Sentences with phrase «of computational biology»

His present research focuses on several important aspects of computational biology.
«Although the potential for any data privacy concerns from purely microbial DNA is very low, it's important for researchers to know that such issues are theoretically possible,» said senior author Curtis Huttenhower, associate professor of computational biology and bioinformatics at Harvard Chan School.
At a 29 March briefing announcing the initiative in Washington, D.C., Collins told Science Careers, «If I were a senior or first - year graduate student interested in biology, I would migrate as fast as I could into the field of computational biology.
A collection that aims to increase the coverage of computational biology topics on Wikipedia by rewarding authors with a citable, PubMed - indexed static version of the living document on Wikipedia.
The recent explosion of next generation sequencing (NGS) data has caught Europe unprepared and led to a critical shortage of computational biology expertise.
Before he moved to UCSD, he was the Director of the computational biology group at the National Center for Supercomputing Applications.
To help clarify this gray area in clinical practice, Ding and her colleagues Jeffrey Parvin, MD, PhD, professor and director of the division of computational biology and bioinformatics at The Ohio State University, and Feng Chen, PhD, associate professor of medicine at Washington University, investigated 68 germline non-truncation mutations of unknown significance in the BRCA1 gene.
Indeed, one of the most important overall results of computational biology may be the realization that biological systems are so complex that there are almost always significant exceptions to any rule - based algorithmic explanation of «isolated» biological phenomena.
The Bioinformatics Shared Resource also strives to educate members of the community in different aspects of computational biology by providing regular workshops and seminars.
The MDI Biological Laboratory has announced that Sam Beck, Ph.D., has joined the faculty as an assistant professor of computational biology.
«If I were a senior or first - year graduate student interested in biology, I would migrate as fast as I could into the field of computational biology
Dr. Shmulevich is a co-editor or co-author of six books in the areas of computational biology.
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