Sentences with phrase «of climate activists»

Are you interested in taking part in one of our trainings and joining our army of climate activists around the globe?
, and that includes thousands of climate activists and people who, today, are facing and confronting the fossil fuel industry.
In the eyes of climate activists, that has become a major obstacle in the country's journey to cut emissions.
She has embraced many top priorities of climate activists — but they're still suspicious of her history and her connections to oil and gas.
Re the mindset of the «anti-energy crowd», here's an example of this from 2009 — a BBC interview with spokesman Bob Andrews of climate activist group Eastside Climate Action, in which he actually proposes shutting down coal - fired power stations even when there is nothing yet to replace them with.
A lot of the climate activists, people that care about this issue the most, are with us.»
The government responded to environmental activists demands in 2008, with the Climate Change Act — in fact, a number of climate activists authored it.
Instead, Exxon has said in court pleadings that the whole lawsuit is a «conspiracy» hatched at a June, 2012, meeting of climate activists in La Jolla, California («the La Jolla Playbook»).
Plaintiffs would go after easy targets and companies like Whitehaven Coal — which are already in the sights of climate activists — and other companies that resisted the need to change the way they do business to help slow man - made global warming or funded climate sceptics could be vulnerable.
They are intended only to haunt the imaginations of climate activists... To fill them with horror, rather than to face reality.
The favourable comparison of climate activists to the Suffragettes fails at the first inspection.
Earlier still, the scene in the front of the cinema had resembled a surrealist passion play as not one, but two sets of climate activist protestors turned up to ridicule the documentary.
The Boulder suit is simply the latest example of climate activists pushing public officials to attack the energy industry, whose economic impact in Colorado is measured in the tens of billions of dollars.
One day before the scheduled conclusion of the international climate talks in Warsaw, hundreds of climate activists — including Friends of the Earth — have walked out in protest at the lack of ambition at the talks, and in solidarity with people affected by climate change.
The sole source for that claim, reports The Sunday Times of London, was a magazine article written by a pair of climate activists, one of whom worked for the WWF.
Second â $» I have often felt that members of climate activist groups behave as though their emotions can only progress in one direction, toward the accumulation of more frustration and resentment both toward other volunteers and toward entire organizations.
Christiana Figueres, executive secretary of the UNFCCC, attempted to seek common ground with the coal industry delegates in Warsaw, initially drawing the ire of climate activists and the doubt of many gathered diplomats when she accepted an invitation to speak at the coal summit's opening session.
UNFCCC chief Christiana Figueres told a meeting of climate activists last week that while Obama's plan might not go far enough to keep pace with what climate science recommends, it was an important step nonetheless to prepare the path for the 2015 climate summit in Paris.
Even the New York Times took note of the bizarre 1991 creation of the climate activist Energy Foundation.
This news comes in the wake of climate activist Jo Abbess's demands that the text of an article relating to the recent decline in world temperatures by BBC journalist Roger Harrabin be altered to reflect not the scientific reality, but to emphasise the catastrophic narrative.
Even though this quote originated from a Dr. Seuss book, I think it accurately describes the spirit of climate activists around the world.
Trump's decision, and his inane rationale for it, is, in the end, what one can expect after decades of climate activists» supporting prioritizing symbolic action...
It's easy to get the mistaken impression that «Big Coal» is losing strength mainly from the well placed blows of climate activists, or by it's own dunder - headed moves - lame ads,
From the INSTITUTE OF ATMOSPHERIC PHYSICS, CHINESE ACADEMY OF SCIENCES and the «worse than we thought» mind of climate activist John Abraham comes this study, that frankly, isn't very believable, especially when you invoke the word «consensus» as part of your proof.
A coalition of climate activists have held a march in West Sussex to protest at test oil drilling in the area.
Mongabay: A number of climate activists have participated in the Occupy Wall Street movement.
It does: women's struggle is a big inspiration for people all over the world to stand for what is right and organize in their communities, and that includes thousands of climate activists and people who, today, are facing and confronting the fossil fuel industry.
«The problem we now have in the climate community is that some scientists are mixing up their scientific role with that of a climate activist,» he added.
Summary: Rising sea levels have become a core element — perhaps the core — of climate activists» warnings.
As well as the international contingent * of climate activists, there are around 140 Venezuelan activists and academics from over 70 groups, working on a diverse range of social and environmental issues, not just the niche «climate» issues.
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