Sentences with phrase «of climate disruption»

Third, not only are the adverse effects of climate disruption clearly evident today, they're also speeding up.
When asked to rank the importance of climate disruption on a scale from zero to 10, the average response was 7.9.
Temperature rises above 2 degrees C (*) will be very difficult for contemporary societies to cope with, and will increase the level of climate disruption through the rest of the century.
The importance of climate disruption, biodiversity, water - handling infrastructure, the soil microbiome and so on is little appreciated by decision makers in most nations.
The film features thought leaders and activists in the realms of science, economics and spirituality discussing how we can evolve and take action in the face of climate disruption.
L: There simply has to be an appropriate price for carbon that reflects its actual cost in terms of the climate disruption that it creates.
For now, when it comes to the clear and urgent dangers of climate disruption, it may be there simply hasn't been a green president yet.
Joining our live audience we're pleased to have four guests with varying views on nuclear power in the age of climate disruption.
The coming temperature change labeled «global warming» is simply a symptom of climate disruption.
Due to the time - urgent nature of climate disruption, immediate measures to conserve and clean up our energy use are orders of magnitude more valuable than delayed action.
Fourth, food production will also likely be reduced indirectly by the impacts of climate disruption on biodiversity.
Well, this is what the scientists are saying: if we are to avoid the worst consequences of climate disruption, we should leave two - thirds of the world's remaining fossil fuels in the ground.
During the last two years, the GCC has tried to undermine the broad scientific consensus that climate change is a legitimate threat, has spent large sums of money on public relations that has confused the public while directly lobbying governments to ignore the threat of climate disruption.
Denial strategies aim primarily at suppressing anxiety associated with predictions of climate disruption by not allowing the facts to be accepted into the conscious mind.
Gov. Jerry Brown: «This is a horror» - «We're going to have widespread disruption, more conflicts, more terrorism, more insecurity because of climate disruption.
While Congress members like Fred Upton (Republican, Michigan) yowl about the EPA's efforts to regulate carbon emissions as «an unconstitutional power grab» and attach the term «job - killing» to every piece of environmental legislation with a political pulse, national security officials have been offering dire warnings about the perils of climate disruption and its offshoots like food shortage, water depletion and massive migration.
For example, a 2006 study, led by British economist Lord Nicholas Stern, concluded that the cost of achieving a 2 °C target would be about 1 percent of global GDP, five times less than the costs of the climate disruption experienced if we fail to act.
Despite its advanced knowledge of the climate disruption fueled in large part by oil, gas and coal pollution, ExxonMobil turned its back on crafting responsible solutions and instead funded a sophisticated campaign to sow doubt and delay action to curb carbon emissions — honing the tobacco industry's playbook with even more advanced public relations, advertising and lobbying muscle.
In May 2013, the CO2 concentration briefly hit 400 ppm, a grim new milestone on the path of climate disruption.
Here's some recommended reading from yesterday's Washington Post on the overwhelming implications of climate disruption for city officials in Virginia Beach — where some fear the encroaching sea will wipe out the iconic beach in a mere 50 years.
Trump's decision to ignore scientific facts of climate disruption and the high risks of climate - change impacts is irresponsible not only towards his own people but to all people and life on this planet.
Winter storms, and soggy summers, may be the new future of England all during the long period of climate disruption.
Join us as we consider the scale of climate disruption from the hyperlocal to the hyperobject.
To get an idea of the irregularity of climate disruption, compare drought in Bolivia.
Temperature rises above 2Â °C will be very difficult for contemporary societies to cope with, and will increase the level of climate disruption through the rest of the century.
On the negative side, both events added to an emphasis on sea - level rise among those who understand that humanity is changing the climate, to the neglect of the much more serious challenges of climate disruption to agriculture.
Trenberth provided us with the useful response that there is an element of climate disruption due to global warming (to be precise, the accumulation of heat - trapping greenhouse gases, which I believe needs to be stated more often, though it runs counter to my request for simplicity) in all weather now.
• Reduces the risk of climate disruption by lowering carbon emissions to a level, and at a pace, recommended by the global scientific community;
«When you layer on top of that the urgency of climate disruption, we are going to have work to do.
There are legions of critiques of the climate disruption chapter of Superfreakonomics on the Web.
But just because both men are smart doesn't mean that either has any credible expertise in the field of climate disruption — Myhrvold is the former chief technology officer for Microsoft, not a climate modeling expert.
The problem is that Myhrvold dismisses the GHG - emission cutting goals of climate disruption activists so vehemently that it's hard to take seriously his claim that he just wants more research and development.
So climate modelers have an incentive to tweak their models as much as scientifically justified in order to generate something new, publishable, and in opposition to the prevailing scientific understanding of climate disruption.
«In the end Koch «s retro - Marxism, Beck «s utopian internationalism and Giddens «s climate third way can not come to grips with the planetary scale and millennial lifetime of climate disruption.
Impacts of Climate Disruption Already Being Felt and «pose significant social, economic, and environmental risks to the United States»
These failures of climate science will tend to correspond to missed mechanisms of climate disruption.
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