Sentences with phrase «of corporate funds»

It should be remembered that work performed by in - house counsel is a corporate asset, paid for out of corporate funds.
Yesterday a number of corporate funded charter school advocacy groups joined Governor Dannel Malloy in support of his plan to dramatically increase charter school funding while making historic cuts to funding for public schools.
In both Rea and Tersigni, the conduct complained of related to the alleged misuse of corporate funds by directors of the company for their personal benefit, and the actions were commenced by aggrieved shareholders.
Like a Super PAC, a 501 (c)(4) can raise unlimited money, but it does not have to disclose its donors, which, unsurprisingly, has resulted in much greater amounts of corporate funds being funneled to these groups first, then to Super PACs.
The number of corporate funded education reform and charter school front groups in Connecticut is popping up faster than the buds appear during a warm spring week and these groups seem virtually incapable of adhering to Connecticut's ethics and lobbying laws.
ALEC raises much of its corporate funding from the fossil fuel industry, which in turn utilizes ALEC as a key - though far from the only - vehicle to ram through its legislative agenda through in the states.
«The problem is not the fact of corporate funding per se, but funding from sources... who are not interested in the truth of the matter, but are interesting in sustaining a phony debate — and the fact that that fact is hidden from view (for obvious reasons)!»
Shareholders are also taking notice of issues related to socioeconomic and political equity, access and opportunity — such as public disclosure of corporate funding for political action committees (PACs), campaigns and lobbyists.
In the U.S. 80 percent of corporate funding is from corporate bonds, but high - yield bonds are a small sub-set, making up around 10 percent of the sector.
The Connecticut School Finance Project, an off - shoot of the corporate funded charter school lobby group Connecticut Council on Education Reform (CCER) recently proposed legislation that would undermine Connecticut's special education funding system.
But the $ 20,000 donation from Bloomberg is only the tip of a much bigger iceberg and Residents for a Better Bridgeport is only one of a series of corporate funded political groups spending hundreds of thousands of dollars to make sure Bridgeport's parents and other voters don't get a direct role in selecting who sets education policy in Bridgeport.
Given these new rules, I think it's very possible, and quite likely, that business travelers will start to abuse the use of their corporate funds in order to earn more miles because of these new rules.
A breakdown of corporate funding to the Heartland Institute is also available from Forcast the Facts.
ALEC is an industry - funded non-profit, founded in 1973, that works to advance the interests of its corporate funders at the state - level.
Note: Some corporate charters preclude their spending of corporate funds to support candidates.
Defended an individual involved in conspiracy to commit wire fraud and wire fraud involving misuse of corporate funds and secured a downward departure and obtained non-jail sentence.
both the Hartford Courant and the CT Mirror took note of the massive amount of corporate funds that are pouring into the charter school lobbying effort.
Policymakers and journalists have made much of corporate funding for efforts to kill clean energy.
Representation of minority shareholders in home healthcare franchising companies in various state court litigation involving breach of fiduciary duty, breach of a shareholders» agreement, fraud and other tort claims, including successfully prosecuting charges for violation of court orders freezing millions of corporate funds, resulting in a civil contempt judgment that included a jail sentence.
«Although the loan, gifts, and other transactions between the Linigers and Adam Contos did not involve use of any corporate funds, the Special Committee concluded that these transactions created an actual or apparent conflict of interest,» says Dick Covey, the company's lead independent director.
What Gingrich apparently didn't realise, but certainly will once he hears from some of his corporate funders, is that such views put him in league with crusading lawyer Ralph Nader, a man who's made a living saying very nasty things about the free enterprise system.
People keep asking how much Soon got from each of his corporate funders year by year, and why some places it says $ 1.2 million total and others $ 1.5 M... The total funding since 2001 that we...
Regularly represents majority and minority owners in closely held business disputes, including claims of freeze - out, misuse of corporate funds and mismanagement, and disputes regarding shareholder / limited liability company agreements.
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