem cells were found to be havens for viral reproduction, resulting in cell death and / or disruption of cell growth.
This research reveals a new type of cell fusion that is initiated to destroy a particular cell, and enlightens the evolution of sexual reproduction in flowering plants.
Sexual reproduction in flowering plants occurs by fertilization of the female gamete (a reproductive cell) by a male gamete.
Ultimately, their work could have medical implications, since a better understanding of cell division could lead to new cancer therapies to hinder tumor cells» reproduction.
Geneticists have identified an enzyme which regulates the production of sperm and egg cells in human reproduction.
Knowing how cells exert force and sense mechanical feedback in their microenvironment is crucial to understanding how they activate a wide range of cellular functions, such as cell reproduction, differentiation and adhesion — basic physiological processes that underlie embryo development, tumor metastasis, wound healing and many other aspects of human health and disease.
On the other hand, there's a lot of research now being done on the ability to take, I think, one out of eight cells from the very earliest stages of reproduction without harming the embryo.
One promising approach may be to develop drugs that stimulate the reproduction of AEC2 cells in the lungs of patients who lack enough of these cells, Noble said.
«A protein that first made sex possible — and is still used for sexual reproduction in many of Earth's organisms — is identical to the protein used by dengue and Zika viruses to enter human cells,» Snell said.
Because the egg - donor mother also supplies to each embryo a small number of mitochondria — tiny energy factories within cells that have some of their own genetic material — this approach even affords lesbian couples an approximation of sexual reproduction.
The protein acts as a nearly universal, biochemical «key» that enables two cell membranes to become one, resulting in the combination of genetic material — a necessary step for sexual reproduction.
«Sexual reproduction does not require males and females, all it requires is the fusion of sex cells from two different mating types.»
«You could heat individual cells and study whether surrounding cells slow down or speed up» their rate of reproduction, Maurer says.
He predicts that the small but potent research community of universities and biotech companies centered in St. Louis and Kansas City will benefit from passage of the amendment — which prevents lawmakers from barring work on embryonic stem cells while criminalizing cloning with the goal of reproduction — as will patients.
The scientists note that certain specialized types of cells in the liver could also have limited virus reproduction and put a damper on systemic inflammation and blood clotting problems in resistant mice.
Unisexual reproduction is a sexual cycle that can occur between genetically identical cells and, as we observed here, allows the introduction of limited de novo genetic diversity through meiosis.
In addition, as a previous study showed that the SXI2a homeodomain factor gene is sufficient to drive sexual development of haploid α cells [56], we introduced the SXI2a gene into strain XL280α to mimic a-α sexual reproduction, generating strain MN140.23 (Figure S13).
In addition, the parasexual cycle is induced between two a / a mating partners when mixed in ménage a trois matings with a limited number of α / α cells that serve as pheromone donors to trigger unisexual a-a reproduction [43].
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