Sentences with phrase «of contextual information»

The researchers conducted three studies to find out the effect of contextual information on the confidence and accuracy of affective communication via e-mail.
Job seekers sometimes have difficulty recognizing the importance of that contextual information.
While the correlations tell us the degree of agreement of effectiveness estimates, they do not provide the kind of contextual information that individual teachers likely care about.
Neate - Evans criticised a lack of contextual information when looking at attainment across different schools.
The coolest part of this one is its X-Ray feature (check out some video of it here), which gives you a bunch of contextual information about the book you're reading.
For those individuals subject to retrieval methods that left them bereft of contextual information or material culture, you may question what value to important scientific study might they be?
«It's very difficult to specifically identify the neural representations of contextual information,» Manning says.
The workflow relies on the availability of contextual information and is built using a combination of dimensionality reduction, clustering and outlier detection techniques.
The smaller N400 effect found in the ASD group suggests that they make less use of contextual information, which makes it harder for them to grasp the meaning of words.
Well aware of the newspaper's reluctance to criticize teacher unions, Holden provides a bucketful of contextual information thought to be important to understand the documentary.
Resources to support the teaching or revision of contextual information of An Inspector Calls Resources include: -1912 v1945 - suffragettes - Titanic - Welfare state - Trade unions - deadly sins Opportunities provided to carousel information for students to recap their understanding.
On observed changes in the cryosphere, delegates discussed: the inclusion of peripheral glaciers in ice sheet melting; the amount of contextual information in the text; metrics; and the need for different time periods for observing the atmosphere and cryosphere.
A common feature across all categorieswas a neglect of contextual information, such as relevant literature or other evidence at variance with their conclusions.
Other capabilities include Bixby Vision, in which you point the S8's camera at something and Bixby uses image recognition to look up all sorts of contextual information about that item, including where you can buy it.
It is not just the lovely clothes the Northups wear, but a lack of contextual information that might guide the unwary about how slavery operated in the America of 1841: the battle between slave and free states; freedom roads heading north; kidnappers like Northup's assailants heading south with «runaways», real or not.
Education reporters, even at elite newspapers, rarely provide solid background information about school spending, the kind of contextual information that a much smaller audience gets from articles by scholars such as William Howell, Martin West, Paul Peterson, Rick Hanushek, and others.
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