Sentences with phrase «of competitive sports»

It was mild trash talk, but in the world of competitive sports trash talking is normal.
When most people his age are graduating from university and just beginning their careers, he already understands what it takes to balance the demand of a competitive sport with the demands of work.
I hope your younger readers realize the negative physical effects of competitive sports.
The objective of competitive sports is to win as a team, whereas the objective of intensive exercise is to maintain your health and fitness.
18 years of competitive sports plus my flat feet have added up to some negative results on my knees.
Even after forty years, the debate regarding the role of competitive sports continues within our society.
The term «excellence» is thrown around a lot in the world of competitive sports.
In its own investigation, entitled Going the extra mile, Excellence in competitive school sport, chief inspector Sir Michael Wilshaw concluded that «the real value of competitive sport in schools is the positive effect it has on education».
«Competitiveness» was rated by the number of competitive sports engaged in over the previous year, including varsity or junior varsity sports and other extracurricular programs.
The basics The Nintendo Wii comes with Wii Sports, through which you can play a variety of competitive sports such as boxing, tennis, golf, baseball and bowling by yourself or with a gaming buddy.
My apologies for the spelling mistake; however having played a number of competitive sports for 35 of my 65 years and supported many sports, including Arsenal FC for 55 years, I have always tended to keep an eye on those above my teams rather than behind.
Its fine to lose... its part of competitive sport... But the fashion in which these Arsene Wenger teams lose is ridiculous, and the bad part is that it has become a norm... weak visionless players you cant believe made it to become professionals, yet the same players use to play the biggest stadiums in the world on fire.....
If your tween has backed off of competitive sports, consider offering non-competitive alternatives.
Due to the nature of competitive sports at the high school level, there is an elevated risk of infectious diseases being spread by skin - to - skin contact and contaminated equipment shared by athletes.
«The Tories always try to pursue this line of the destruction of competitive sport.
There were jeers from the Labour benches when Conservative MP Karl McCartney said that the lack of competitive sport in schools was due to the last Labour government's attitude, which did not provide a winning mentality.
The rigid rules and rituals of competitive sport can alienate some children which can discourage participation and physical activity in adult life.
Engaging the disengaged is a key priority for ukactive Kids, and the organisation is committed to the notion that there are numerous fun and accessible activities that lie outside the realms of competitive sport and PE lessons that can serve to bring the joy of physical activity to the most disengaged children.
Covering a wide range of competitive sports, their games are often lauded for their ability to present the spoils of professional competition in an effortless and enjoyable manner.
Smashbox Arena offers the future of competitive sports in the form of a team shooter utilizing dodgeball rules with a toony twist.
Sports Champions will let you and your friends physically engage in an array of competitive sporting activities as you go head to head in six events.
As with other films of Jankowski's, such as Casting Jesus of 2011, the live, performative elements of Heavy Weight History have been documented in the style of scripted reality television, or specifically in this case as a convincing piece of outside broadcast coverage of a competitive sport, with a well - known Polish commentator on hand to describe the action.
Michael Chang, a Taiwanese - American who was once the second ranked tennis player in the world, said Lin will need to keep a balance in his life that can be hard in the world of competitive sports.
In addition, non-competitive sports give tweens the chance to rest their growing bodies from the demands of some competitive sports.
Although they were originally bred as working dogs and are now a popular breed of dog for keeping as pets, Dachshunds also participate in a variety of competitive sports.
Don't be surprised if you little on ends up on the debate team or thrives in the world of competitive sports — this is their element and they are happy competing with others.
Some blame the mass introduction of HGH, IGF - 1, insulin and other hormones in the world of competitive sports, which more often than not led to their chronic abuse, fueled by the «more is better» way of thinking.
The bottom line, is in today's world of competitive sports it'll take more than just talent to make it to the top.
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