Sentences with phrase «of class divide»

The movie finally does something with this futuristic world, though, by creating something of a class divide between those who have been infected by the Flare and those living in the city.
As an existential emblem it's substantial, but the film's static takes steadily decline from this level of suggestive, uncertain terms to more literal gestures of class divide and reunification.

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He said that many airlines have set up a sort of «caste system» for members, cramming passengers in together and dividing them into numerous tiers of travel classes.
In an analysis of the changing shape of the American middle class, Pew Research Center divided the population into three groups: Lower - income Americans made less than 2/3 of the median household income, middle - income households had incomes between 2/3 and 200 % of the median, and upper - income households had income more than twice the median income.
«Such a divide between the local police and immigrant groups will result in increased crime against immigrants and in the broader community, create a class of silent victims, and eliminate the potential for assistance from immigrants in solving crimes or preventing crime.»
«The divide between best in class and rest in class is widening,» says Geoff Linton, co-founder of Inbox Marketer, a Guelph, Ont., consulting firm.
Coach class is now divided into three separate classes, the lowest of which United Airlines and American Airlines rolled out broadly this year, joining rival Delta Air Lines.
Netflix's board is divided into three separate classes, so shareholders don't even get to vote for or against all the directors every year, just a selection of them.
The class is divided into five groups and each secretly assigned one of the vocal qualities.
Asset allocation The way an investment portfolio is divided among the broader asset classes of stocks, bonds, and short - term reserves.
The nine directors of each Reserve Bank are divided evenly by classification: Class A directors represent the member banks in the District; Class B directors and Class C directors represent the interests of the public.
These changes, Bloomberg argues, have further divided an already unequal society and decreased the number of middle class consumers.
Civil public dialogue goes to the heart of solidarity, the virtue that does not divide society into classes and groups but builds up the common good of all.
Bradford Wilcox, in his National Affairs essay «The Evolution of Divorce,» discusses social science data showing a class divide in the percentage of Americans marrying and divorcing.
Traditionally (since Leibniz) the realm of possibilities was divided into two classes.
The capitalist system has proved quite resourceful as well at dividing and pacifying the more oppressed sectors of the working class in its midst.
Cloistered in red or blue communities and steeped in tell - me - what - I - want - to - hear media coverage, both sides have duped themselves into believing that our current crisis stems from a failure of the political class — «the swamp» — rather than the tragedy of a divided nation.
We both wept that the church continues to be sharply divided by race and class, political party and wedge issues, and not united by the blood of Jesus.
As even this brief description of the debate indicates, the demand for reparations raises issues that can not be resolved entirely by courts or legislators — issues involving relationships and tensions between groups divided by ethnicity and class.
The problems of social class derive not from this classifying of men with the animals but from dividing the inclusive class of persons into subclasses.
«Executive,» «laborer,» «Catholic,» «Southern Baptist,» «Jew,» «Democrat,» «Republican,» «Socialist,» for example, are proper designations of occupational, religious, or political affiliation, but may under undemocratic pressures become class symbols which divide people into comprehensive separate groups for other than occupational, religious, or political purposes.
Esselmont says that the founder's utterances «like other divine manifestations, may be divided into two classes, in one of which he writes or speaks simply as a man who has been charged by God with a message to his fellows, while in the other class the words purport to be the direct utterance of God himself.»
What finally divides the men of today into two camps is not class but an attitude of mind — the spirit of movement.
But the construct is vulnerable due to its own contradictions: the disproportionate size of financial capital faced with the activities of production and services; pressure on labour income and the resultant crisis of under - consumption; the class divide, the bases of which cross borders.
But since instantaneous spaces are determinable only by what appears to actual observers (albeit perhaps in different families of durations — CN 177), these spaces taken together constitute all nature as it may be divided into alternate classes of durational experiences.
Well, it was hard, with continual grading of genuinely challenging assignments, and the curriculum was divided, as I recall, between old - time diagram - the - sentences grammar, an in - class debate tournament, the novel To Kill A Mockingbird, and poetry analysis, introduced through — you guessed it — rock song analysis!
