Sentences with phrase «of children living in poverty»

The data also showed the biggest drop in percent of children living in poverty in the last 5 years — since the height of the recession.
The percentage of children living in poverty fell slightly — from 19 percent to 18 percent — between 1984 and 1997.
Yet in smaller programs in rural and remote settings, it can change the lives of children living in poverty who would otherwise have little or no access to the arts.
The low level of children living in poverty, combined with the fact that more than half of the children regularly exercise, place this state in the top 10.
The report notes that the proportion of children living in poverty continues to rise in the state despite the economic recovery.
Less than a quarter of children live in poverty, and the state's tourism industry has maintained stable economic growth.
Formula grants are awarded to every participating state and jurisdiction on the basis of the number of children living in poverty under the age of 5 years in that state or jurisdiction.
We've got 56 percent of children living in poverty and we're talking about a guy who's talking about not doing something?
We also considered income distribution, the percentage of children living in poverty, median home values and the percentages of adults holding high school and bachelor degrees in these school districts.
This is partly due to the growing number of children living in poverty.
However, the data indicate that unacceptable levels of children living in poverty and in high - poverty neighborhoods persist.
However, the proportion of children living in poverty has not changed from last year, remaining at 30 %.
And as the share of children living in poverty grows — in 2013, the percentage of students qualified for free or reduced - price lunch reached 51 percent — the consequences could be immense.
The original purpose of Sure Start, launched by the previous Labour government in 1998, was to improve the life chances of children living in poverty by providing services that ameliorate the impact of poverty and encouraging parents into employment.
In poorer districts, the high concentration of children living in poverty means students come to school with added baggage - hunger, housing instability, exposure to crime and violence - that can affect how well they do in the classroom.
Nine children in every UK class of 30 pupils are living below the poverty line and two - thirds of children living in poverty have at least one working parent, the research suggests.
Message: From GoLocalProv by GoLocalProv News Team: Rhode Island had the highest number of children living in poverty at 21.5 % in 2013, according to new report released today by Kids Count.
There's - we have 20 percent and more of our children living in poverty, which is, frankly, in the modern world, is a disgrace.
They are also supporting the Family Giving Tree, a nonprofit that fulfills the holiday gift wishes of children living in poverty.
Between 2000 and 2014, the number of children living in poverty increased from 11.6 million to 15.5 million, or by a factor of 33 percent (U.S. Census Bureau, 2014 — source: Table 3).
Conceding that it was now unlikely New Labour's pledge to halve the number of children living in poverty by 2010 would be met, the financial secretary, Stephen Timms, said the state of the economy had forced the government to rethink how best to fulfil the longer term goal of eradicating child poverty in the UK by 2020.
What we do know is that after hitting a low of 14.9 percent in 1970, the percentage of children living in poverty hovered at somewhere between 19 and 22 percent through the 1980s and early 1990s.
Removing the eight «health barriers to learning» can make all the difference in the academic success of children living in poverty, writes Irwin Redlener.
The rules come in response to an investigation into the cost of a state education in Glasgow - where up to 50 per cent of children live in poverty.
Both countries have a significant portion of children living in poverty — roughly 17 percent in Australia and about 22 percent in America.
The percent of children living in poverty decreased from 9 percent in 2010 to 7 percent in 2011, moving Sussex from 9 to 6 place on this indicator.
Making Pre-K Count is the result of a partnership between MDRC and the Robin Hood Foundation whose goal is to build evidence about ways to improve the life trajectories of children living in poverty in New York City.
While higher parental education decreases the likelihood that a child will live in a low - income or poor household, nearly half of children living in poverty (48 percent) have a parent with at least some college education.
We also controlled for the following demographic characteristics of the students in each state: the share of children living in poverty, parental education, and the percentages of public school students who are African - American, Hispanic, or Asian - American.
Being fair to taxpayers is about recognising that the price of child poverty can be measured in the billions in government spending dealing with social failure and the harm done to the childhoods and life chances of children living in poverty.
In New Jersey, 16 percent of children lived in poverty in 2014 — a slight improvement over 2013, and more than one in four children live in families where no member of the household has full - time, year - round employment.
There are more single mothers in East Camden than 99.8 % of neighborhoods in America as well as a greater percentage of children living in poverty than 96 % of America.
Official figures show that more than two thirds of children living in poverty are now in working families.
About Blog 147 Million Orphans Foundation, through the hope and love of Jesus Christ, provides for the basic needs of children living in poverty.
Glasgow and Dundee are also the principal centres of urban blight with only two - thirds of the working age populations in employment, and the highest Scottish levels of children living in poverty, to which can be added high levels of ill health and of alcohol and drug abuse.
The proportion of children living in poverty has risen in a majority of the world's developed economies.
Poverty is also a factor, and the Children's Defense Fund reports that 45 percent of children living in poverty are obese.
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