Sentences with phrase «of complex life»

Self - assembly and self - repair are defining attributes of complex life.
The index doesn't represent an absolute statistical prediction of whether complex life could be present on a planet; rather, it can be used to estimate the relative likelihood of life having evolved there, based on the conditions that we know are compatible with the evolution of complex life forms on a planet, and assuming that no further information is available.
Overall, the data produced by the researchers supports the idea that the evolution of complex life on other worlds is relatively rare across our galaxy, but still extremely large in terms of absolute numbers.
It allowed Earth to have the climate and conditions it's had — one that has promoted the development of complex life forms,» Dr Hemingway said.
Members of the Summons Lab represented Foundations of Complex Life in force again at this year's Cambridge Science Festival.
And that this enabled the expansion of complex life in oceans, and paved the way for our own evolution,» says Dr Ernest Chi Fru of Stockholm University, who has led the research group.
Many existing treatments for malaria - one of the deadliest infectious diseases - target only one stage of the complex life cycle of the Plasmodium parasite that causes the disease, and are further limited by the emergence of drug resistance in particular strains.
THE rise of complex life on Earth may have been given a boost by a spike in the levels phosphate, best known now as a plant fertiliser.
One Plus One Equals One: Symbiosis and the Evolution of Complex Life By John Archibald.
Scientists have long thought of the Cambrian Explosion 541 million years ago as the flowering of complex life on Earth.
«In the article we argue that when we first see the appearance of complex life on Earth, is when life have developed mechanisms to resist catastrophic chemical changes forced by global glaciations.
We seek insight into the early evolution and preservation of complex life by refining our ability to identify evidence of environmental and biological change in the the late Mesoproterozoic to Neoproterozoic eras.
An exciting new paper from Foundations of Complex Life team members, recently published in Current Biology, offers a novel explanation for why organisms first evolved large size in the Ediacaran Period, 579 — 565 million years ago.
Two diddly - squats are still diddly - squat, and so most people continue to live in denial and cause the imminent extinction of all complex life on earth.
Mentality is not the novel capacity of a complex living society which is absent in its constituent occasions.
The very laws of physics, let alone the evolution of complex living creatures, are built upon the basis of natural order, of pre-definition of one form of life to another.
Of course most stars are found in galaxies, so there could be a million instances of complex life in the Milky Way, separated by an average of only 300 light years.
The problem is we have no idea what the true occurrence of genuinely habitable planets is, or the likelihood of complex life, or how often it might become recognisably intelligent and then survive long enough to be noticed.
This radical solution to conflict between parental care and the annual molt provides «a nice illustration of the complex lives that migratory songbirds lead,» says Ron Mumme, the study's author and Professor of Biology at Allegheny College in northwestern Pennsylvania.
Though little is known about Loki, scientists hope that it will help to resolve one of biology's biggest mysteries: how life transformed from simple single - celled organisms to the menagerie of complex life known as eukaryotes — a category that includes everything from yeast to azaleas to elephants.
Engulfing another organism and turning it into an organelle has been important in the history of complex life.
Clearly, evolutionary time - scales on a brown dwarf planet could be much different from those on Earth, but the paper notes that a habitability duration of less than 0.1 billion years would present real issues about the viability of complex life.
Foundations of Complex Life principal investigator Roger Summons joined the PIs of the other NAI Teams, including the new teams selected during the CAN7 competition, for an in - person meeting hosted by the USC team in Los Angeles last week.
The Vital Question: Energy, Evolution, and the Origins of Complex Life, Nick Lane (Norton; OverDrive Sample).
Fossils in these cliffs give evidence of a third of the time of complex life on Earth.
For Huey, portraiture is much more than a singular depiction of one being; it is comprised of complex lived truths affected by landscape, architecture, circumstantial histories and interpersonal relationships.
For a detailed description of the complex life cycle of Symbion pandora, see General Description; for a whimsical but informative account, check out the CreatureCast podcast on this topic.
Scientists know that eventually, these RNA chains must have become longer and longer, setting the stage for the evolution of complex life forms like amoebas, worms, and eventually humans.
A spacecraft has uncovered in lunar soil some traces of Earth's ancient atmosphere that were key to the development of complex life
«Ocean toxicity hampered the rapid evolution of complex life
During the 200 million years of the Cryogenian period, the Earth was plunged into some of the deepest cold it has ever experienced — and the emergence of complex life may have caused it.
«It links volcanism and trace elements in seawater to changing populations in the biosphere,» he says, «which in turn led to changes in the earth's atmosphere that made the rise of complex life - forms possible.»
The scientists reasoned that this so - called clay mineral factory might have produced the sharp rise in oxygen availability that preceded the flowering of complex life forms.
A similar low and high arsenic content accompanied the coming and going of global glaciations at around 0.7 billion years ago, which is when Earth first saw the appearance of complex life.
How did the first animals appeared on Earth and paved the way for the existence of complex life and humans?
4 By applying insights from studying the foundations and preservation of complex life on Earth to missions on Mars (members of our team are actively involved in mission planning for both the Curiosity and Opportunity rovers, as well as conducting laboratory experiments on Earth to enable interpretation of the data returned from Mars);
A paper published this week in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Science by MIT professor of geophysics Daniel Rothman and other members of the Foundations of Complex Life team suggests the P / T extinction resulted from methane - producing archaea called Methanosarcina suddenly blooming in the oceans.
At least three of the five major mass extinctions of complex life on Earth were probably due to aerosols.
The Ettema - Lab aims to trace the identity of these «microbial ancestors» of complex life on our planet using novel, revolutionary technology, in order to gain substantial insights in how complex life originated.
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