Sentences with phrase «of cheap labor»

But it seems to me that they were given away by American employers for the sake of cheap labor.
In fact, this is true not only of the global steel industry, but of most of the heavy manufacturing that has crossed the ocean in pursuit of cheap labor.
The majority of candidates don't last, and the two year revolving door of cheap labor keeps costs associated with salaries and benefits low.
One main reason for the push to extend the size of the market is so that corporations can take advantage of cheap labor in some countries as they produce for consumption in countries where wages are high.
In an interview about the trade sanctions that President Trump is throwing at China and at Corporate America - whose supply chains go through China in search of cheap labor and other cost savings - Ambassador Cui Tiankai defended the perennial innocence of China, as is to be expected, and trotted out the standard Chinese fig leafs and state - scripted rhetoric that confirmed in essence that Trump's decision is on the right track.
Slowing the stream of cheap labor from Mexico and other Latin American countries, coupled with raising new tariffs at the border, should have the effect of making consumer goods and services more expensive.
When I think of the myriad of insults that I have heard in the last ten years working to lift up the needs of the undocumented and to make changes in our broken immigration laws, I have been both shocked and appalled at the insults levied against these men, women and children who, yes have broken laws to be in this country, but, who have also been hired, used and often abused by employers and our economic system in need of cheap labor.
Postdocs hired at U.S. universities have become, for some time now, a new kind of cheap labor... who are most of the time only allowed to do those experiments that please their bosses, and, on the other hand, can not many times contribute to the creative scientific process.
Similarly, the U.S. enjoys the fruits of cheap labor with very little regulations without having to work in sweatshops themselves, and the trade between the two is generally seen as a net benefit for both.
Many European countries want to attract skilled immigrants - immigration of cheap labor is a highly contested political topic, but there mostly is a consensus that with the current demographic situation attracting highly educated workers is desirable.
On the one hand we have decoded human DNA, bringing within reach the possibility to prolong life indefinitely; on the other hand we have seen the transformation of industrial countries into leisure societies and the simultaneous exploitation of the Third World as a depot of cheap labor and manpower, where time is still a negotiable commodity.
Nikki Luna's Tiempos Muertos (2013) is an installation of a thousand diamonds cast from sugar that details the exploitation of cheap labor, while Adrian Ho's Fruits of Life (2013) registers its mournful concern for the Bornean forests that have fallen prey to palm - oil corporations.
If Jim Kunstler is right and the American suburban experiment is dead, then there will be lots of cheap labor about and prefab is pretty much dead too - it will never be competitive.
It is also that capitalogenic global warming (CGW) has done fundamental and irreversible damage to agricultural productivity — primarily through more pervasive and crippling global droughts, along with help from the development of herbicide - resistant and CGW - friendly «super weeds» and antibiotic - resistant livestock diseases — so that a return to cheap food, a requirement for a re-expansion of cheap labor, may be impossible.
Law clerks can be relatively low - cost labor, but don't let the promise of cheap labor blind you to the true costs of an intern.
Take Advantage of Cheap Labor Most college students could use a little extra money, and if your business requires additional staff you shouldn't have to look beyond the campus to find willing volunteers.
In addition, California has a growing base of low - tech firms due to the availability of cheap labor - largely immigrants from Latin America.
Like other product vendors, it does this by taking advantage of cheap labor costs in China and Brazil, and then selling its wares at enormous markups.
He wasn't like Ronald Reagan, who took on Communism; Nixon didn't try to CHANGE China, he saw it as a source of CHEAP LABOR and a market for his big business pals.
Williams said the federal government should crack down on companies that ship their operations overseas in search of cheaper labor.
So, at long last it appears that at least some young scientists are listening not to the traditional blandishments of an academic system in need of their cheap labor, but rather to an unmistakable economic signal urging them to improve their personal situations by seeking careers outside of academe.
«Postdocs hired at U.S. universities have become, for some time now, a new kind of cheap labor... who are most of the time only allowed to do those experiments that please their bosses, and, on the other hand, can not many times contribute to the creative scientific process,» he says.
Much organized opposition to NAFTA centered on the fear that the abolishment of trade barriers would spur U.S. firms to pack up and move to Mexico to take advantage of cheap labor.
It still has some of the cheapest labor in the world, he pointed out.
As did other Rust Belt states, however, it suffered a devastating decline beginning in the 1970s, when manufacturers moved to the U.S. South, Mexico and other foreign countries to take advantage of cheaper labor, lower taxes and fewer regulations.
But according to the christian bible, christ wouldn't take advantage of cheap labor to make a buck.
Opponents «contended that the industry's claim of a desperate labor shortage was invalid and was devised to hide the industry's real goal — to use the H - 1B program as a source of cheap labor
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