Sentences with phrase «of content in the game»

Second, the amount of content in the game doesn't really justify the price point.
There is a major lack of content in this game which can't be ignored.
There's already lots of content in the game — and with the final release we've added even more.
There is a ton of content in this game that goes well beyond what is required to roll the credits.
The game offers not only the very fun multiplayer options, but also a similar single player experience provides plenty of content in the game across the few different game modes.
You can't swing a dead cat without hitting a new piece of content in this game, although why you'd want to I don't know (companion app idea?).
With easily over a hundred hours of content in the game, a huge open - world is welcomed.
[14] The high difficulty of the game was implemented to extend playing sessions due to the lack of content in games at the time.
The other inevitable issue is likely that there's not a great deal of content in the game.
In fact, this concept was very set through the course of development but it is rather the volume of content in the game that exploded over time.
Each level can take between a minute and half an hour to figure out and there's a healthy 16 - 20 hours worth of content in this game.
There's plenty of content in this game so quite impressed when I got my hands on it.
Though it may look short and boring after the first playthrough, there's an impressive amount of content in the game for those who give it a try.
The amount of content in this game along with the varying degree of gameplay makes this one of the best Mario games I've played in a while.
Fortunately, the developers added in - game achievements for each mission, obtained by solving puzzles with unusual solutions and completing the missions under a strict time limit, and there is a decently in - depth developer commentary track to listen to, but even after completing every bit of content in the game I found myself wanting more.
In the same way that all of Geometry Wars» (or Asteroids, for that matter) replay is about score (e.g. technically there is only about 10 - minutes of content in that game), HOARD is the same way.
People who complain about lack of content in games need to look no further than Dariusburst Chronicle Saviours.
«To get to those sorts of numbers we need a broader base of content in our game and we also need to have a much broader accessibility scale.
It's a shame, as it is one of the better PlayStation VR games to be released if it had increased the amount of content in the game as well as add more variety to the gameplay.
Then there's the back of the case, a celebratory mosaic of character portraits that does a great job of showcasing the wealth of content in the game..
So, for the thorough gamer, there is certainly a lot of content in this game.
According to Firor, with a ton of content in the game and the console versions on the way, the time was just right.
It is designed as a free - to - play title where players can commit time or money towards their play experience, and every piece of content in the game is accessible without having to spend a dime.»
With exceptional gameplay nailed, Rayman Legends continues to knock it out of the park with the sheer amount of content in the game.
I had a lot of fun playing Pirates vs. Ninjas Dodgeball, but I was extremely disappointed with the lack of content in this game.
Some of the content in the game does require some grinding though and it can become tedious, but you can certainly get past this.
Tri was a great game, but is out of date and has nowhere near the amount of content in this game.
I wish I could share more now, but between the partial embargo and the fact that there's a ridiculous amount of content in the game that I haven even scratched yet, it's just not possible.
As I always do, let's talk about the amount of content in this game.
There's definitely a lot of content in this game and given the local and online multiplayer aspect, it's definitely going to be a fun one to race against your friends for the best scores.
The second act of the game, called Old Arkovia, brings the total amount of content in the game to over 20 hours and adds a new gameplay region.
That being said, the amount of content in this game, despite it only having one person working on it is impressive.
The amount of content in the game would justify the $ 49.99 cost if the fluidity was not so terrible.
Sea of Thieves has come under a lot of fire since its release for a lack of content in the game.
It's not long before you've exhausted the few available maps on the cart, and if you've ever played those Mercenaries modes before, you'll be familiar with virtually all of the content in this game.
Overall on the Nintendo Switch Attack on Titan 2 packs value with the amount of content in the game.
Overall, on the Nintendo Switch, Attack on Titan 2 packs value with the amount of content in game.
Since launch, almost every facet of the game has been tweaked and modified to ensure a smooth UI throughout, even with the amount of content in the game.
However, many are questioning the lack of content in the game.
A lot of the content in the game will be impossible to complete on your own and you'll surely run across hundreds of thousands of players in your time with the game.
Standard sections highlighting likes and dislikes concerning the game are joined by a wealth of questions surrounding DLC practices, the amount of content in the game, character preference, story, and what gamers would and would not like to see out of a potential sequel.
What assurance is there that companies have fully disclosed all of the content in their game or app, and what happens if they don't?
«Based on the vast amount of content in the game, there's also a lot of depth.
If anything, they built upon what made Battle Tactics so compelling and distilled that down further as well - as adding a huge amount of content in the game's backend.
update that immensely increases the amount of content in the game.
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