Sentences with phrase «of childish»

And YES... stop all of the childish «taking doors off, turning off heat etc»....
Do you seriously think that I would let some anonymous dufus have his / her little bit of childish mocking fun without an appropriate comeback?
I refuse to stoop to the level of childish quarreling in the office she seems to like, so I'm trying to deal with it in a tactful, quiet, behind - the - scenes manner that defuses the power play and lets me — and my colleagues — get our work done without «drama queen dramatics.
With Here One I was able to make out the wetness of Childish Gambino's mouth (sorry) as he sings in «Zombies,» a detail I had never noticed in dozens of previous listens.
The WSJ's The Juggle blog reports that for just $ 19.95, employees can purchase this kit containing «a framed snapshot of a child (of an ethnicity and sex of your choosing) and a page of childish artwork, drawn by founder and advertising specialist Melissa Maher with her left hand.»
Just one more of the childish insults that comprise much of the verbal diarrhea with which you've been flooding this site for months.
Science is nothing more than an extension of childish curiosity into adult years.
Let us have no more of this childish ad - hominem nonsense: it is an intellectually inadequate as well as factually inaccurate contribution to the debate.
But the day before, he accused someone of childish namecalling:
isn't that kind of a childish response?
Do you still refuse to notice that cliamte science is so brittle that any move from the orthodox crisis claims is met with a hail of childish behavior by the AGW community?
I have worked in all sorts of areas of science, some really quite controversial, and I have never seen this sort of childish throwing of toys out of prams in any other context.
I myself have a good eye for writing style, and have got a lot of childish pleasure from successfully guessing the identity of various pseudonymous commenters and writers, but the amount of text in the fake document just wasn't enough to be sure.
It is a kind of childish nah - nah - nah - nah - nah comment crowing they were right all along.
Expertise which itself is in the service of childish hungers (e.g., our idiotic energy culture).
A pencil drawing of a childish Maya has her cheeks red with crayon, as if blushing.
However, like that of Childish and Thomson, Guru's art is worth consideration.
The exhibition continues upstairs with a survey of the artist's music and literary projects, including fifty of Childish's albums and a collection of poems and books written by the artist.
In an interview with The New Yorker, she revealed with pride that for years she refused to tell her parents if she had graduated with an actual architecture degree, partly out of childish rebelliousness and partly because she found the profession at the time to be hostile to creativity and didn't want to own up to being an official part of it.
In these 83 etchings they have both made additions to Goya's motifs and made their own freestanding etchings including contemporary symbols of violence, elements of childish humor and surrealist impulses.
Curator and artist Matthew Higgs is the director of White Columns in New York, where an exhibition of Childish's paintings is being mounted in parallel with the ICA show.
(laughter) You know, kind of childish.
Meaning is taken away from the great conceptual monologue of this fatherly figure; what remains is the nostalgia of a childish game of imagination in which one is allowed to conjure one's own meaning.
Neal Brown has written a critical study of Childish's working practice (Billy Childish: A Short Study)
The lower gallery features a group of Childish's recent paintings, which have an unusual command and power.
The youthful nature of Nara's figures conjures childish notions of the star, varying from from earning a gold star as a reward for good work in school to the optimism of childish bromides such as «shoot for the stars» and «wish upon a star.»
To mark the final week of the exhibition Billy Childish, Unknowable But Certain, the ICA's Lower Gallery will host an evening launch of Childish's most recent book Bombs, Buggery and Buddhism or Diaries of a Mock Human Being, Part the 1st.
The artist's vivid oil paintings offer fragmented fields of intense color applied frenetically, often leaving charcoal marks and the linen canvas exposed, further emphasizing the immediate and intuitive nature of Childish's work.
A sense of childish whimsy pervades these formative works, done when he was immersed in Zurich's bohemian counterculture
I've come to expect the gaming community to act like a lot of childish brats though.
In spite of its childish appearance and lack of difficulty options, Super Beat Sports is an entertaining rhythm game and satisfying return to form for Harmonix.
This menu system or hub is like an interactive world that is quite cleverly set out and even though it has an element of childish wonder to it, older gamers will get as much enjoyment as kids as they prep their games.
The initial rush of childish glee was slightly tempered by the caveat that only a large handful of first party titles would be available to play, which felt a little like your mum saying «you can any treat you like from the supermarket (Yay)(long pause)....
While Ratchet and Clank attempted to solve this dilemma by including surprisingly challenging mechanics alongside painfully childish jokes, Yooka - Laylee places simplistic and difficult tasks alongside each other, while also featuring an awkward mix of both childish and adult humour.
, it was just a bunch of childish and meaningless graphical and audio (literal) noise trying it's hardest to be irreverent and rebellious whilst simply succeeding in being repetitive and irrelevant!
what kind of childish logic is that?
The first noticeable differences to the career mode here is that your fancy virtual trailer is gone, replaced by a new menu system, and all the PR mcgubbins has been almost removed entirely — no longer must you pointlessly chat to the press or lament the fact that there's no option to either punch them in the face or call them some sort of childish name.
Back in 2010 when this game arrived, having fallen in love with Fallout 3, I was a day one purchaser with a look of childish glee in my eyes.
And that's okay, because what you're really here for is Deadpool and his unique brand of childish, irrational, sexist, crude humor.
-- The kind of childish design doesn't please everyone.
The news media sides with the big publishers in continuing to treat self - publishing as a kind of childish prank, precocious because it's sometimes outrageously successful.
That being said, I think it is silly and kind of childish to expect to write a book like Goon Squad, which is idiosyncratic, does not follow a lot of the narrative conventions we've come to expect from contemporary novels, is not straightforward — I think one can't do all that and expect to be loved by everyone.»
Just flounce off in a huff, and I'll have no choice but to file you away under «Internet loudmouth: may have a point, but is kind of a childish dick about».
It was easy to hear the snappy snares and synths of Childish Gambino's «3005,» but the song was low on bass and sounded canned at full volume.
But Tracey was unashamedly her mother's aspiration and avatar, her only joy, in those thrilling yellow bows, a frou - frou skirt of many ruffles and a crop top revealing inches of childish nut - brown belly, and as we pressed up against the pair of them in this bottleneck of mothers and daughters entering the church I watched with interest as Tracey's mother pushed the girl in front of herself - and in front of us - using her own body as a means of obstruction, the flesh on her arms swinging as she beat us back, until she arrived in Miss Isabel's dance class, a look of great pride and anxiety on her face, ready to place her precious cargo into the temporary care of others.
In their case, Emery and Russell have worked in special education in some way for most of their adult lives, but were tired of the childish content and juvenile layout of books for special needs students, specifically autistic and learning disabled students.
I'm glad Nissan got rid of their childish scoped orange speedo / tach.
A silly car name is one thing but a silly car brand name consigns all future model launches to the kind of childish sniggering they could do without.
CHICAGO — As education reform takes hold, we find ourselves traveling through another dimension — one not only of hysterics but also of childish behavior.
I hope that more mature policymakers recognize this sort of childish and incendiary rhetoric for what it is.
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