Sentences with phrase «of child loss»

The sad reality of child loss is that some relationships / marriages can and often do fall apart, but it doesn't mean that they always will.
There is no moving on or getting over the depth of child loss.
The emotional pain of longer - term miscarriages, and the untold numbers of mothers and fathers who keep silent about their hurt, make this form of child loss especially cruel.
If we can get this now, before we are the elderly woman longing for her years with children, while we aren't yet in the epicenter of child loss, suffering, or grief, we can give both ourselves and our children a very precious gift during these years we so closely share together.
It still doesn't feel real that my little one died, and often times during my pregnancy after loss journey, I still find myself so bitter and upset that I had to be one of the unlucky ones to go through the horrid pain of child loss.
While other books suggest a one - size - fits - all method for grief management or focus on understanding specific causes of child loss, Hope for Today, Promises for Tomorrow offers comfort for the reader, whatever her situation, by helping her focus on the light of the ultimate Promise, the hope of a Savior, Jesus Christ.
Additionally, the author touches the tears of other forms of child loss: stillbirth, missing children, and adult children who succumb to accident or illness.
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