Sentences with phrase «of corporate reform»

His words are even more relevant today with the near total domination of the corporate reform mentality.
«They work in service of a corporate reform agenda that rids communities of veteran teachers, privatizes public schools, and forces a corporatized, data - driven culture upon unique low - income communities with unique dynamics and unique challenges.»
Armed with our fact sheets and other information, our members helped beat back the forces of corporate reform in states from North Carolina to the state of Washington.
It represents the kinds of corporate reform that Ravit refers to as «insanity.»
First, I assembled documentation from the website of the U.S. Department of Education to demonstrate that the central narrative of the corporate reform crowd is wrong.
It is the repudiation of a host of corporate reforms that include the Common Core, high - stakes testing, school closings and the evaluation of teachers by test scores.
you will be rewarded with one of her best critical summaries of corporate reform propaganda.
What's even creepier than the plan itself is the way the rich backers of corporate reform and school privatization have collaborated in dumping millions of dollars into their propaganda war.
«As a huge advocate of social and emotional learning, Raymond is much more thoughtful and a big - picture kind of guy in ways that run counter to the tenets of the corporate reform movement,» such as merit pay, said Carl Cohn, a member of the State Board of Education, director of the Urban Leadership Program in the School of Educational Studies at Claremont Graduate University and retired superintendent of Long Beach Unified.
Current events bear this out; after the excesses of corporate reform reached their apex in 12 years of Bloomberg, the pendulum has begun, slowly, to return to center.
With presumably some very smart, well - educated, talented, and experienced professionals at respective teacher education sites, how is it possible that they capitulated to be the samples for the petri dish that will only work to enculturate the continuation of corporate reform, which will predictably lead to what Hofstra University Professor, Alan Singer, calls the «McDonaldization of Teacher Education ``?
I have a newsflash for Stand for Children, Michelle Rhee's StudentsFirst, DFER and the rest of the corporate reform crowd — you can't buy this kind of support (try as you might).
Negotiators on the platform committee met this past weekend in Orlando (you can watch here, starting at the 31st minute) and changed an earlier draft of the K - 12 education plank (one of five education sections) that had drawn criticism from activists who wanted the Democrats to take a stand against some of the key elements of corporate reform, including on charter schools and test - based accountability.
With SFC inspiring many of its members to run for school board seats, and the funding it gives through its PAC, I worry we will lose a truly democratic discussion and action on education weighted in favor of corporate reforms.
Both test - based accountability for schools, a failed model, and test - based accountability for teachers a la VAM, an unproven one, are the brainchildren of the corporate reform movement.
Colorado, a state that recently received high praise from Bill and Melinda Gates for its implementation of corporate reforms, had reading scores that were flat and math scores that significantly dropped.
«The idea of laying off all the teachers and privatizing as many public schools as possible seems to be part of the corporate reform agenda to transform public education into a free market entrepreneurial activity,» Ravitch said.
«Our film was not the first nor the only thing to clue people in to the dangers of the corporate reform movement, but «The Inconvenient Truth Behind Waiting for Superman» has proven to be an important piece of the ever - growing pushback and effort to preserve public education.»
Together these strategies use the testing regime that is the main engine of corporate reform to extend the narrow standardization of curricula and scripted classroom practice that we've seen under No Child Left Behind, and to drill down even further into the fabric of schooling to transform the teaching profession and create a less experienced, less secure, less stable and less expensive professional staff.
The protests come only a few months after the latest round of corporate reforms to Chilean education were brought there by former Chicago schools «Chief Executive Officer» Paul G. Vallas.
Betsy DeVos is the face of corporate reform, displaying in stark, unlovely form the processes that have been eating away at public education since the beginning of this century.
She donated it to the Network for Public Education to fight the failed ideas of corporate reform, which prevail in her state.
Malloy's willingness to engage in some of the most outwardly heinous aspects of the corporate reform movement such as teacher bashing were only outdone by his actions which have positioned him as one of the most aggressive pro-corporate education reform Governor's in the country.
A nexus of a lot of corporate reform activity and collaboration is National School Choice Week (NSCW).
It represents the kind of corporate reform that Ravitch refers to as «insanity.»
Mr. Pryor is very informative on the agenda of corporate reform.
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