Sentences with phrase «of congressional candidates»

A slew of Congressional candidates dipped into their own wallets over the past week to fund one final push in their campaigns.
Labor Kicks Off Massive Door - to - Door Campaign On Behalf of Congressional Candidate Mike McMahon Saturday September 27, 2008 at 12:00 pm
Labor Movement to Kick Off Massive Door - to - Door Campaign on Behalf of Congressional Candidate Mike McMahon Friday September 26, 2008 at 11:00 am
To obtain the data for the analysis, Investigative Post used information from 353 television contracts placed through last Tuesday on behalf of Congressional candidates in the district last year and this year.
CQ's Daniel Newhauser picked up on a good story late last week — Minnesota Governor and presumed 2012 Republican presidential candidate Tim Pawlenty has «crowdsourced» his backing, allowing his supporters to vote to decide which of the congressional candidates he's endorsed should receive the bulk of his support.
Every year, scores of congressional candidates visit the CQ Roll Call offices to meet with reporters and Contributing Editor Stuart Rothenberg.
Note: Every year, scores of congressional candidates visit the CQ Roll Call offices to meet with reporters and Contributing Writer Stuart Rothenberg.
Congressman Peter King — a Republican — is serving his 14th term in the U.S. House of Representatives — last re-elected with 62.1 % of the vote ---- the highest margin of any Congressional candidate on Long Island.
Their campaign contended that due to the surprising number of congressional candidates who were kicked off the Independence Party line this cycle — including a number of incumbents from across the state — the judge should reconsider the Board of Election's initial ruling.
Ignore the fact that this ad, produced by the South Dakota GOP in support of Congressional candidate Kristi Noem, constantly veers into self - parody.
«There's been a steep decline in the public's faith in government, and the willingness of Congressional candidates to sign this pledge would show an understanding of the need to take real steps to bring reform and restore public faith in government,» Koch said in a press release.
This is water under the bridge, but I wonder what Gardiner Democratic committeewoman Barbara Sides was thinking when she challenged over 90 percent of congressional candidate Erin Collier's nominating petitions.
In these eight to 12 states, the double punch of the well - funded presidential campaigns and wealthy super PACs could overwhelm the resources of Congressional candidates and the national party committees that support them, and swamp their ability to push their messages on TV.
It also marks a 12 - point drop from a Washington Post / ABC News poll last fall when the former Alaska governor traveled the country on behalf of a string of congressional candidates.
Arriving late to the fore last week, the soon - to - be-ubiquitous tandem of congressional candidate Zephyr Teachout and Ulster County Executive Mike Hein got their two cents in.
The new part of the district is being lavished with attention, and from the perspective of a congressional candidate, it's easy to see why.
Twenty early birds huddled on the porch of the Mescal Hornbeck Community Center, site of a congressional candidate forum.
In an unconventional political year, John Shaban is positioning himself as a different type of congressional candidate, a «tree - hugging, pro gun control, pro-choice Republican,» he jests.
Ms. Meng was late, by four months, in filing financial disclosure forms required of Congressional candidates.
The Examiner (Chicago) has an excellent update on the status of the Illinois Green Party's lawsuit for Ballot Access on behalf of Congressional Candidate Laurel Lambert Schmidt and others.
On March 24th the Queens County Executive committee informed Katherine there would be a meeting to discuss endorsements of congressional candidates.
But the cast of congressional candidates usually offers some upstarts — people with an unusual background, a unique curriculum vitae or an unconventional motivation that gives them a shot at Congress.
In the 2011 - 2012 election cycle, more than half of the Congressional candidates supported by Walmart and the Walton family received a 100 % Dirty Energy Money score from Oil Change International.
As presidential candidates make the high - visibility pilgrimage to the «Googleplex» in Mountain View, contributions from Google employees quietly help boost the campaigns of congressional candidates.
CQ's Daniel Newhauser picked up on a good story late last week — Minnesota Governor and presumed 2012 Republican presidential candidate Tim Pawlenty has «crowdsourced» his backing, allowing his supporters to vote to decide which of the congressional candidates he's...
Congressman Peter King — a Republican — is serving his twelfth term in the U.S. House of Representatives — last re-elected with 68.5 % of the vote ---- the highest margin of any Congressional candidate on Long Island.
Brett O'Donnell, a GOP communications consultant who advised Mitt Romney in 2012 and a number of congressional candidates this year, including Sens. Cory Gardner of Colorado and Thom Tillis of North Carolina, said that he doesn't advise candidates «to deny that the climate's not changing.»
ALBANY, NY (09/27/2008)(readMedia)-- Today, 130 union members took part in a massive door - to - door «Labor Walk» campaign on behalf of Congressional Candidate Mike McMahon.
Rep. Elise Stefanik (R - Willsboro) soundly defeated her opponents, earning a decisive 63 percent of the vote — the highest of any congressional candidate in the state.
Federal law allows leeway for money from a party's «federal account» — which is regulated by the FEC and intended to promote election of federal candidates for Congress — to be spent on «federal election activity» such as «get - out - the - vote» activities on behalf of congressional candidates that also could benefit a candidate for state office.
All of the congressional candidates must file disclosure reports on their latest fundraising activity by April 15.
Incumbent Brooks reported having nearly $ 1.5 million in cash on hand, more than any of congressional candidate.
All of the Congressional candidates said they will seek the Democratic nomination in a primary, English said.
Federal law leaves room for money from a party's «federal account» — which is regulated by the FEC and intended to promote election of federal candidates for Congress — to be spent on «federal election activity» such as «get - out - the - vote» activities on behalf of congressional candidates, which also could benefit a candidate for state office such as Malloy.
The leadership of the Reform Party of New Jersey has announced that two of their Congressional candidates have achieved spots on the November ballot.
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