Sentences with phrase «of coffee enemas»

Many alternative cancer treatments make liberal use of the coffee enema to detoxify and cleanse the colon.
For many people, doing a series of coffee enemas over a month period of time can reset their system and help them overcome constipation for good.
I have composed descriptions of our work on oesophageal cancer, learned of the dangers of coffee enemas, and highlighted the importance of eating your greens.
Anyone, but especially a patient coping with a chronic degenerative disease or an acute illness can achieve the following benefits from the lowering of blood serum toxin levels achieved by regular administration of coffee enemas:
Several months ago I read a book written by Suzanne Sommers titled «TOX - SICK and learned about the benefits of coffee enemas.
She says this about the use of bulletproof coffee as an enema, «The therapeutic point of the coffee enema is to increase the production of glutathione, not oil up the liver or the sigmoid colon.
The subject of coffee enemas often elicits groans and eye - rolls, but it is so worth getting over the yuck - factor, and making them a part of your self - care.
So I'm back to the prospect of coffee enemas and a protocol of apple cider vinegar, Epsom salt water, and olive oil and grapefruit juice.
When the GPT level became normal in February 2008, the number of coffee enema was decreased to twice a day, before breakfast and supper, however, the same amount of juice was still taken.
I also suggest a series of coffee enemas about a month after surgery (even years after if it's been that long) to flush all the bile ducts including those of the liver.
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