Sentences with phrase «of cervical cancer cases»

More than 80 percent of cervical cancer cases occur in developing nations where screening is low, according to the National Institutes of Health.
For example, Xiao explained, a considerable number of the cervical cancer cases start from lesions in the cervical canal, but the interior of cervical canal can not be directly observed with colposcopy.
She beat the disease and is now working with the Gynecologic Cancer Foundation to educate women about human papillomavirus (HPV)-- a group of viruses that cause the vast majority of cervical cancer cases — and the importance of regular Pap tests to screen for cervical cancer.
«Ninety to 95 percent of cervical cancer cases are HPV - related, and there are very few studies of this type of cancer in mice because HPV is a human virus,» Schwarz said.
Gardasil protects against two strains responsible for 70 percent of all cervical cancer cases and another two that cause noncancerous genital warts.
However, the introduction of a vaccine against HPV types 16 and 18, which together cause 70 % of cervical cancer cases, has been dogged by arguments.
More than 70 % of cervical cancer cases can be attributed to two types of the virus, HPV - 16 and HPV - 18, often referred to as high - risk HPV types.
Two types of HPV cause 70 percent of cervical cancer cases.
A growing number of Planned Parenthood affiliates nationwide offer the HPV vaccine, which protects women from the two most common forms of HPV, which cause 70 percent of cervical cancer cases.
All of these vaccines protect against HPV types 16 and 18 — the 2 types that cause 70 % of cervical cancer cases.
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