Sentences with phrase «of classic monsters»

Will be interested to hear your take, Xerxexx... I enjoyed it a lot — it's not perfect, but it's worth seeing and overall I thought it was a very good film and a solid reboot of a classic monster movie.
Universal's latest reboot of its classic monsters involves Tom Cruise, Russell Crowe, and Russell Crowe's hilarious haircut facing a vengeful mummy, played by Sofia Boutella (Star Trek: Beyond.)
This week, Universal Pictures takes another stab at reinvigorating their stable of classic monsters with Dracula Untold.
It started with Universal, which spent decades creating and refining its roster of classic monsters.
He starred in a series of films in which he fought with a lot of classic monsters: «Santo vs. the Vampire Women», «Santo vs. the Zombies», «Santo vs. The King of Crime», «Santo in the Wax Museum», etc..
Craig and William are just about the only two people left who care about Rottmuckers Wax Museum and its collection of classic monsters.
Now, some 69 years later, Universal is back with a new reimagining of the classic monster movie.
Per Variety, «Levy wanted a big - budget version of the classic monster tale, according to sources close to the project, while Fox wants to keep costs on the project down.»
Jordan Vogt - Roberts directed this reboot of the classic monster franchise.
It's the return of the classic Monster Movie with another reboot of «Godzilla».
Now that the diarrhoea of Van Helsing has been forgotten, I'm kinda excited to see a whole new breed of the classic monsters.
Universal is determined to plug ahead with remakes of their classic monster movies even though the only one that's made it to the big screen, Dracula Untold, tanked and vanished.
I would recommend it to anyone who's a fan of classic monster vs robot movies à la Godzilla.
Since the expeditions aren't official hunting guild contracts, there's no traditional rewards on offer; but there are all sorts of relics and treasure to be found out in the woods, as well as a cast of classic monsters from previous games in the series.
It is pretty much the same situation for any of the classic monsters you'll encounter.
Monster Hunter 3 for the Nintendo Wii was a very good game that had all of the classic Monster Hunter gameplay fans have come to expect from the Capcom series.
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