Sentences with phrase «of cell towers»

I sat further south in front of the cell tower and caught left's for two hours straight.
Because flats are so rare, especially if you regularly replace tires that are getting worn, you're unlikely to be inconvenienced very often, and you're always going to be in range of a cell tower.
With partners in the Hudson Highlands, we preserved world - class views by preventing construction of a cell tower in Bear Mountain State Park and ensuring a new residential complex at the U.S. Military Academy will blend into the landscape.
In a decision released by the Baltimore Circuit Court, Judge Martin P. Welch wrote that the 35 - year - old was being granted a new trial because his initial council failed to properly cross-examine an expert from the state about the reliability of cell tower data that seemed to place him at the scene of the crime.
«With 90 percent of cell towers on the island out of service, people can't get in touch with their loved ones — and it's harder for rescue workers to coordinate relief efforts.
A study of levels of 7 hormones in people who lived within 500 meters of a cell tower showed 6 of the 7 hormones, including testosterone, T3, T4, estrogen, declined, prolactin increased.
In contrast, Kindle regularly reports back to Amazon what's being read, when it's being read, and, at least for Kindles with 3G, where it's being read (apparently based on the location of the cell towers).
When one understands the huge number of cell towers, NEXRAD, and such devices as SBX1 and the use of microwave energy to manipulate entire weather systems, satellites, and others nations doing same, it stands to reason the atmosphere and all life on earth is run through and through with a technology that is slowly killing life.
The plaintiff, an employee of an equipment contractor, was performing work in a concrete shelter at the base of a cell tower in Talladega, Alabama.
Stingrays work by tricking cell phones into pinging a signal off of them instead of a cell tower.
By modeling the typical behavior of each cell tower over time, SeaGlass can pick out aberrations that indicate the presence of cell - site simulators.
These aren't flying in the field yet, but Facebook has begun testing its Aquila drones that could eventually give people out of range of cell towers a connection so they can educate themselves, communicate... and eventually use Facebook more.
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