Sentences with phrase «of computer use»

Those with very high levels of computer use were twice as likely to complain of muscle pain.
The second aim of the study was to examine whether frequency of computer use with a friend was related to higher online, mixed and offline friendship quality.
Studies about the influence of computer use on friendship quality are mainly limited to socially anxious adolescents.
After an hour of computer use, temperatures rise by nearly six degrees.
It isn't likely that technology is going away anytime soon so I wanted to find ways to mitigate the problems and reduce the risks of computer use.
The backup file will be buried in a system area of the computer used to create the backup, but with a little assistance it can be located.
Most employers don't mind some or a small amount of computer use for personal business at work.
All classrooms have five computers and teachers are required to keep a log of their computer use.
The decision is easiest if you sit at one of the extremes of computer use — that is, if you're either very demanding of your devices or very gentle.
As the majority of computers use three pin plugs it is unable to be used to power laptops or any other device that have a 3 pin power plug.
Now is not the time to find out that the company considers storing your thesis on the hard drive a violation of their computer use policy.
In addition, many students are entering their teacher education programs with increased levels of computer use and with the expectation of the use and integration of computer technology by their instructors.
Table 4 displays the correlations among ICT - engagement factors and the frequency of computer use.
High achieving school systems such as South Korea and Shanghai in China have lower levels of computer use in school
Computers can become infected with malware that transmits your passwords to hackers, so it's important to minimize the risks by running frequent antivirus scans and limiting the types of computer use that may increase your exposure to malware.
Even specific online reading skills do not benefit from high levels of computer use at school.»
This is a unique new service that allows people to send direct messages to other members quickly and easily using your mobile phones, which helps you connect with any person instantly instead of sitting in front of a computer using a website!
Although an enormous literature explores the effects of computer use in schools, the role of home computers
The Justice Department said Wednesday that the three men — Paras Jha, Josiah White, and Dalton Norman — created what's known as a botnet, a collection of computers used to covertly carry out commands without the knowledge of their owners.
A global network of computers uses blockchain technology to jointly manage the database that records Bitcoin transactions.
The Tuareg rebellion resulted in the destruction of computers used to monitor the swarms of invading desert locusts emanating from neighbouring Algeria and Libya.
For example, although quantum computation has power far superior to the capacity of computers used at present, quantum states are fragile and lose coherence easily.
One thing that can be said for the movie is that something exciting is constantly unfolding on the screen, amplified by beautifully animated scenery that fully realizes the potential of computer use in traditional animation (courtesy of the «deep canvas process» that was cultivated for this film).
The Regents last year appointed the 15 - member panel to prepare recommendations for bringing state influence to bear on what is now the rapid but scattered growth of computer use in classrooms.
He processes more than 3,500 messages a week from teachers and students who go to the site seeking assistance in a wide variety of facets of computer use.
These six additional categories included grade level taught, hours of online chatting per day, hours of computer use per day, gender, and number of hours of personal SEGs played per day.
Also, any expense for which you claim a deduction elsewhere on your tax return — such as the cost of a computer used in your business, if you are self - employed and complete Schedule C — can't also be claimed as an education expense.
Hyatt Hotels announced the results of its investigation into a security breach of its computers used for processing payments at its hotels and resorts.
By contrast, in the commercial sector, the ubiquity of air - conditioning (cooling), coupled with the increasing intensity of computer use in offices, has resulted in a 13.7 % growth in GHG emissions since 1990.
In both Park and Desgagne, it was held the threshold of relevance had not been met to order production of records of the frequency and duration of computer use.
Control of the computer used to sign often depends only on a password, and passwords are notoriously breakable.
Chrome OS has been a success for Google, as because of the low price of the computers using the operating system and its relative ease to manage, Chromebooks have been increasing their presence in corporate and educational settings.
With multiple jobs focused on technology and customer service, I have a broad knowledge of computer use
He argued that, «it is required that a certificate be produced to certify the type of computer used, how and where it was produced, the serial number, and the brand.
Criticism of the actions stems in part from the firm's reliance on tracking technology developed by a Swiss company, Logistep, that is used to record the individual IP addresses of computers used in file transfers.
I'm sure we will continue to find out more about all of these risks of computer use, especially of electromagnetic radiation, but these are the steps I personally take to minimize risk.
which helps you connect with any person instantly instead of sitting in front of a computer using a website!
KJ: Few studies have been done on the effects of computer use on a child's physical well - being.
Questions in the area of computer use might be what they look for on the Internet, what social networking sites they use, or with whom they chat or e-mail.
In order to investigate the impact of specific individual characteristics (gender, age, frequency of computer use) on the «ICT engagement» factors extracted above (F1, F2, F3 and F4), an estimation of correlation coefficients was conducted (see Table 4).
For example, Marcinkiewicz (1993) examined the degree to which various personal characteristics of teachers predict the level of their computer uses in the classroom.
Both of these computers use superconducting qubits built using techniques from the conventional computer chip industry.
Among the variables, including age, gender, years of computer experience, perceived relevance of computers to teaching, locus of control, perceived competence, and innovativeness, two variables — self competence in the use of computers and willingness to change to adopt innovations — were most closely related to teachers» levels of computer use.
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