Unless, that is, our essentially middle - class life style is challenged by the poverty and oppression which is the lot of most of humankind, and we confront the hard truth that the issue is not reform of the welfare system, no matter how much that is needed, but the end of a capitalist economic order which increasingly divides the world into those who have and those who have not.
Dividing a class into small groups for the sharing of ideas suggests that «it doesn't matter what you believe, just so you believe something.»
Precisely the issues on which Christians divide today are those that are part of the current class struggle and of the Kulturkampf that symbolizes it.
The Gentile nations are divided up into two classes of people — the sheep and the goats.
In pursuit of happiness, people's right should always be respected, especially right to «marriage» regardless of gender, classes... The republican party has and always will divide this country in the name of their flying angel.
Though class conflict and rural / urban divides are not one and the same (there are people of all classes in small towns and in cities), their overlap exposes profound class and cultural divisions in America.
Ours is a society sharply divided by lines of race and class, profoundly anxious about its future, and more fearful now of the threats posed by our neighbors at home than by any foreign enemy.
Learning to learn has become the primary focus of my classroom work, and this focus is expressed in such methods as dividing large classes into rotating discussion groups; assigning shorter, more frequent written work that can be rewritten; structuring group oral examination experiences; and stressing the application of what is learned to other disciplines and life situations.
The sign of Jonah may well be that barriers of race and class that close and divide so many other communities are broken down in this community of the Spirit.
In my case the disease was distinctly what would be classed as nervous, not organic; but from such opportunities as I have had of observing, I have come to the conclusion that the dividing line that has been drawn is an arbitrary one, the nerves controlling the internal activities and the nutrition of the body throughout; and I believe that the central nervous system, by starting and inhibiting local centres, can exercise a vast influence upon disease of any kind, if it can be brought to bear.
Just as society is divided by class struggle, so the church and its theology are divided between an ideological use of religion to sanctify the ruling class and a prophetic tradition that denounces this misuse of religion.
The fans would ping up the hairs on those boys necks, so much so that they would try run through brick walls, instead of being frightened at the obvious divide in class.
Although Giroud has divided opinion during his time in the Premier League, with the Frenchman developing a reputation for missing simple chances and going missing in the big games, he has also shown some moments of real quality and class, as well as netting 58 times in 134 appearances.
Stoking the fires of R v D is just a way to blind us from the real divide which is billionaires versus the middle class (spoiler alert: they are winning, bigly, think of it as the NFCCG and they are the Eagles and we are the Vikings).
Elneny in the same class as Cazorla?And you wonder why we have a divided fanbase?Its all about expectation levels.and anyone who seriously believes Elneney is the standard we should be setting are really settling for a club at the level of West Ham.FFS WE ARE ARSENAL
It will be interesting to see, 20 years down the road, what kind of affect this «sea change in American child rearing» will have on the class divide.
This type of parenting isn't practiced by all: American parenting styles are starkly divided by class.
While being a solo parent is challenging, this group of women is not the downtrodden cliché portrayed in the July 14th NYT article, «Two classes divided by «I do;» The reporter blasted single moms as an errant demographic, haggard and tired with no time.
I rarely make it to the actual classes which are divided according to age, as I almost always have all of them with me.
I suspect that the public are more critical of Thatcherism, or at least divided, whereas the political classes have embraced it by and large, albeit with rounded edges.
For a mass ideology, it asserts the unity of «Ummah» where persons across class, national, linguistic and gender divides can become a part.
«The schism between the progressive unions who founded the WFP and some of its member organization is unfortunate but in that divide the governor stands with the unions who have left the WFP and no longer feel it represents the interests of the middle - and working - class New Yorkers,» said a Cuomo rep.
This definition is somewhat limited because it refers only to «real» property private property, but differing social & economic models have different ways of dividing the classes of property.
[7] The theses have variously included postulations of selfishness (both through arguments of relative unwillingness to self - sacrifice for a political cause as well as selfishness along rural / urban and class divides, most notably the disinterest of middle class Africans to engage in political demonstration), nationalism (manifested through the fear of being called an imperialist), illiteracy and lack of access to technology, and forgetfulness of «Black Africa.»
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