Sentences with phrase «of consistent training»

Most dogs need about 6 months to a year of consistent training before they become good companions.
It's an important investment to your health that will pay off within a few weeks of consistent training.
-- It doesn't stimulate maximum growth because of lack of consistent training of any muscle.
To get all the benefits of it, combine it with other core exercises as a part of a consistent training regimen.
You shouldn't expect any drastic differences in muscle size before 6 - 8 months of consistent training.
A few days of consistent training now will be a blessing when it's rainy, cold, or you're in a hurry.
With the proper amount of consistent training and know - how, any dog owner can teach his dog to get off people, and stop jumping.
It's not easy to get a dog that is programmed to dig to stop but with a bit of consistent training and modifications, we have been successful in this adventure.
You should see results and progress within 12 weeks of consistent training and eating better.
If you have a solid 1 - 2 years of consistent training under your belt, have added considerable mass and strength to your overall frame and still notice that your arms aren't growing in proportion to everything else, THEN a specialized approach can make sense.
Behavioral problems can be rectified easily through a mechanism of consistent training followed by positive reinforcement.
Because animals respond well to this sort of consistent training, they are capable of understanding what is expected of them, what is deemed «good» behavior, and which behaviors are unacceptable.
The behavior problems dogs face often stem from a lack of consistent training on the owners» part.
One benefit of consistent training and strong facility - level leadership is that operators can make frontline decisions.
It takes weeks, months and even years of consistent training to build up a truly impressive set of arms, and you need to be patient and take things one step at a time.
The difference from week to week will be minor, but when you extrapolate it over months and years of consistent training, you'll be amazed by the gains you're able to make.
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