Sentences with phrase «of conservation biology»

The proposed rule will also be peer - reviewed by academia in the field of conservation biology.
There is a third perspective: This is an example of the day - to - day reality of conservation biology trying to find ways of people and wildlife living together.
This was the essential insight of conservation biology, a new scientific field launched with the determination to identify threats to ecosystems and to design the methods to deal with them.
People who work in the field of conservation biology are quite desperate....
Rob Baldwin, associate professor of conservation biology and geographical information systems at Clemson University, and Paul Leonard, a postdoctoral scholar, have long studied this issue.
In A Sand County Almanac (1949), Aldo Leopold, the founder of conservation biology, described passenger pigeons as «a biological storm... Yearly the feathered tempest roared up, down, and across the continent, sucking up the laden fruits of forest and prairie, burning them in a travelling blast of life.»
«Given to an individual who has been a leader in translating principles of conservation biology into real - world conservation.
With equal comfort, Winter can explain the ecological features of the 1000 acres he oversees in terms of either old Hawaiian myths and stories or the scientific grammar of conservation biology.
Controversial or not, the unflinching message of conservation biology is that rewilding is not only a scientific necessity but also an ethical responsibility.
According to a study published in Biological Conservation, an international peer - reviewed journal in the discipline of conservation biology, personality traits may play a large part in the mating behaviors of the giant panda — and breeding successes or failures may depend on whether a bear's disposition is complementary to that of its prospective mate.
Following core tenets of conservation biology, the authors examined landscape indicators of the suitability of each protected area to retain biodiversity in the face of climate change, either in isolation or in potential partnership with nearby protected and non-protected lands.
As the new science of conservation biology came into its own in the 1980s and»90s, focus shifted away from concern about the fate of individual species and toward the general health of whole ecosystems.
The field of conservation biology identifies four objectives that must be achieved to ensure the longterm viability of an ecosystem: 1) all native ecosystem types must be represented in protected areas; 2) populations of all native species must be maintained in natural patterns of abundance and distribution; 3) ecological processes such as hydrological processes must be maintained; and 4) the resilience to short - term and long - term environmental change must be maintained.
Founder of Conservation Evidence and professor of conservation biology, University of Cambridge
In A Sand County Almanac (1949), Aldo Leopold, the founder of conservation biology, described passenger pigeons as «a biological storm... Yearly the feathered tempest roared up, down, and across the continent, sucking up the laden fruits of forest and prairie, burning them in a travelling blast of life.»
Ever since I was a kid learning about the reintroduction of wolves as a keystone species I have made it my goal to work my way into the field of conservation biology.
It's an excellent — and all too rare — opportunity to hear a broad range of perspectives, with speakers from the fields of conservation biology, wildlife rehabilitation, veterinary medicine, municipal animal services, animal law, and more.
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