Sentences with phrase «of corporate interests»

Mine prices fell faster than the metal due to lack of corporate interest in deals.
It was a stark, depressing demonstration of the power of corporate interests versus children's health.
This case is yet another example of corporate interests using their power and influence to launch a political attack on working people and rig the rules of the economy in their own favor.
The dominance of corporate interests in international affairs can be shown in many ways.
The development of open standards has helped an alliance of corporate interests to grow the value of the overall data «pie» in order to grow the value of their market segment.
Perhaps more worryingly, it's yet another indication of the strong influence of corporate interests on government.
And if it seems like there's an awful lot of corporate interest involved in a Green School contest, there is — and that's not a bad thing.
This synergistic expression of the corporate interests of Marvel Studios and the Walt Disney Company — which now include 19 feature films and much else besides — has come to be less a creative or commercial undertaking than an immutable fact of life, like sex or the weather or capitalism itself.
But in other cases, he's shown a willingness to break with Republicans and push a policy that aims to slow the pace of economic change, even over the objections of corporate interests.
Calling the latest jobs report decent, Gross says Trumps cajoling companies on factories reminded him of Mussolini exerting government control of corporate interests.
For example, one proposal involves eliminating the deductibility of corporate interest payments.
but they resonate to his criticism of the greed and excessive influence in politics of corporate interests.
Accordingly, IBFAN is particularly supportive of the Save the Children call on the UN for a monitoring body independent of corporate interests:
«The only way we can withstand this barrage of corporate interest attacks is with your support.
One study — on the abuse of «housekeeping accounts» — did question political spending by the health care workers union 1199 SEIU, a close ally of Citizen Action, along with that of a number of corporate interests.
(This week's deal between GE and Shenhua on clean coal suggests that there's plenty of corporate interest in such collaborations.)
Those in favour of labelling argue that the public has the right to know what is in their food, citing food - safety concerns and a general mistrust of corporate interests in agriculture.
A driver of this effort was the wiring of schools and the workplace demands of corporate interests, perhaps best represented by the Partnership for 21st - Century Skills (2014).
It is rumored that shortly the beautiful minds behind the Wisconsin Way initiative, will finally roll out their plan, one that will have been already largely crafted in the minds of its corporate interests from the get go when they first held their state - wide forums a couple of years ago.
America is well on its way to becoming a nation of corporate interests, by corporate interests and for corporate interests.»
In a column on The Times Op - Ed page, four scientists from a team of specialists independently assessing the volume of oil gushing from BP's destroyed seabed well provide more evidence that the company can not be trusted to put the public interest ahead of its corporate interests as this disaster continues to unfold.
The bigger problems of fossil fuel use are continuing and a long term effort to replace that is beset with all kinds of problems that are a combination of corporate interests, mindset, and science, coupled with the will to get it together.
And a vocal minority of corporate interests and their ideological allies are spending a lot of money to hijack the public debate about climate change.
Governments must start creating an atmosphere of winning at these climate negotiations, stop listening to a narrow group of corporate interests, and start with a big win — agreeing to phase down HFCs under the Montreal Protocol.
In the early 20th century, the US military intervened directly in several countries in support of corporate interests.
Bernhardt's confirmation was opposed by some senators because his work on behalf of corporate interests contradicts Interior Department regulations to promote clean air and water.
Despite electing a president who pledged to end «the tyranny of oil» and to break the stranglehold of corporate interests, we're seeing CO2 emissions rise to potentially catastrophic levels; we're seeing corporations usurp ever more power from individuals; and we are left seemingly helpless against a vastly powerful media machine that actively spreads disinformation and ignorance and calls it truth.
Contract disputes, breach of contract, tortuous interference, usurpation of corporate interest, partnership disputes, breach of fiduciary duty, and breach of oil and gas lease disputes, and other matters needing litigation come up all too frequently.
This was done to protect the Internet from the inept and ham - handed meddling of governmental bodies and the grasp of corporate interests guided only by the light of the bottom line.
The episode was just one in a series of dangerous encounters showing how driven Ouch is to help 830,000 poor people who have been forcibly evicted from their land in Cambodia in favor of corporate interests.
From the start, the CCSS was developed with the support and influence of corporate interests.
Although there is a lot of corporate interest in blockchain applications, Poet believes that open - source communities are the future of blockchain innovation.
«Make no mistake about it, this case is an attempt to shift the balance away from workers and in the favor of corporate interests,» said Heins.
If our failure to cut emissions is a result of the power of corporate interests, the fetish for economic growth and the comfortable conservatism of a consumer society, then resorting to climate engineering allows us to avoid facing up to social dysfunction, at least for as long as it works.
Some of these corporate interests would have been well - suited to being in the USSR.
A recent study co-authored by conservative Court of Appeals Judge Richard Posner confirms something that has been obvious to Supreme Court watchers for years — the Roberts Court places a huge thumb on the scale in favor of corporate interests.
Sadly however these are proving insufficient to stem the influence both of corporate interests and government - as - business in the making of law and policy.
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