Sentences with phrase «of chia jam»

I'm laughing over here because I just made (4) kinds of chia jam — this couldn't have come at a better time!
So when I recently ran out of chia jam, I started adding this cranberry sauce to my peanut butter toast.
To make the parfait: Spread a generous layer of the chia jam at the bottom & sprinkle with half of the granola.
I made a batch of chia jam a few of weeks ago for my Mother's Day cheesecake bowl recipe, and since then I've been making it on -LSB-...]
Serve immediately with a generous dollop of the chia jam, nut butter and other toppings of your choice.
If you have any leftovers of the chia jam you can store it in an airtight container in the fridge for few days.
Oh and speaking of chocolate, these cookies would also be super delish filled with chocolate instead of the chia jam!
I make the magical vanilla blueberry version of her chia jam.
Using your thumb, make an imprint in the centre of each cookie and add 1/2 tsp of chia jam to each.
I've been swooning over jam filled thumbprint cookies on Pinterest for a while now but it wasn't until I discovered the joys of chia jam that I realised that I could make them a little healthier.
This is awesome news for me, because I generally have the latter two ingredients on hand, so when I've got some berries that are about to go, I can always whip up a jar of chia jam.
Simply spread almond butter or peanut butter (I prefer almond butter) on your choice of toast, and add generous scoops of chia jam on top.
So when I recently ran out of chia jam, I started adding this cranberry sauce to my peanut butter toast.
-LSB-...] of the Lemon Batter on the bottom; layer of chia jam; final layer of batter with a sprinkling of CHIA SEEDS!
I made a batch of chia jam a few of weeks ago for my Mother's Day cheesecake bowl recipe, and since then I've been making it on repeat!
This is kind of a jam and kind of a chia jam and I'm not actually sure how to name it cause it is essentially roasted plums with the smallest addition of coconut sugar, chia seeds and spices.
I'm laughing over here because I just made (4) kinds of chia jam — this couldn't have come at a better time!
Wow, four kinds of chia jam!
-LSB-...] of the Lemon Batter on the bottom; layer of chia jam; final layer of batter with a sprinkling of CHIA SEEDS!
So when I recently ran out of chia jam, I started adding this cranberry sauce to my peanut butter toast.
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